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computing: software: dnsmasq


dnsmasq is a domain name resolver for Linux. It provides DNS forwarding and DHCP.

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  • /var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.leases

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Technical Articles

Notes on making dnsmasq actually work

  • Don't accidentally run dhclient. If you do, you'll need to recreate the resolv.conf file. Fortunately, this is pretty simple; it's just a few lines in this format:
nameserver ip address

...where the list of IP addresses (one per line) can be found in the dnsmasq upstream servers file you created earlier. (You did, right?)

  • There are a number of other related files which need to be set up right, but they've gone out of my head for the moment so I'll have to come back to this.

dnsmasq and Vonage

Vonage (and presumably other VoIP phone boxes) work fine with dnsmasq if all is well with dnsmasq. The one problem I encountered was when I had been trying to set up dnsmasq on another box and it wasn't quite working right, and then later unbeknownst to me it had somehow gotten started up again (probably during a reboot) and was providing DHCP for the Vonage boxes (instead of the working dnsmasq that was supposed to be doing so) – which resulted in a lack of dial-tone. The tipoff was when I checked the dnsmasq.leases file and it only had one line in it, for a MAC ID matching the other Vonage box which I had been able to get to work. Turned off the broken dnsmasq, powered off/on the non-working Vonage box, and about a minute later I had dial tone. --Woozle 15:08, 25 December 2006 (EST)