
from HTYP, the free directory anyone can edit if they can prove to me that they're not a spambot
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Revision as of 02:12, 21 February 2013 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (last edit before gutting -- *mostly* works...)
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This version doesn't quite work (contact data is not being saved), but I'm saving it for future reference before I start rearranging things.


<php> <?php /*

 FILE: ckout.php
   2010-02-21 split off from shop.php (via checkout/index.php)
   2010-12-24 Fixed call to Update() -- array is now required
   2013-02-20 mostly working, but "ship to card" and "ship to self" logic is becoming unmanageable.
     Going to gut this and significantly rework it as a single form.
  • /

clsLibMgr::Add('vbz.page.cart', KFP_LIB_VBZ.'/page-cart.php',__FILE__,__LINE__);

 clsLibMgr::AddClass('clsPageCart', 'vbz.page.cart');


 CLASS: clsPageCkOut
 PURPOSE: subclass for generating checkout pages
  • /

class clsPageCkout extends clsPageCart { /*

   protected $objCust;	// person who placed the order
   protected $objShip;	// person who is receiving the order (may be the same)
  • /
     NOTE: needs to be public so clsPerson can access it
   public function CartObj() {

return $this->objCart; // document where this is set!


$inCkout: if TRUE, it's ok to use a cart whose order has been placed.

   protected function ParseInput() {
  1. Two important concepts:
  2. 1. $pgData: The page whose data we're receiving (blank if there is no data)
  3. 2. $pgShow: The page whose form we're wanting to display
  1. which page were we just on

$gotPgDest = FALSE; $gotPgSrce = FALSE; if (empty($_GET[KSQ_ARG_PAGE_DEST])) { if (empty($_POST[KSQ_ARG_PAGE_DATA])) { $this->pgData = KSQ_PAGE_CART; // only the cart doesn't specify itself } else { $this->pgData = $_POST[KSQ_ARG_PAGE_DATA]; $gotPgSrce = TRUE; } } else { $gotPgDest = TRUE; $this->pgData = NULL; // Currently not expecting any data from a "GET" query $this->pgShow = $_GET[KSQ_ARG_PAGE_DEST]; } if (!$gotPgDest) { // destination page unknown, so calculate it from data/source page: if (nz($_POST['btn-go-prev'])) { switch ($this->pgData) { case KSQ_PAGE_CART: $this->pgShow = KSQ_PAGE_CART; // can't go back any further break; case KSQ_PAGE_SHIP: $this->pgShow = KSQ_PAGE_CART; break; case KSQ_PAGE_PAY: $this->pgShow = KSQ_PAGE_SHIP; break; default: // source page name not recognized; default to cart $this->pgShow = KSQ_PAGE_CART; // can't go back any further } } elseif (nz($_POST['btn-go-next'])) { switch ($this->pgData) { case KSQ_PAGE_CART: $this->pgShow = KSQ_PAGE_SHIP; break; case KSQ_PAGE_SHIP: $this->pgShow = KSQ_PAGE_PAY; break; case KSQ_PAGE_PAY: $this->pgShow = KSQ_PAGE_CONF; break; default: // source page name not recognized; default to cart $this->pgShow = KSQ_PAGE_CART; // can't go back any further } } elseif (nz($_POST['btn-go-same'])) { $this->pgShow = $this->pgData; } elseif (nz($_POST['btn-go-order'])) { $this->pgShow = KSQ_PAGE_RCPT; // receipt page - submits order too } else { $this->pgShow = KSQ_PAGE_DEFAULT; // default page to display } }

switch ($this->pgShow) { case KSQ_PAGE_CART: $this->inCkout = FALSE; break; case KSQ_PAGE_SHIP: $this->inCkout = TRUE; break; case KSQ_PAGE_PAY: $this->inCkout = TRUE; break; case KSQ_PAGE_CONF: $this->inCkout = TRUE; break; default: // we shouldn't have to do this... something isn't properly rigorous here. $this->inCkout = TRUE; break; }

$this->GetObjects(__METHOD__); // needs to know what phase we;re in if (!($this->CartObj()->ID > 0)) { // if (!is_object($this->objCart)) { // if cart is not set, don't go past cart display $this->pgShow = KSQ_PAGE_CART; $this->LogEvent('ckout.parsequery','pgShow='.$this->pgShow,'cart ID not set','!cart',TRUE,TRUE); } $this->CapturePage();

   protected function HandleInput() {

$this->strWikiPg = ; $this->strTitle = 'Checkout'; // Displayed title (page header) $this->strName = 'checkout'; // HTML title $this->strTitleContext = 'this is the secure'; // 'Tomb of the...'; $this->strHdrXtra = ;

