VbzCart/tables/rstk rcd line

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  • Notes:
    • CostActBal may be unnecessary anywhere except Access, in which it is difficult for bound fields to relate to results which must be calculated in a specific sequence
  • History:
    • 2008-11-07 Created for revised restocking process
    • 2008-11-09 +InvcDescr field, ID_RstkRecd -> ID_RstkRcd
    • 2008-11-18 Changed DECIMAL(3,3) to DECIMAL(6,3)

<mysql>CREATE TABLE `rstk_rcd_line` (

  `ID_RstkRcd`  INT COMMENT "rstk_recd.ID of received restock shipment this line belongs to",
  `ID_Item`     INT COMMENT "cat_items.ID of item being restocked",
  `InvcLineNo`  DECIMAL(6,3) COMMENT "line number (use decimals for multiple restock lines as single invoice line)",
  `InvcQtyOrd`  INT COMMENT "quantity ordered",
  `InvcQtySent` INT COMMENT "quantity shipped to us",
  `InvcDescr`   VARCHAR(255) COMMENT "description from invoice",

/* quantities - data from receiving the items */

  `QtyRecd`     INT COMMENT "quantity actually received",
  `QtyFiled`    INT COMMENT "quantity moved into stock",

/* cost information */

  `CostInvPer`  DECIMAL(9,2) COMMENT "invoiced per-item cost",
  `CostInvTot`  DECIMAL(9,2) COMMENT "invoice line total (CostExpPer x InvcQtySent) for this item",
  `CostActTot`  DECIMAL(9,2) COMMENT "actual (best) line total as used for reconciling",
  `CostActBal`  DECIMAL(9,2) COMMENT "running total, calculated from CostActTot",
  `Notes`       VARCHAR(255) COMMENT "human-entered notes on this line item",
ENGINE = MYISAM;</mysql>