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  • Prerequisites: Linux, PHP 7.4+, MySQL-workalike, Apache.
  • You'll need to have <$USER>'s account set up with an ssh key that can access GitLab. At least, I think that's the requirement. It might be more GitLab-project-specific.

This page will eventually need to include a lot more information, but for now the basic setup procedure is:

  • Clone the VbzCart Git repository at git@gitlab.com:woozalia/VbzCart.git into a folder of your choice, which we'll call <vbz-base>.
  • Copy the <vbz-base>/config folder to a location outside of <vbz-base>.
    • We'll call this new location <local-config>.
    • My standard location for this is /home/vbz/site/config/vbzcart
  • Rename the <local-config>/examples folder to <local-config>/local.
  • Modify each file to match your local environment, according to instructions in each file.
  • Optional: modify files in <local-config>/portable as needed.
  • Install Ferreteria
  • Set up database and tables (instructions to be written)
  • Link or copy the <local-config>/portable/index.php file to your public web folder.
  • Link or copy the <vbz-base>/static folder to your public web folder.
  • Create the public web ufiles folder

For the canonical setup at vbz.net, see VbzCart/setup.