$this->strSideXtra = ; //'

Cat #: '.$this->strReq; $this->strSheet = 'ckout'; // default $this->CartObj()->LogEvent('page','showing page "'.$this->pgShow.'"'); $this->formShow = $this->pgShow; $this->doNavBar = TRUE; $this->doBackBtn = TRUE; $this->doRefrBtn = FALSE; } /*---- OUTPUT: $doBackBtn: if TRUE, show the BACK navigation button $doRefrBtn: $doNavBar: */ public function DoContent() { $out = NULL; // default options $this->doFixedCard = FALSE; $this->doFixedCountry = FALSE; $sPageShow = $this->pgShow; switch ($sPageShow) { case KSQ_PAGE_CART: // shopping cart $this->doBackBtn = FALSE; $this->doRefrBtn = TRUE; $out .= $this->RenderCart(); break; case KSQ_PAGE_SHIP: // shipping information $out .= $this->RenderShipping(); break; case KSQ_PAGE_PAY: // billing information $out .= $this->RenderBilling(); break; case KSQ_PAGE_CONF: // confirm order $this->doNavBar = FALSE; $out .= $this->RenderConfirm(); break; case KSQ_PAGE_RCPT: // order receipt $this->doNavBar = FALSE; $out .= $this->ReceiveOrder(); break; default: //$out .= $this->RenderCart(); // cart seems like a safe fallback - avoids showing any customer data // more likely to be a hacking attempt than an internal error: //$this->LogEvent('ckout.render','pgShow='.$this->pgShow,'unknown form type','FUNK',FALSE,TRUE); // The normal shopping cart does not specify a target within the checkout sequence // ...so show the first page which follows the cart page: $out .= $this->RenderShipping(); } echo $out; } protected static function SelectIf($iFlag,$iText) { if ($iFlag) { return "$iText"; } else { return $iText; } } protected function RenderNavBar() { $pg = $this->pgShow; $out = '

.self::SelectIf($pg == KSQ_PAGE_CART,'Cart') .' ... ' .self::SelectIf($pg == KSQ_PAGE_SHIP,'Shipping') .' ... ' .self::SelectIf($pg == KSQ_PAGE_PAY,'Payment') .' ... ' .self::SelectIf($pg == KSQ_PAGE_CONF,'Final Check') .' ... ' .self::SelectIf($pg == KSQ_PAGE_RCPT,'Receipt')


return $out;

PURPOSE: Render top part of {form and outer table, including }
   protected function RenderContentHdr() {

$out = ;

$out .= '
<form action="./" name=checkout method=post>'; $out .= ''; $out .= '';

} else { $htMissing = ; }

if ($this->doNavBar) { $strPgDataName = KSQ_ARG_PAGE_DATA; if ($this->doBackBtn) { $htBackBtn = '<input type=submit name="btn-go-prev" value="< Back">'; } else { $htBackBtn = ; } if ($this->doRefrBtn) { $htRefrBtn = '<input type=submit name="btn-go-same" value="Update">'; } else { $htRefrBtn = ; } $out = $htMissing

.''; // close table row opened by RenderContentHdr() echo $out; echo '

$out .= ; echo $out;

     PURPOSE: Close table row opened in RenderContentHdr(), display standard buttons, close outer table and form
   protected function RenderContentFtr() {

echo ;

if ($this->FieldsMissing()) {

$htMissing = '
<img src="'.KWP_ICON_ALERT .'">Please fill in the following: '



.'<input type=hidden name="'.$strPgDataName.'" value="'.$this->pgShow.'">' .$htBackBtn.$htRefrBtn .'<input type=submit name="btn-go-next" value="Next >">'; } else { $out = ; }

echo '
</form>'; // close outer table and form

$idSess = $this->objSess->KeyValue(); $idCart = $this->Cart()->KeyValue(); echo "Cart ID: $idCart Session ID: $idSess"; echo ;

   public function DoSidebar() {

echo ; /* maybe we're not currently using this... $imgRoot = ; $strNotYet = '<img src="'.$imgRoot.'/tools/img/icons/nulbox.gif">'; $strDone = '<img src="'.$imgRoot.'/tools/img/icons/chkbox.gif" title="done">'; $strDoNow = '<img src="'.$imgRoot.'/tools/img/icons/curbox.gif" title="do this now">';

