computing: software: MediaWiki: fighting spam
SpamFerret is my attempt at an improvement over the SpamBlacklist extension. It is currently in development.
The SpamBlacklist extension has a number of shortcomings:
- Can only handle a limited number of entries before exceeding the maximum string-length it can process, at which point all spam is allowed through
- Does not keep track of which entries are still being "tried" (to allow for periodic "cleaning" of the list)
- Does not keep track of offending IP addresses
- Handles only domains; cannot blacklist by URL path (for partially compromised servers) or "catch phrases" found in spam and nowhere else
- Does not keep a log of failed spam attempts, so there is no way to measure effectiveness
SpamFerret will:
- be database-driven
- keep logs and counts of spam attempts by blacklisting and by IP
- match domains ("http://*.domain"), URLs ("http://*.domain/path") and catch-phrases ("helo please to forgive my posting but my children are hungary")
- should also be able to match patterns, like long lists of links in a certain format
It may also be unsuitable for use on busier wikis, as the checking process (which only happens when an edit is submitted) may take a fair amount of CPU time (checks the entire page once per blacklisted pattern). This shouldn't be a problem for smaller wikis, which are often monitored less frequently than busier wikis and hence are more vulnerable to spam.
<sql> CREATE TABLE `hypertw_spf`.`patterns` (
`ID` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `Pattern` varchar(255) COMMENT 'pattern to match (regex)', `WhenAdded` DATETIME DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'when this entry was added', `WhenTried` DATETIME DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'when a spammer last attempted to include this pattern', `isActive` BOOL COMMENT 'if FALSE, do not include in checking', PRIMARY KEY(`ID`)
CREATE TABLE `hypertw_spf`.`clients` (
`ID` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `Address` varchar(15) COMMENT 'IP address', `WhenTried` DATETIME COMMENT 'when this IP address last submitted a spam', PRIMARY KEY(`ID`)
CREATE TABLE `hypertw_spf`.`attempts` (
`ID` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `When` DATETIME COMMENT 'timestamp of attempt', `ID_Pattern` NOT NULL COMMENT '(patterns.ID) matching pattern found', `ID_Client` INT NOT NULL COMMENT '(clients.ID) spamming client', PRIMARY KEY(`ID`)
) ENGINE = MYISAM; </sql>