ZenCart data import - admin/custom menu.php
computing: software: ZenCart: importing data: $zc/admin/custom_menu.php
This file does the actual import. It contains a number of classes which might later be split off into separate PHP files, as they model particular aspects of the ZenCart data.
<php><?php // // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // |zen-cart Open Source E-commerce | // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Copyright (c) 2003 The zen-cart developers | // | | // | http://www.zen-cart.com/index.php | // | | // | Portions Copyright (c) 2003 osCommerce | // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | This source file is subject to version 2.0 of the GPL license, | // | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | // | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | // | http://www.zen-cart.com/license/2_0.txt. | // | If you did not receive a copy of the zen-cart license and are unable | // | to obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | // | license@zen-cart.com so we can mail you a copy immediately. | // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // /*
2006-09-17 (wzl) handlers for "Custom" menu. Used modules.php as model.
SET values:
prod_entry (default): bulk product entry ACTION values: (none): show bulk product entry form check: data is being submitted for preview commit: data is being submitted for final commit (update database)
- /
define('CUSTOM_MODULE_SAVE_DATA','save'); define('CUSTOM_MODULE_PROD_DATA_NAME','products'); define('CUSTOM_MODULE_ACT_CHECK','check'); define('CUSTOM_MODULE_ACT_COMMIT','commit'); define('CUSTOM_MODULE_ACT_UPLOAD','upload'); define('CUSTOM_MODULE_ACT_DELETE','delete'); define('CUSTOM_MODULE_ACT_ASSIGN','assign'); define('CUSTOM_MODULE_ACT_VIEW','view'); define('CUSTOM_MODULE_ACT_LOOSE_DEL','loose_del'); define('CUSTOM_MODULE_ACT_LOOSE_EXT','loose_unzip'); define('CUSTOM_MODULE_ACT_LOOSE_VIEW','loose_view'); define('CUSTOM_MODULE_BTN_CHECK','Preview Changes'); define('CUSTOM_MODULE_BTN_COMMIT','COMMIT'); define('CUSTOM_MODULE_BTN_UPLOAD','Upload File'); define('CUSTOM_MODULE_BTN_DELETE_FILE','Delete File'); define('CUSTOM_MODULE_BTN_ASSIGN_IMG','Assign Image'); define('CUSTOM_MODULE_BTN_VIEW_PROD','View Product');
define('URL_ISBN_SEARCH','http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?isbn=<<1>>'); define('CUSTOM_DEFAULT_SUPPLIER','Jubilee'); // when import data supplier field is empty define('CUSTOM_DEFAULT_CATEGORY','Unfiled'); // when imported category field is empty
define('TABLE_CUSTOM_IMPORT_PROD',DB_PREFIX.'custom_import_prod'); define('TABLE_CUSTOM_IMPORT_MFGRS',DB_PREFIX.'custom_import_mfgrs'); define('TABLE_CUSTOM_UPLOADS',DB_PREFIX.'custom_uploads'); define('TABLE_CUSTOM_UPLOAD_FILES',DB_PREFIX.'custom_upload_files'); define('TABLE_CUSTOM_UPLOAD_THUMBS',DB_PREFIX.'custom_upload_thumbs');
// new item define('HTML_STATUS_NEW', 'NEW'); // item is saved in list define('HTML_STATUS_NOTED', 'ok'); // item found in database define('HTML_STATUS_EXISTS', 'found');
$intOpt_MaxThumbs = 50; // default
// Get any expected parameters
if (count($_POST)) { $button = (isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : ); $idProd = $_POST['prod-id']; $idImg = $_POST['img-id']; } else { $set = (isset($_GET['set']) ? $_GET['set'] : ); $idImg = $_GET['img-id']; $strFileName = $_GET['file']; }
After page has displayed, this handles the user's input
- /
switch ($action) { case CUSTOM_MODULE_SAVE_DATA: $doSave = true;
// new SQL code for updating products: $sqlUpdateProd = "update " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " set configuration_value = '" . $value . "' where configuration_key = '" . $key ."'";
break; case 'enter': // showing data entry form, so this stage (data processing) does nothing default: }
?> <!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> >
'; // clear image so we go back to the list of unassigned images: unset($idImg); $doSet = true; break; case CUSTOM_MODULE_ACT_ASSIGN: echo 'Assigning displayed image to the displayed product
$objProd = clsTitles::Item($idProd);
$objFile = clsUploadFiles::File_fromID($idImg);
echo 'Assigning image ['.$objFile->filespec.'] to product ID='.$idProd.' ['.$objProd->DescrObj()->name.'] '.$objProd->HTML_Links().'