$pfx_step2 = $strNotYet; $pfx_step3 = $strNotYet; if ($did_step1) { $pfx_step1 = $strDone; if ($did_step2) { $pfx_step2 = $strDone; $pfx_step3 = $strDoNow; } else { $pfx_step2 = $strDoNow; } } else { $pfx_step1 = $strDoNow; }

$out = <<<__END__ <script language="JavaScript1.2" src="{$imgRoot}/tools/js/lib.js"></script>


-- $pfx_step1 1. enter shipping
-- $pfx_step2 2. enter payment
-- $pfx_step3 3. print receipt

Information $linkToShipping $linkToPrivacy $linkToSecurity $linkToReturns

Other Choices
-- <a href="http://vbz.net/cart/?action=delcart">clear & restart your order</a>
-- <a href="http://vbz.net/about/contact/email/">send us a message</a>

__END__; echo $out;

  • /
   // cart-to-order conversion //
     ACTION: Receive the order:

* convert the cart data to an order record * send confirmation email * display order receipt page

   public function ReceiveOrder() {

// convert the cart to an order

$objOrd = $this->MakeOrder();

$arVars = $objOrd->TemplateVars(); // fetch variables for email $arHdrs = $objOrd->EmailParams($arVars); // fill in email template with variables

// email the receipt, if email address is available

   // do this before displaying the receipt -- if the customer sees the receipt, the email is sent

// args: $iReally, $iSendToSelf, $iSendToCust, $iAddrSelf, $iAddrCust, $iSubject, $iMessage $arEmail = array( 'to-self' => TRUE, 'to-cust' => TRUE, 'addr-self' => $arHdrs['addr.self'], 'addr-cust' => $arHdrs['addr.cust'], 'subject' => $arHdrs['subj'], 'message' => $arHdrs['msg.body'] );

$objOrd->EmailConfirm(TRUE,$arEmail,$objOrd->Log()); $objOrd->ShowReceipt();

     ACTION: Create an order from this cart

2011-03-27 fixed bug which was preventing order number from being written to cart. Looking at the cart data, this bug apparently happened on 2010-10-28.

   protected function MakeOrder() {

$objCart = $this->CartObj();

assert('is_object($objCart);'); assert('$objCart->ID > 0;');

$objOrders = $this->Data()->Orders(); $idOrd = $objCart->Value('ID_Order'); if ($idOrd > 0) { // this may or may not be a problem, but it's a bit unexpected; log it: $arEv = array( 'code' => 'UNX', 'descr' => 'ID_Order already set in cart', 'params' => '\cart='.$objCart->KeyValue().'\ord='.$idOrd, 'where' => __METHOD__, ); $objCart->StartEvent($arEv); $idOrd = $objCart->ID_Order; $this->objCart->Update(array('WhenUpdated'=>'NOW()')); } else { $idOrd = $objOrders->Create();

$arEv = array( 'code' => 'ORD', 'descr' => 'assigning order to cart', 'params' => '\ord='.$idOrd, 'where' => __METHOD__ ); $objCart->StartEvent($arEv); $arUpd = array( 'WhenOrdered' => 'NOW()', 'ID_Order' => $idOrd ); $objCart->Update($arUpd); $objCart->FinishEvent();

$objCart->Value('ID_Order',$idOrd); } return $objOrders->CopyCart($idOrd,$objCart); // return new order object

   // different pages //
   public function RenderCart() {

unset($this->strMissing); if ($this->CartObj()->HasLines()) {

$out = '

$out .= $this->CartObj()->RenderCore(TRUE);

$out .= '

return $out; } else { return 'No items in cart!'; // TO DO: log this as a critical error - how did the user get to the checkout with no items? }

   private function RenderForm_IsCard_ckbox($iOn) {

$htIsCardVal = $iOn?' checked':; $out =

'<input name="'

.KSF_SHIP_IS_CARD .'" type=checkbox' .$htIsCardVal

.'>The above ↑ is also my credit card billing address.'; return $out; } private function RenderForm_ToSelf_ckbox($iOn) { $htToSelfVal = $iOn?' checked':; $out = '<input name="'

