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Computing: Software: Web Applications: Drupal

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Drupal is a content management system written in PHP and using Apache (web server) and MySQL (though other database engines are either supported or will soon be).



I've twice had problems after installing the Organic Groups module, but the second time around I was able to resolve it with a little help from this page. The notes on that page are apparently for an earlier version of OG & Drupal; the equivalent sql code is now in og.install. There wasn't a problem with a doubled comma, but when I copied/pasted the SQL code into MySQL Query Browser and tried to execute it, it didn't like the way the table names had {brackets} around them. I took those out, and everything got happy again. (Couldn't figure out how to post a reply to the bug page, so my notes go here instead.) --Woozle 21:59, 13 May 2006 (EDT)