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Redmine is web-based project management software written in Ruby. It includes integrated wiki, forum, document management, calendar, and other features.

By default, Redmine uses Textile markup.



How to

  • Admin:
    • Restart Redmine (without rebooting): sudo touch /usr/share/redmine/tmp/restart.txt ([1][2])
  • HowTo configure Apache to run Redmine
    • assumes you have access to mod_ruby
    • seems to be assuming you want to run it through WEBrick (makes Apache listen to port 3000) -- why?
  • 2008-03-14 deleting users - maybe there's a better way by now?
  • How to move wiki pages to another project's wiki
  • Subpages: unlike with MediaWiki, the Redmine wiki database explicitly supports parent-child relationships between pages. To attach a subpage to its parent page, "Rename" the page and then select the desired parent page from the dropdown box. (This is described here also.) The page name does not actually change (unless you actually change it), so the "Redirect existing links" checkbox is irrelevant.
  • edit an issue (as opposed to adding an update entry) -- assuming your role has the necessary permission, there is supposed to be "more" link next to the "Change properties" header. If you click on that, it will let you edit the original issue description. However, this doesn't seem to work in Redmine 2.x. What still does work is if you go to the issue list, hover over the line for the issue you want to edit (anywhere that isn't a link) -- the mouse cursor changes a bit to add a sort of box/stack shape on its lower right -- and then right-click. You will get a custom Redmine menu. Clicking "Edit" lets you edit the original issue description.
  • Phusion Passenger seems to be a thing that Redmine uses