.KSF_SHIP_TO_SELF .'" type=checkbox' .$htToSelfVal

.'>I am ordering this for myself (not for someone else -- so use shipping contact info for buyer)'; return $out; } /*---- INPUT: $iOn = TRUE if shipping address is same as card address */ private function RenderForm_IsCard_button($iOn) { if ($iOn) { // shipping and card addresses are SAME $txtIsCard = 'Enter Different Address for Card'; $txtExpl = " (currently shipping to card's billing address)"; } else { // shipping and card addresses are DIFFERENT $txtIsCard = 'Use Shipping Address for Card'; $txtExpl = ; } $out = '<input name="'

.KSF_SHIP_IS_CARD .'" type=submit value="' .$txtIsCard

.'">'.$txtExpl.''; return $out; } private function RenderForm_ToSelf_button($iOn) { if ($iOn) { $txtToSelf = 'Shipping to Someone Else'; } else { $txtToSelf = 'Shipping To Myself'; } $out = '<input name="'

.KSF_SHIP_TO_SELF .'" type=submit value="' .$txtToSelf

.'">'; return $out; } public function RenderShipping() { $objCartData = $this->CartData(); if (!$objCartData->IsLoaded()) { throw new exception('Internal error: cart data not loaded.'); } $hrefForShipping = '<a href="'.KWP_WIKI.'Shipping_Policies">'; // copy any needed constants over to variables for parsing: $ksShipMsg = KSF_SHIP_MESSAGE; $htIsCard = $this->RenderForm_IsCard_ckbox($objCartData->ShipToCard()); $htToSelf = $this->RenderForm_ToSelf_ckbox($objCartData->ShipToSelf()); $strCustShipMsg = $this->CartData()->ShipMsg(); $this->htmlBeforeAddress = NULL; $this->htmlAfterAddress = $htIsCard; // $this->htmlBeforeContact = $htToSelf; $this->doFixedCard = FALSE; $this->doFixedSelf = FALSE; $this->doFixedName = FALSE; $out = 'Ship-to information:';

$objAddrShip = $objCartData->ShipObj(FALSE);

$out .= $this->RenderAddress($objAddrShip);

$out .= $htToSelf;

$out .= <<<__END__

Note: If you need any part of your order by a particular date, please tell us in the space below. See our {$hrefForShipping}shipping policies</a> for details.

Special Instructions:

<textarea name="$ksShipMsg" cols=50 rows=5>$strCustShipMsg</textarea> __END__; return $out; } public function RenderBilling() { $objCartData = $this->CartData(); // copy any needed constants over to variables for parsing: $ksfCustCardNum = KSF_CUST_CARD_NUM; $ksfCustCardExp = KSF_CUST_CARD_EXP; $custCardNum = $this->CartData()->CardNum(); $custCardExp = $this->CartData()->CardExp(); $out = <<<__END__ Payment information: We accept:

<img align=absmiddle src="/tools/img/cards/logo_ccVisa.gif" title="Visa"> <img align=absmiddle src="/tools/img/cards/logo_ccMC.gif" title="MasterCard"> <img align=absmiddle src="/tools/img/cards/logo_ccAmex.gif" title="American Express"> <img align=absmiddle src="/tools/img/cards/logo_ccDiscover.gif" title="Discover / Novus">

Card Number: <input id="cardnum" name="$ksfCustCardNum" value="$custCardNum" size=24>

Expires: <input id="cardexp" name="$ksfCustCardExp" value="$custCardExp" size=6> (mm/yy)

Tip: It's okay to use dashes or spaces in the card number - reduces typing errors!


$custShipIsCard = $this->CartData()->ShipToCard(); $custShipToSelf = $this->CartData()->ShipToSelf();

$htIsCard = $this->RenderForm_IsCard_button($custShipIsCard); $htToSelf = $this->RenderForm_ToSelf_button($custShipToSelf);

/* // get shipping address object if ($custShipIsCard) { $objAddr = $this->CartData()->ShipObj(); // $txtIsCard = 'Enter Different Address for Card'; } else { $objAddr = $this->CartData()->CustObj(); // $txtIsCard = 'Use Shipping Address for Card'; }

  • /

// get contact (customer) object /* if ($custShipToSelf) { $objCont = $this->CartData()->DestObj(); // use shipping destination for billing address } else { $objCont = $this->CartData()->CustObj(); // customer has separate billing address }

  • /

$objCont = $this->CartData()->BillObj(); /* $htIsCard =

'<input name="'

.KSF_SHIP_IS_CARD .'" type=submit value="' .$txtIsCard

.'">'; $htToSelf = '<input name="'

