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Lower (more commonly referred to as "bottom") surgery for male-to-female (MtF) transition can refer to vaginoplasty, orchiectomy, penectomy, and/or labiaplasty. (Yes, there needs to be more explanation of these...) Vaginoplasty, with or without labiaplasty, is often referred to as SRS (sex reassignment surgery), GRS (genital reconstruction surgery / gender reassignment surgery), or GCS (gender confirmation surgery) -- although some of these terms may also be used to refer to other types of gender-transition surgery as well.


General Information






Questions to Ask

(Where possible, get answers from web site first; perhaps confirm with surgeon.)

  • Do you have a fixed price for the procedure? If not, can you estimate the likely cost?
  • How long is your wait-list, at present, for a surgery appointment?
  • How soon could I get an appointment for an initial consultation?
  • When did you first start doing vaginoplasty?
  • Approximately how many vaginoplasties have you performed?
  • Have any of your vaginoplasty patients reported unexpected issues?
  • Do you prefer to do vaginoplasty in a single operation, or labia and clitoral hood separately?
  • Can you put me in touch with transwomen whose surgeries you performed (or point me at what they've written about their experiences)?