$objProd->image = 'bulk/'.$objFile->filespec;
$objFile->ID_Prod = $idProd;
// clear image so we go back to the list of unassigned images and display the updated product:
$show_img_assign_form = true;
echo 'Viewing image, with unassigned product information
'; $objProd = clsTitles::Item($idProd); echo $objProd->HTML(); echo '
'; $show_img_assign_form = true; break; case CUSTOM_MODULE_ACT_LOOSE_DEL: $strFileName = $_GET['file']; $strFileSpec = clsUploads::PathToBulkUpload().$strFileName; if (strstr($strFileName,'../')) { echo 'Ignoring dangerous filename ['.$strFileName.'].'; } else { echo 'Deleting ['.$strFileSpec.']...'; if (unlink($strFileSpec)) { echo 'ok'; } else { echo 'error!'; } echo '
$doSet = true;
echo 'Unzipping the file ['.$strFileName.']...';
$objUpload = new clsUpload;
$objUpload->Start_fromLoose($strFileName,'FTP upload');
echo 'Viewing '.$strFileName.':
echo '';
$doSet = true;
$doSet = true;
if ($doSet) {
switch ($set) {
SET: show bulk product entry form
check: data is being submitted for preview
commit: data is being submitted for final commit (update database)
$show_data_entry_form = true;
$show_img_upload_form = true;
$show_img_assign_form = true;
if ($set) {
echo "Sorry, this function ($set) is not implemented yet!";
if ($action) {
echo "
} else {
// The action for the top level of the custom menu goes here.
// This seemed like a good place to have an explanation of what the menu choices do.
// You could put in just an "echo" and the text, but the following code extracts it
// from a wiki page:
// error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_WARNING); // turn off the session warning
echo getWikiPage('Embed:menu:Import');
if ($show_data_entry_form) {
$htmlSep = '<tab>';
echo zen_draw_form('prod_entry', CUSTOM_MENU_MODULE);
echo '
echo 'Enter product data here: '; echo 'Format is: ' .'ID string'.$htmlSep .'(ignored)'.$htmlSep .'Title'.$htmlSep .'(ignored)'.$htmlSep .'Supplier'.$htmlSep .'Price '; echo ' | |
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ' | '; echo ''; echo ' |
'; echo ''; } if ($show_img_upload_form) { require_once('../../w/extract.php'); // display the help text echo getWikiPage('Embed:menu:Upload'); // check to see if there are any files already uploaded clsUploads::ListUnrecorded(); // display the upload form echo zen_draw_form('img_bulk_upload',CUSTOM_MENU_MODULE,'','post','enctype="multipart/form-data"'); echo '
Image zipfile: | '.zen_draw_file_field('upload_file',true).' |
Make a note of what the upload is for: | |
Description: | '.zen_draw_input_field('upload_descr').' |
(Please be patient...) |
'; echo ''; } if ($show_img_assign_form) { require_once('../../w/extract.php'); if ($idImg) { // show single-image edit form $objImg = clsUploadFiles::File_fromID($idImg); echo $objImg->HTML('align=left'); echo '
echo $objImg->AutoDescrHTML(' '); echo zen_draw_form('img_edit', CUSTOM_MENU_MODULE); echo ' '; $sql = 'select p.products_id, pd.products_name from products AS p LEFT JOIN products_description AS pd ON pd.products_id=p.products_id WHERE (p.products_image IS NULL) AND (pd.products_name IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY pd.products_name'; $qry = $db->Execute($sql); $idx = 0; if ($qry->RecordCount()) { while (!$qry->EOF) { $arrProd[$idx]['id'] = $qry->fields['products_id']; $arrProd[$idx]['text'] = $qry->fields['products_name']; $qry->MoveNext(); $idx++; } echo ' '; echo zen_draw_hidden_field('img-id',$idImg); echo zen_draw_pull_down_menu('prod-id',$arrProd,$idProd); echo ' ' .'' .''; // echo zen_draw_checkbox_field('in-new-window','',true); // echo 'open product in new window'; echo ' |
} else {
echo 'There are currently no unassigned products.';
} else {
echo getWikiPage('Embed:menu:Import.assign');
// show gallery of unassigned thumbnails
require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'application_bottom.php');
function Pluralize($iQty, $iSing=, $iPlur='s') {
if ($iQty == 1) { return $iSing; } else { return $iPlur; }
function ProcessData($iCommit) {
$data_raw = $_POST[CUSTOM_MODULE_PROD_DATA_NAME]; $data_lines = explode("\n",$data_raw);
echo '
'; echo ''; echo '';$ctrTitlesNew = 0; $ctrTitlesOld = 0;
foreach ($data_lines as $data_line) {
// create title object for each import line. Title object should do all the lookups and printing and stuff.
