Difference between revisions of "Wheels (Durham, NC)"

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m (→‎Reference: ns/aol yp listing link; visitnc)
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* [http://triangle.citysearch.com/review/6197441 Citysearch] listing with user reviews
* [http://triangle.citysearch.com/review/6197441 Citysearch] listing with user reviews
* [http://yp.netscape.com/main.adp?_dlc=14&_dgid=0%2c109691770&_dgskip=0%2c12&_dircid=109691770&_diraction=detail&_dircity=Apex&_dirstate=NC&_dirlat=357325&_dirlong=%2d788506&_dircat=799901 Netscape/AOL yellowpages] listing with user reviews
* [http://www.visitnc.com/tools_search_detail.asp?Propertyid=36402 VisitNC] listing

Revision as of 18:51, 25 February 2006

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Wheels in Durham, NC is a recreational facility containing a roller-skating rink in one building and an indoor playcenter (one of those habitrail-esque things you sometimes find at fast food restaurants, only somewhat larger) in another. There are also some outdoor facilities.
