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Call Chains


public function CaptureShippingPage(array $arStat) {
	//echo 'GOT TO CaptureShippingPage()<br>';
	//$oCDMgr = $this->FieldsManager();
	$oCDMgr = $this;
	$oCD_Buyer = $oCDMgr->GetBuyerObject();
	$oCD_Recip = $oCDMgr->GetRecipObject();
	//$arStat = $this->GetFormObject()->Receive($_POST);
	$oFormStat = $this->GetFormObject()->Receive($_POST);

	// 2019-04-13 TODO these probably need to pass $oFormStat instead
	$oCD_Buyer->CaptureContact($arStat);	// email/phone
	$oCD_Recip->CaptureShipping($arStat);	// shipping address / instructions

	// calculate resulting blob
	//echo 'BLOB AFTER FETCH: '.$oCDMgr->RenderBlob();
	//echo 'UPDATING BUYER -> BLOB<br>';
	//echo 'UPDATING RECIP -> BLOB<br>';
	//echo 'STORING BLOB<br>';
	//echo 'SHIPPING VALUES:'.fcArray::Render($this->Values());
	//echo 'SHIPPING UPDATE ARRAY:'.fcArray::Render($this->UpdateArray());
	$rcCart = $this->GetCartRecord();
	//echo 'SHIPPING SAVE SQL: ['.$this->sqlExec.']<br>';