.KSF_SHIP_TO_SELF .'" type=submit value="' .$txtToSelf

  • /
$this->htmlBeforeAddress = $htIsCard; $this->htmlBeforeContact = $htToSelf; $this->msgAfterAddr = 'Note: please check your most recent credit card statement for exact address!'; // $this->useButtons = TRUE; $this->doFixedCard = $custShipIsCard; $this->doFixedSelf = $custShipToSelf; $this->doFixedName = FALSE; $out .= $this->RenderAddress($objCont); $out .= ''; return $out; } /*---- ACTION: Render the "confirm this order" page (last page before cart is finalized into order) */ public function RenderConfirm() { $out = $this->RenderOrder(TRUE); return $out; } // PAGE DISPLAY ELEMENTS // // -- common display functions /*----- ACTION: Display what will be going into the order Based on cart contents, not order record. This is formatted to fit within the checkout sequence. INPUT: $iEditable: if TRUE, displays buttons to go back to earlier screens for editing; does not actually edit in place. NOTE: Don't use this to display order confirmation. Use the order object so we only show what really went into the order record. */ public function RenderOrder($iEditable) { $objCart = $this->CartObj(); assert('is_object($objCart)'); assert('$objCart->ID != 0; /* ID='.$objCart->ID.' */'); $objCD = $this->CartData(); $isShipCard = $objCD->ShipToCard(); $isShipSelf = $objCD->ShipToSelf(); $strCustShipMsg = $objCD->ShipMsg(); $custCardNum = $objCD->CardNum(); $custCardExp = $objCD->CardExp(); $out = ; $htLink = ; if ($iEditable) { $htLink = $this->HtmlEditLink(KSQ_PAGE_CART); } $out .= 'ITEMS ORDERED:'.$htLink.''; $out .= '';

$out .= $objCart->RenderConfirm();

$out .= '

if ($iEditable) { $htLink = $this->HtmlEditLink(KSQ_PAGE_SHIP); }

$out .= 'SHIP TO:'.$htLink.'';

$this->doFixedCard = TRUE; $this->doFixedSelf = TRUE; $this->doFixedName = TRUE; $this->htmlBeforeAddress = ; $this->htmlBeforeContact = ;

$out .= $this->RenderAddress($objCD->ShipObj(FALSE));

if ($iEditable) { $htLink = $this->HtmlEditLink(KSQ_PAGE_PAY); } $out .= <<<__END__

Special Instructions:

$strCustShipMsg PAYMENT:$htLink Card Number: $custCardNum

- Expires: $custCardExp

__END__; // if card address is different from shipping, then show it too: // if not shipping to self, then show recipient's phone and/or email: if ($isShipCard) { $this->strInsteadOfAddr = 'Credit card address same as shipping address'; } if ($isShipSelf) { $this->strInsteadOfCont = 'Recipient contact information same as buyer\'s -- shipping to self'; } // TODO 2012-05-21: this probably won't look right, and will need fixing // also, are strInsteadOf* strings ^ used in confirmation? $out .= $this->RenderAddress($objCD->CustObj()); if ($iEditable) { /* using "btn-go-pay" is a kluge. I'm trying to go back to the payment page, but "btn-go-prev" goes too far. This goes back to the shipping info page, which is acceptable for now.
  • /
$out .= <<<__END__

<input type=submit name="btn-go-pay" value="<< Make Changes"> <input type=submit name="btn-go-order" value="Place the Order!">

__END__; } $out .= '</form>';

return $out;

     Pages displayed:

On page 1 (shipping), all fields are editable. On page 2 (payment), some fields may be read-only depending on which "same as" flags the user has checked On page 3 (confirmation), all fields are read-only

   protected function RenderAddress(clsPerson $iAddr) {

$objCart = $this->CartObj(); $objZone = $objCart->ShipZoneObj(); assert('is_object($objCart)'); assert('is_object($objZone)'); assert('is_object($iAddr)');

$out = ;

if (isset($this->strInsteadOfAddr)) {

$out .= ''.$this->strInsteadOfAddr.'';

} else { $strStateLabel = $objZone->StateLabel(); // "province" etc. if ($objZone->hasState()) { $htStateAfter = ; $lenStateInput = 3; // later, we'll also include how many chars the actual abbr is and use this to say "(use n-letter abbreviation)" } else { $htStateAfter = ' (if needed)'; $lenStateInput = 10; }