if ($data_line) { $objTitle = clsTitles::Import($data_line);
$ctrSuppFnd = clsSuppliers::Count(); // # of suppliers found $ctrSuppNew = clsSuppliers::CountNew(); // # of *new* suppliers $ctrCatgFnd = clsCategories::Count(); // # of new categories $ctrCatgNew = clsCategories::CountNew(); // # of new categoriesecho ''.$objTitle->TableRowCells().''; } } if ($ctrSuppNew) { $htmlSuppList = ': '.clsSuppliers::DoListNew('','',', '); $htmlSuppList .= ' OLD: '.clsSuppliers::DoListOld('','',', '); } if ($ctrCatgNew) { $htmlCatgList = ': '.clsCategories::DoListNew('','',', '); $htmlCatgList .= ' OLD: '.clsCategories::DoListOld('','',', '); } echo '
Data Entry Status | |||||||
Catg | ID | Title | Supplier | Price | Supplier | Title | Category |
'; echo 'Processed '.$ctrLines.' lines:
- '
- '.clsTitles::Records()->CountNew().' new titles to add' .'
- '.clsTitles::Records()->CountOld().' titles to update (ignored for now)' .'
- '.$ctrSuppFnd.' supplier'.Pluralize($ctrSuppFnd).' in import, '.$ctrSuppNew.' new'.$htmlSuppList .'
- '.$ctrCatgFnd.' categor'.Pluralize($ctrCatgFnd,'y','ies').' in import, '.$ctrCatgNew.' new'.$htmlCatgList .'
echo 'Adding suppliers: '.clsSuppliers::SaveImport($iCommit).'
'; echo 'Adding categories: '.clsCategories::SaveImport($iCommit).'
'; echo 'Adding titles: '.clsTitles::SaveImport($iCommit).'
} function MakeKey($iStr) {
return preg_replace('/[ -\.,;]*/',,strtolower($iStr));
} function FieldDate() { // ACTION: Returns a date formatted suitably for a datetime field in a database
return '"'.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'"';
} /*
===== CLASSES =====
- /
class clsUploads {
public function AddNew() {
$obj = new clsUpload; $obj->Start(); return $obj; } public function ListUnrecorded() {
// PURPOSE: Display a list of uploaded files not yet registered // This would happen either when a web-based upload got interrupted, // or if we had to FTP a file because the web-based upload takes too long
// get a listing of all files in the bulk-upload area:
$fpBulkUpload = clsUploads::PathToBulkUpload();
// $fpBulkUpload = '/hsphere/local/home/hypertwi/thejubileestore.com/shop/images/bulk';
$lstFiles = dirlist($fpBulkUpload); $cntKnown = 0; $cntNew = 0; if (count($lstFiles)) {
$out = 'Loose files found in bulk upload area:
- ';
foreach ($lstFiles as $objFile) {
// $objFile = new clsUploadFile;
// $objFile->MakeSpec($this,$strFSpec);
if (clsUploadFiles::File_isKnown($objFile->SpecRel())) {
} else {
if ($objFile->pathRel) {
$strSpec = $objFile->pathRel.'/';
} else {
$strSpec = ;
$strSpec .= $objFile->name;
$strParam = '?set='.CUSTOM_MODULE_SET_BULK_UPLOAD.'&file='.urlencode($strSpec).'&action=';
$out .= '
- '.$strSpec; $out .= ' ' .'[<a href="'.$strParam.CUSTOM_MODULE_ACT_LOOSE_DEL.'">delete</a>]' .'[<a href="'.$strParam.CUSTOM_MODULE_ACT_LOOSE_EXT.'">extract</a>]' .'[<a href="'.$strParam.CUSTOM_MODULE_ACT_LOOSE_VIEW.'">view</a>]'; } } if ($cntKnown) { if ($cntKnown == 1) { $out .= '
- '.$objFile->name; if ($objFile->pathRel != ) { $out .= ' in ['.$objFile->pathRel.']'; } $out .= ' (previously extracted)'; } else { $out .= '
- '.$cntKnown.' previously extracted files'; } } $out .= '
if ($cntNew) { echo $out; } } } public function ListAvail() {
// PURPOSE: Display a list of unassigned images
global $db; global $intOpt_MaxThumbs;
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_CUSTOM_UPLOAD_FILES.' WHERE (when_deleted IS NULL) AND (id_prod IS NULL)'; $qry = $db->Execute($sql); $intCount = $qry->RecordCount(); if ($intCount) { echo 'There are '.$intCount.' image'.Pluralize($intCount).' currently unassigned'; if ($intOpt_MaxThumbs < $intCount) { $sql .= ' LIMIT '.$intOpt_MaxThumbs; $qry = $db->Execute($sql); echo '; showing the first '.$intOpt_MaxThumbs.''; } echo ':
