VbzCart/queries/qryRstkReq Item status

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  • Returns: Information about items Restock Requested and how many have been Received
  • Status: possibly no longer in use (2010-01-04), unless it turns out to be faster this way
  • Requires:
  1. REDIRECT Template:l/vc/table,
  2. REDIRECT Template:l/vc/query


<mysql>CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW qryRstkReq_Item_status AS SELECT

 IFNULL(rqi.QtyExp,rqi.QtyOrd) AS QtyExp,


   rstk_req_item AS rqi
 LEFT JOIN qryRstkReq_Item_Rcd_status AS rci ON (rqi.ID_Restock=rci.ID_RstkReq) AND (rqi.ID_Item=rci.ID_Item)

WHERE rci.ID_RstkReq IS NOT NULL ORDER BY rci.ID_RstkReq, rci.ID_Item;</mysql>