$isCountryFixed = FALSE; if (empty($strCountry)) { if (!$objZone->isDomestic()) { // this code may need some checking $idxCountry = $iAddr->CountryNode()->DataType(); $this->DataItem($idxCountry,$objZone->Country()); } $isCountryFixed = !empty($strCountry); } /* if ($this->doFixedCard) { // make country fixed, regardless of country code, if it has been set earlier: $isCountryFixed = TRUE; }

  • /

$hrefForSpam = '<a href="'.KWP_WIKI.'Anti-Spam_Policy">'; $arOpts = array( 'ht.before.addr' => $this->htmlBeforeAddress, 'ht.after.addr' => nz($this->htmlAfterAddress), 'ht.after.email' => $hrefForSpam.'anti-spam policy</a>', 'ht.ship.combo' => $objZone->ComboBox(), 'ht.after.state' => $htStateAfter, 'str.zip.label' => $objZone->PostalCodeName(), // US='Zip Code', otherwise="postal code" 'str.state.label' => $strStateLabel, 'len.state.inp' => $lenStateInput, 'do.fixed.all' => $this->doFixedCard, // TRUE = disable editing 'do.fixed.name' => $this->doFixedName, 'do.fixed.ctry' => $this->doFixedCountry, ); /* $iAddr->htmlBeforeAddress = $this->htmlBeforeAddress; $iAddr->doFixed = $this->doFixedCard; $iAddr->htShipCombo = $objZone->ComboBox(); $iAddr->doFixedName = $this->doFixedName;

  • /

$out .= $iAddr->Render($this,$arOpts); }

if (isset($this->msgAfterAddr)) {

$out .= ''.$this->msgAfterAddr.'';


return $out;



SECTION: input/data management stuff
TO DO: Shouldn't all the DetailObj stuff be in the ShopCart class?
NOTES: This code could be optimized for more speed, as it creates objects which are sometimes
 discarded without being used, but I have chosen to optimize instead for clarity and maintainability.
  • /




   public function GetFormItem($iName) {

if (isset($_POST[$iName])) { return $_POST[$iName]; } else { $this->objCart->LogEvent('!FLD','Missing form field: '.$iName); return NULL; }

   public function CartData() {

return $this->objCart->CartData();



   public function DataItem($iType,$iVal=NULL,$iForce=FALSE) {

assert('is_numeric($iType)'); return $this->objCart->DataItem($iType,$iVal,$iForce);

   public function DataItem_HTML($iType) {

return htmlspecialchars($this->DataItem($iType));

  • /
     RETURNS: not sure anymore; probably HTML to be displayed

with message identifying which piece(s) of information were mis-entered

     REQUIRES: Input needs to have been parsed so we know what page's data we're capturing
   public function CapturePage() {

if (empty($this->pgData)) { $out = ; } else { $this->objCart->LogEvent('save','saving data from page '.$this->pgData); switch ($this->pgData) { case KSQ_PAGE_CART: // shopping cart $out = $this->CaptureCart(); $this->formSeqData = 0; break; case KSQ_PAGE_SHIP: // shipping information $out = $this->CaptureShipping(); $this->formSeqData = 1; break; case KSQ_PAGE_PAY: // billing information $out = $this->CaptureBilling(); $this->formSeqData = 2; break; default: // more likely to be a hacking attempt than an internal error: $out = 'Cannot save data from unknown page: ['.$this->pgData.']'; $this->LogEvent('ckout.capture','pgData='.$this->pgData,'unknown form ','FUNK',FALSE,TRUE); } } switch ($this->pgShow) { case KSQ_PAGE_CART: $formSeqShow = 0; break; case KSQ_PAGE_SHIP: $formSeqShow = 1; break; case KSQ_PAGE_PAY: $formSeqShow = 2; break; case KSQ_PAGE_CONF: $formSeqShow = 3; break; case KSQ_PAGE_RCPT: $formSeqShow = 4; break; default: $formSeqShow = 0; break; } if ($this->FieldsMissing()) { // don't advance until all required fields are entered // ok to back up, however if ($formSeqShow > $this->formSeqData) { $this->pgShow = $this->pgData; } } return $out;

     DEPRECATED -- use clsShopCart->GetDetailObjs() instead


   public function GetDetailObjs() {

$objAddrShip = $this->AddrShipObj(); $objAddrCard = $this->AddrCardObj(); $objContDest = $this->ContDestObj(); $objContCust = $this->ContCustObj();