while (!$qry->EOF) {
$objImg = new clsUploadFile();
$objImg->LoadFields($qry); $objThumb = new clsUploadThumb(); $objThumb->Make($objImg, 0, 100); if ($objThumb->error) { echo $objThumb->status; } else { $strHTML = $objThumb->HTML(); echo $strHTML; } $qry->MoveNext(); }
// echo '';
} else { require_once('../../w/extract.php'); echo getWikiPage('Embed:menu:Import.assign.no-files');
// echo 'No unassigned files to show.';
} }
public function PathToBulkUpload() { return DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES.'bulk/';
// return '../images/bulk/';
} public function URLToBulkUpload() { return DIR_WS_CATALOG_IMAGES.'bulk/'; }
class clsUpload {
public $ID; public $idAdmin; // ID of admin doing the upload public $filename; // name of bulk upload file (zipfile or tarball) public $tempname; // local temporary filename public $comment; // admin comment for this upload public $status; // status string (not stored)
public function LoadRecord($iData) { $this->ID = $iData->fields['id']; $this->idAdmin = $iData->fields['id_admin']; $this->filename = $iData->fields['filename']; $this->comment = $iData->fields['comment']; }
- /
public function Start() { global $db;
// fetch values from global arrays
$this->filename = $_FILES['upload_file']['name']; $this->comment = $_POST['upload_descr']; $this->tempname = $_FILES['upload_file']['tmp_name'];
echo 'Uploading file ['.$this->filename.'], description ['.$this->comment.']...';
// echo '_FILES:'; // var_dump($_FILES); // echo '_POST:'; // var_dump($_POST); // echo 'TEST=['.$_FILES['upload_file']['tmp_name'].']';
$this->DoRecord(); } public function Start_fromLoose($iFileName,$iComment) { $this->filename = $iFileName; $this->comment = $iComment; $this->tempname = ; // not applicable $this->DoRecord(); } private function DoRecord() { global $db;
$this->idAdmin = $_SESSION['admin_id'];
$sqlComment = mysql_real_escape_string($this->comment); $sqlFilename = mysql_real_escape_string($this->filename); $sqlTempname = mysql_real_escape_string($this->tempname);
// log beginning of the upload
$sqlAdd = 'INSERT INTO '.TABLE_CUSTOM_UPLOADS.' (id_admin,when_started,filename,comment) '
.'VALUES(' .$this->idAdmin.',' // ID of current administrator .FieldDate().',' // current timestamp .'"'.$sqlFilename.'",' .'"'.$sqlComment.'");';
$db->Execute($sqlAdd); $this->ID = mysql_insert_id(); $this->status = mysql_info(); }
public function UnzipUpload() {
// ACTION: // * Moves a PHP-uploaded file into the bulk upload area, with a unique name // * Calls UnzipArchive() to unzip the file // USAGE: PHP bulk upload function should call: // * Start() to set up values and log the new upload (clsUploads::AddNew() also creates the object for you) // * UnzipUpload() to move the temp file into a normal folder, and extract the files // * Finish() to record the timestamp when extraction completed // To properly record non-PHP-uploaded archives: // * Start_fromLoose() to set up values and log the new archive // * UnzipArchive() to extract the files // * Finish() same as above
// * Move the temporary upload file over to the bulk uploads area:
global $db;
//$fpBulkUpload = DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES.'bulk/'; $fpBulkUpload = clsUploads::PathToBulkUpload(); $fnBulkUpload = 'upload-'.$this->idAdmin.'.zip'; // unique filename for each admin $fsBulkUpload = $fpBulkUpload.$fnBulkUpload;
echo '
Moving ['.$this->tempname.'] to ['.$fsBulkUpload.']...';
// do the actual move
move_uploaded_file($this->tempname,$fsBulkUpload); echo ' copied.
