VbzCart/tables/shop cart

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Revision as of 23:32, 23 June 2016 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (WhenOrdered -> WhenPorted)
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  • Purpose: Shopping cart data is kept separate from order data because we end up with a lot of carts that never become orders; eventually they get cleaned out. Order data may eventually get cleaned out too, but with different criteria; for now, we are keeping order data indefinitely.
  • Relations:


  • ID_Cust is for future use when customers can log in to retrieve their personal data before checking out
  • ID_Sess is the ID of the session (shop_session) where the cart was created & accessed
    • Different sessions cannot access the same cart. (Is there a good reason for this, or does it just sound good?)
    • One session may have multiple carts.
  • ShipZone represents the string-code for the shipping zone, which is used to determine shipping cost
    • currently, this is hard-coded to apply a different multiplier for each zone - {US shipping cost}x{zone multiplier}
  • FieldData is a serialized array of the data formerly stored in shop_cart_data. This is an experimental field which will become permanent if it works out.


  • 2009-06-16 Changing names to singular (tables not in use yet, so this is the time to do it)
  • 2009-07-10 removing ID_Session: each session ties to a cart, not vice-versa
    • ...except that we still have ID_Sess
  • 2009-07-16 added ShipZone field
  • 2009-07-18 added ID_Sess field (field documentation seems to think it was already there...)
  • 2011-03-27 added WhenVoided field so we never zero out ID_Cart
  • 2016-03-07 added FieldData field
  • 2016-06-23 renaming WhenOrdered to WhenPorted: when Cart record was used to create an Order (not when the Order was formally submitted)


<mysql>DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `shop_cart`; CREATE TABLE `shop_cart` (

 `ID`          INT            NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
 `WhenCreated` DATETIME       NOT NULL COMMENT "when the cart was first created",
 `WhenViewed`  DATETIME   DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "when the cart's contents were last displayed by the customer",
 `WhenUpdated` DATETIME   DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "when the cart's contents were last changed",
 `WhenPorted`  DATETIME   DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "when the cart's contents were transferred to an order",
 `WhenVoided`  DATETIME   DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "when this cart was discarded",
 `ID_Sess`     INT            NOT NULL COMMENT "shop_session.ID which used this cart",
 `ID_Order`    INT        DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "core_orders.ID of order into which cart was transferred",
 `ID_Cust`     INT        DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "core_custs.ID of customer for this order",
 `ShipZone`    VARCHAR(3) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "shipping cost zone",
 `FieldData`   BLOB       DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "other values associated with the cart (serialized)",
) ENGINE = INNODB;</mysql>