$this->objCust = new clsPerson('cust','buyer'); $this->objShip = new clsPerson('ship','recipient');

$arFields = array( 'num' => new clsCartField($this, KSI_CUST_CARD_NUM, KSF_CUST_CARD_NUM), 'exp' => new clsCartField($this, KSI_CUST_CARD_EXP, KSF_CUST_CARD_EXP) ); $objPayment = new clsPayment($arFields);

$this->objCust->Node('payment', $objPayment); // the buyer always has the credit card $this->objShip->Node('contact', $objContDest); // shipping information is always specified

$objContDest->Addr = $objAddrShip; // shipping address

$this->custShipIsCard = $this->DataItem(KSI_SHIP_IS_CARD); $this->custShipToSelf = $this->DataItem(KSI_SHIP_TO_SELF);

if ($this->custShipIsCard) { $objPayment->Node('addr', $objAddrShip); // use shipping address for card } else { $objPayment->Node('addr', $objAddrCard); // use separate address for card }

$this->objShip->Node('name', $objAddrShip->Name());

if ($this->custShipToSelf) { // don't use separate person data; re-use buyer contact info plus shipping address $this->objShip->Node('payment', $objPayment); // the only buyer field the recipient doesn't have $this->objCust = $this->objShip; //$objContDest->Node('addr', $objAddrShip); // shipping address $this->objShip->Node('contact', $objContDest); $objContDest->Node('addr', $objAddrShip); } else { $this->objShip->Node('contact', $objContDest); $this->objCust->Node('contact', $objContCust); $this->objCust->Node('name', $objAddrCard->Name()); }

  • /

/* 2012-05-19 who uses this?

   public function AddrShip() {
   // REQUIRES: GetDetailObjs() must be called first

// return $this->objAddrShip; // return $this->objShip->Contact->Addr; // commented 2010-02-18 return $this->AddrShipObj(); // trying this 2010-02-18

  • /
   public function AddrCard() {
   // REQUIRES: GetDetailObjs() must be called first

/* if ($this->custShipIsCard) { return $this->objAddrShip; } else { return $this->objAddrCard; }

  • /

// return $this->objCust->Payment->Addr; // commented 2010-02-18 return $this->AddrCardObj();



   public function WhoCust() {

return $this->objCust;

   public function WhoShip() {

return $this->objShip;

  • /


SECTION: methods for capturing form data
  • /
   public function CaptureCart() {

return $this->Cart()->CheckData(); // check for any cart data changed

     ACTION: Receive user form input, and update the database
   public function CaptureShipping() {

$objCD = $this->CartData(); $out = $objCD->CaptureData($this->pgData); $objCD->SaveCart(); // update the db from form data

/* $objAddr = $this->CartData()->ShipObj(FALSE); $objAddr->Capture($this);

  • /

$objShipZone = $this->Cart()->ShipZoneObj();

$custName = $objCD->FormValue(KSI_ADDR_SHIP_NAME); $custStreet = $objCD->FormValue(KSI_ADDR_SHIP_STREET); $custState = $objCD->FormValue(KSI_ADDR_SHIP_STATE); $custCity = $objCD->FormValue(KSI_ADDR_SHIP_CITY); $custCountry = $objCD->FormValue(KSI_ADDR_SHIP_COUNTRY); $custEmail = $objCD->FormValue(KSI_CUST_SHIP_EMAIL);

$shipZone = $objCD->FormValue(KSI_SHIP_ZONE); $objShipZone->Abbr($shipZone); $custShipToSelf = $objCD->FormValueNz(KSI_SHIP_TO_SELF); $custShipIsCard = $objCD->FormValueNz(KSI_SHIP_IS_CARD); $custZip = $this->GetFormItem(KSF_ADDR_SHIP_ZIP); $custPhone = $this->GetFormItem(KSF_CUST_SHIP_PHONE); $custMessage = $this->GetFormItem(KSF_SHIP_MESSAGE);

$objCD = $this->CartData();


     // load up fields that we need to validate (there's got to be a better way...)