// unzip the file and save results in permanent location:
$this->UnzipArchive($fnBulkUpload); } public function UnzipArchive() { $fpBulkUpload = clsUploads::PathToBulkUpload(); $fnBulkUpload = $this->filename;
echo '
'; system('cd "'.$fpBulkUpload.'";tar -xvvzf "'.$fnBulkUpload.'"',$intErr); echo '
if ($intErr) { echo 'Some kind of error was encountered while extracting the files. (code='.$intErr.')
'; } else { unlink($fsBulkUpload); // delete the zipfile, now that everything is extracted
echo '
Changing file permissions...
'; system('chmod -vR 777 '.$fpBulkUpload.'*'); echo '
Files found in bulk upload area:
- ';
// get a listing of all bulk-uploaded files:
$lstFiles = dirlist($fpBulkUpload); foreach ($lstFiles as $objFile) { $objFileUp = new clsUploadFile;
}echo '
} }
public function Finish() { global $db; $sqlDone = 'UPDATE '.TABLE_CUSTOM_UPLOADS.' SET when_finished='.FieldDate().' WHERE id="'.$this->ID.'"'; $db->Execute($sqlDone); $this->status = mysql_info(); } public function FileSpec() { return clsUploads::PathToBulkUpload().$this->filename; }
class clsUploadFiles {
public function File_fromID($iID) { global $db;
$idSafe = sprintf('%u',$iID); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_CUSTOM_UPLOAD_FILES.' WHERE id='.$idSafe; $qry = $db->Execute($sql); if ($qry->RecordCount()) { $obj = new clsUploadFile; $obj->LoadFields($qry); return $obj; } } public function File_isKnown($iName) { global $db;
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_CUSTOM_UPLOAD_FILES.' WHERE filespec="'.$iName.'"'; $qry = $db->Execute($sql); return ($qry->RecordCount()); }
class clsUploadFile {
public $ID; public $ID_Upload; public $filespec; public $ID_Prod; private $strAutoDescr; public $width, $height; public $status;
private $objUpload;
public function MakeSpec($iUpload,$iSpec) { global $db;
$this->objUpload = $iUpload; $this->filespec = $iSpec; $strFileSpec = $this->FileSpec();
// echo 'ISPEC='.$iSpec.' FULL SPEC='.$strFileSpec.'
$imgArr = getimagesize($strFileSpec); $sqlFSpec = mysql_real_escape_string($this->filespec); $this->width = $imgArr[0]; $this->height = $imgArr[1];
echo '
Deleting thumbnails for ['.$fn.']'; // Delete the thumbnails: clsUploadThumbs::DelImgThumbs($this->ID); // Delete the master image file: echo '
Deleting file ['.$fn.']'; if (is_file($fs)) { unlink($fs); echo '...ok'; } else { echo '...FILE NOT FOUND'; } // Mark the file as deleted: $sql = 'UPDATE '.TABLE_CUSTOM_UPLOAD_FILES.' SET' .' when_deleted='.FieldDate() .',who_deleted='.$_SESSION['admin_id'] .' WHERE id='.$this->ID; $db->Execute($sql); } } class clsFile { public $name; public $path; public $pathRel; public function Init($iPath,$iName) { $this->name = $iName; $this->path = $iPath; $this->pathRel = $iPathRel; } public function InitSpec($iSpec,$iPathRel) { $arrPath = pathinfo($iSpec); $this->name = $arrPath['basename']; $this->path = $arrPath['dirname']; $this->pathRel = $iPathRel; } public function Spec() { return $this->path.$this->name; } public function SpecRel() { if ($this->pathRel) { $strPath = $this->pathRel.'/'; } return $strPath.$this->name; } } function dirlist($iDir,$iPathRel=) { // foreach(scandir($dir) as $entry) { $d = dir($iDir); while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) { if($entry != '.' && $entry != '..') { $entry = $iDir.'/'.$entry; if(is_dir($entry)) { $path = pathinfo($entry); $subDir = dirlist($entry,$iPathRel.$path['basename']); if (is_array($listarray)) { if (is_array($subDir)) { $listarray = array_merge($listarray,$subDir); } } else { $listarray = $subDir; } } else { $path = pathinfo($entry); $objFile = new clsFile; // $objFile->Init($path['basename'],$entry); $objFile->InitSpec($entry,$iPathRel); // $listarray[] = $ipath.'/'.$path['basename']; $listarray[] = $objFile; } } } $d->close(); return($listarray); } class clsUploadThumbs { public function Path() { return DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES.'thumbs/'; // return '../images/thumbs/'; } public function URL() { return DIR_WS_CATALOG_IMAGES.'thumbs/'; } public function ImgThumbs($iImgID) { global $db; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_CUSTOM_UPLOAD_THUMBS.' WHERE id_file='.$iImgID; $qry = $db->Execute($sql); if ($qry->RecordCount()) { while (!$qry->EOF) { $obj = new clsUploadThumb; $obj->LoadFields($qry); $arr[$obj->ID]=$obj; // $arr[]=$obj; $qry->MoveNext(); } return $arr; } } public function DelImgThumbs($iImgID) { $arrThumbs = self::ImgThumbs($iImgID); if (is_array($arrThumbs)) { foreach ($arrThumbs as $objThumb) { $fn = $objThumb->filename; $fs = $objThumb->FileSpec(); echo '
- deleting thumbnail ['.$fn.']'; if (is_file($fs)) { $objThumb->Delete(); if ($objThumb->status) { echo '...ok'; } else { echo '...ERROR'; } } else { echo '...FILE NOT FOUND'; } } } else { echo '
No thumbnails to delete.'; } } } class clsUploadThumb { public $ID; public $ID_File; public $error; public $filename; public $width; public $height; public $request; public $status; public $when_made; private $objFile; private $pxReqX,$pxReqY; public function LoadFields($iData) { $this->ID = $iData->fields['id']; $this->ID_file = $iData->fields['id_file']; $this->filename = $iData->fields['filename']; $this->width = $iData->fields['size_x']; $this->height = $iData->fields['size_y']; $this->request = $iData->fields['request']; $this->when_made = $iData->fields['when_made']; } public function Make($iFile, $iWidth, $iHeight) { // ACTION: Initializes the object and, if necessary, creates the thumb file global $db; global $wgImageMagickConvertCommand; $kTempFile = clsUploadThumbs::Path().'temp.tmp'; $this->objFile = $iFile; $this->filename = $this->FileName(); $this->pxReqX = $iWidth; $this->pxReqY = $iHeight; // check database for a matching thumbnail // $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_CUSTOM_UPLOAD_THUMBS.' WHERE filename="'.$this->FileName().'"'; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_CUSTOM_UPLOAD_THUMBS.' WHERE request="'.$this->MatchStr().'"'; //echo 'SQL=['.$sql.']