$objCD->ShipZone($shipZone); $objCD->ShipAddrName($custName); $objCD->ShipAddrStreet($custStreet); $objCD->ShipAddrTown($custCity); $objCD->ShipAddrState($custState); $objCD->ShipAddrZip($custZip); $objCD->ShipAddrCountry($custCountry);

$objCD->ShipToSelf($custShipToSelf); $objCD->ShipToCard($custShipIsCard); $objCD->ShipEmail($custEmail); $objCD->ShipPhone($custPhone); $objCD->ShipMessage($custMessage);

  • /

$this->CheckField('name',$custName); $this->CheckField('street address',$custStreet); $this->CheckField('city',$custCity); if (($custState == ) && ($objShipZone->hasState())) { $this->AddMissing($objShipZone->StateLabel()); } if (!$objShipZone->isDomestic()) { $this->CheckField('country',$custCountry); } if (!is_null($custEmail)) { // if we received a value... $this->CheckField('email',$custEmail); // ...make sure it's not blank }

   public function CaptureBilling() {

$objCD = $this->CartData(); $out = $objCD->CaptureData($this->pgData); $objCD->SaveCart(); // update the db from form data // TODO: make sure all necessary fields were filled in

/* $objAddr = $this->CartData()->CustObj(); $objAddr->Capture($this); $objPay = $this->CartData()->PayObj(); $objPay->Capture($this);

  • /

/* $this->custShipToSelf = $this->DataItem(KSI_SHIP_TO_SELF); $this->custShipIsCard = $this->DataItem(KSI_SHIP_IS_CARD);

  • /

$custCardNum = $this->GetFormItem(KSF_CUST_CARD_NUM); $custCardExp = $this->GetFormItem(KSF_CUST_CARD_EXP);

if (!$this->CartData()->ShipToCard()) { $custCardName = $this->GetFormItem(KSF_CUST_CARD_NAME); $custCardStreet = $this->GetFormItem(KSF_CUST_CARD_STREET); $custCardCity = $this->GetFormItem(KSF_CUST_CARD_CITY); $custCardState = $this->GetFormItem(KSF_CUST_CARD_STATE); $custCardZip = $this->GetFormItem(KSF_CUST_CARD_ZIP); $custCardCountry = $this->GetFormItem(KSF_CUST_CARD_COUNTRY);

/* # save current values $this->DataItem(KSI_CUST_CARD_NAME,$custCardName); $this->DataItem(KSI_CUST_CARD_STREET,$custCardStreet); $this->DataItem(KSI_CUST_CARD_CITY,$custCardCity); $this->DataItem(KSI_CUST_CARD_STATE,$custCardState); $this->DataItem(KSI_CUST_CARD_ZIP,$custCardZip); $this->DataItem(KSI_CUST_CARD_COUNTRY,$custCardCountry);

  • /

# check for missing data $this->CheckField("cardholder's name",$custCardName); $this->CheckField("card's billing address",$custCardStreet); $this->CheckField("card's billing address - city",$custCardCity); }

if (!$this->CartData()->ShipToSelf()) { $custEmail = $this->GetFormItem(KSF_CUST_PAY_EMAIL); $custPhone = $this->GetFormItem(KSF_CUST_PAY_PHONE);

/* # save current values $this->DataItem(KSI_CUST_PAY_EMAIL,$custEmail); $this->DataItem(KSI_CUST_PAY_PHONE,$custPhone);

  • /

} $custCheckNum = $this->GetFormItem(KSF_CUST_CHECK_NUM);


  1. handle unconditional fields:

# save current values $this->CartData()->CardNum($custCardNum); $this->CartData()->CardExp($custCardExp); $this->CartData()->CheckNum($custCheckNum);

$this->CheckField("credit card number",$custCardNum); $this->CheckField("credit card expiration date",$custCardExp); # save list of missing fields // $this->DataItem(KSI_CUST_MISSING,$this->strMissing,TRUE);

// TODO: where do these get used? $this->custCardNum = $custCardNum; $this->custCardExp = $custCardExp; $this->custCheckNum = $custCheckNum;

  • /


   protected function HtmlEditLink($iPage,$iText='edit',$iPfx='[',$iSfx=']') {

$out = $iPfx.'<a href="?'.KSQ_ARG_PAGE_DEST.'='.$iPage.'">'.$iText.'</a>'.$iSfx; return $out;

   private function Order() {

return $this->objCart->Order();


//=== handling of missing fields

   public function AddMissing($iText) {

if (!$this->FieldsMissing()) { $this->strMissing = $iText; } else { $this->strMissing .= ', '.$iText; }

   public function CheckField($iText,$iValue) {

if ($iValue == ) { $this->AddMissing($iText); }

   public function FieldsMissing() {

return isset($this->strMissing);


} </php>