'; $qry = $db->Execute($sql); if ($qry->RecordCount()) { // found; load record $this->status = 'found'; $this->LoadFields($qry); //echo " - FOUND"; } else { // not found; create record and thumbnail $strFileSpec = wfEscapeShellArg($this->objFile->FileSpec()); $strThumbSpec = wfEscapeShellArg($this->FileSpec()); // $cmd = $wgImageMagickConvertCommand.' '.$strFileSpec.' -quality 80 -thumbnail "'.$iOption.'" -depth 8 '.$strThumbSpec; $cmd = 'convert '.$strFileSpec.' -quality 80 -thumbnail "'.$this->GeomStrReq().'>" -depth 8 '.$kTempFile; system ( $cmd,$retval ); $this->error = $retval; if ($retval) { $this->status = '
Command ['.$cmd.'] failed; error code = '.$retval; } else { $imgArr = getimagesize($kTempFile); //echo 'Getting size of ['.$this->FileSpec().']'; $this->width = $imgArr[0]; $this->height = $imgArr[1]; $this->filename = $this->FileName(); rename($kTempFile,$this->FileSpec()); $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.TABLE_CUSTOM_UPLOAD_THUMBS.' (id_file,filename,size_x,size_y,request,when_made) VALUES(' .$this->objFile->ID.', ' .'"'.$this->filename.'", ' .$this->width.', ' .$this->height.', ' .'"'.$this->MatchStr().'", ' .FieldDate().')'; $qry = $db->Execute($sql); $this->ID = mysql_insert_id(); $this->status = 'ok'; } } return $retval; } public function HTML() { return '<a href="?set='.CUSTOM_MODULE_SET_BULK_ASSIGN.'&img-id='.$this->objFile->ID.'"><img src="'.$this->FileURL($iAffix).'" title="'.$this->objFile->AutoDescr().'"></a>'; } public function FileName() { return $this->objFile->ID.'-'.$this->GeomStrReal().'.'.$this->objFile->FileExt(); } public function FileSpec() { return clsUploadThumbs::Path().$this->filename; } public function FileURL() { return clsUploadThumbs::URL().$this->filename; } private function GeomStrReal() { return GeomStr($this->width,$this->height); } private function GeomStrReq() { return GeomStr($this->pxReqX,$this->pxReqY); } private function MatchStr() { return $this->objFile->ID.'-'.$this->pxReqX.'x'.$this->pxReqY; } public function Delete() { // ACTION: Deletes the thumbnail file and the associated record global $db; // remove the record $sql = 'DELETE FROM '.TABLE_CUSTOM_UPLOAD_THUMBS.' WHERE id='.$this->ID; $db->Execute($sql); // delete the file $this->status = unlink($this->FileSpec()); } } function GeomStr($iWidth,$iHeight) { if ($iWidth) { $strOut = $iWidth; } $strOut .= 'x'; if ($iHeight) { $strOut .= $iHeight; } return $strOut; } class clsRecords { public $List; // actual unique records public $qtyNew; // number of *new* records found during import public $qtyOld; public function Count() { return Count($this->List); } public function CountOld() { if ($this->qtyOld) { return $this->qtyOld; } else { return 0; } } public function CountNew() { if ($this->qtyNew) { return $this->qtyNew; } else { return 0; } } public function AddObject($iName,$iObj) { if (!$this->List[$iName]) { $this->List[$iName] = $iObj; } if ($iObj->isFound) { $this->qtyOld++; } else { $this->qtyNew++; } } public function Exists($iName) { if (is_array($this->List)) { $isSet = isset($this->List[$iName]); return $isSet; } else { return false; } } public function DoListNew($iPfx,$iSfx,$iSep) { foreach ($this->List as $obj) { if (!$obj->isFound) { if ($out) { $out .= $iSep; } $out .= $iPfx.$obj->Name.$iSfx; } } return $out; } public function DoListOld($iPfx,$iSfx,$iSep) { foreach ($this->List as $obj) { if ($obj->isFound) { if ($out) { $out .= $iSep; } $out .= $iPfx.$obj->Name.$iSfx; } } return $out; } } class clsTitles { private static $objRecords; public function Records() { self::InitRecords(); return self::$objRecords; } public function Import($iLine) { $obj = new clsTitle; $obj->ImportLine($iLine); if (!$obj->isCatg) { self::Records()->AddObject($obj->ImportKey,$obj); } return $obj; } public function SaveImport($iCommit) { global $db; $result = '
- ';
foreach (self::Records()->List as $obj) {
$result .= $obj->SaveImport($iCommit);
$result .= '
return $result; } public function Count() { return self::Records()->Count(); } public function CountNew() { return self::Records()->CountNew(); } public function DoListNew($iPfx,$iSfx,$iSep) { return self::Records()->DoListNew($iPfx,$iSfx,$iSep); } protected function InitRecords() { if (!isset(self::$objRecords)) { self::$objRecords = new clsRecords; } } public function Item($iID) { global $db;
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PRODUCTS.' WHERE products_id='.(int)$iID; $qry = $db->Execute($sql); if ($qry->RecordCount()) { $objItem = new clsTitle(); $objItem->LoadFields($qry); return $objItem; } }
class clsTitle {
private $intID; public $price; public $supplier; public $category; // master category
// import fields
public $ImportKey; public $Name; public $SuppImp; public $CatgImp; public $isCatg;
// -- calculated fields
public $ISBN; public $ISBN_URL; public $HtmlName;
// -- status fields
public $Status; public $isFound;
// stuff for catalog viewing:
public $model; public $image;
// -- object cache
private $objDescr;
public function ID() { if (!isset($this->intID)) { $this->UpdateName(); }
//echo 'TITLE ID='.$this->intID;
return $this->intID; }
public function Load() { global $db;
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PRODUCTS.' WHERE products_id='.$this->intID; $qry = $db->Execute($sql); if ($qry->RecordCount()) { $this->LoadFields($qry); } } public function Save() { global $db;
$sql = 'UPDATE '.TABLE_PRODUCTS.' SET ' .'products_model="'.mysql_real_escape_string($this->model).'"' .',products_image="'.mysql_real_escape_string($this->image).'"' .',products_price="'.mysql_real_escape_string($this->price).'"' .',manufacturers_id='.(int)$this->supplier .',master_categories_id='.(int)$this->category .' WHERE products_id='.(int)$this->intID; $db->Execute($sql);
//echo 'SQL=['.$sql.']';
} public function LoadFields($iData) { $this->isFound = true; $this->intID = $iData->fields['products_id']; $this->model = $iData->fields['products_model']; $this->image = $iData->fields['products_image']; $this->price = $iData->fields['products_price']; $this->supplier = $iData->fields['manufacturers_id'];; $this->category = $iData->fields['master_categories_id'];
echo 'LOADING: Price='.$this->price;
} public function DescrObj() { if (is_null($objDescr)) { $objDescr = clsProdDescrs::Item($this->intID); } return $objDescr; } public function HTML_Links() { $id = $this->intID; $out = '[<a href="/shop/admin/product.php?read=only&action=new_product_preview&pID='.$id.'">preview</a>]'; $out .= ' [<a href="/shop/admin/product.php?action=new_product&pID='.$id.'">edit</a>]'; $out .= ' [<a href="/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id='.$id.'">shop</a>]'; return $out; } public function HTML() { global $db;
// make HTML for basic product info:
if ($this->image) { $out = '<img src="'.DIR_WS_CATALOG_IMAGES.$this->image.'" align=left>'; } $id = $this->intID; $out = 'Product ID: '.$id; $out .= ' '.$this->HTML_Links(); $out .= '
// add HTML for current language-description:
$objDescr = clsProdDescrs::Item($this->intID); $out .= $objDescr->HTML(); return $out; }
public function ImportLine($iLine) { global $db;
list($ImportKeyRaw,$notUsed,$this->Name,$notUsed,$strSupplierName,$notUsed,$this->price) = explode("\t",$iLine);
//echo 'NAME='.$Name.'
// Check to see if the title is actually a category record - price is 0, name is empty or contains "classification"
$this->isCatg = false; if ($this->price == 0.0) { if ((!MakeKey($this->Name)) || (eregi('classification',$this->Name))) { $this->isCatg = true; } } if ($this->isCatg) {
// for now, we're not really doing anything with category lines
$this->HtmlName = ''.$this->Name.'';
} else {
// ** Supplier
if ($strSupplierName == ) { $strSupplierName = CUSTOM_DEFAULT_SUPPLIER; } $this->SuppImp = clsSuppliers::Import($strSupplierName); $this->supplier = $this->SuppImp->supplier;
// Parse out the category and title key
$listTitleParts = array_reverse(split(':',$ImportKeyRaw)); $this->ImportKey = MakeKey(array_shift($listTitleParts)); $strCatg = array_shift($listTitleParts); // for now, assume just one level of category if (!$strCatg) { $strCatg = CUSTOM_DEFAULT_CATEGORY; } $this->CatgImp = clsCategoryImports::Import($strCatg); $this->category = $this->CatgImp->category;
//echo 'CATG='.$strCatg.' stored='.$this->Category->Name.'
// ** Title: cross-reference import key to title ID
$sqlFind = 'SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_CUSTOM_IMPORT_PROD.' WHERE import_key="'.$this->ImportKey.'";'; $qryTitle = $db->Execute($sqlFind); if ($qryTitle->RecordCount()) { $this->isFound = true; $this->Status = HTML_STATUS_EXISTS; $this->ID = $qryTitle->fields['prod_key']; } else { $this->isFound = false;
if ($lstTitles[$this->ImportKey]) { $this->Status = HTML_STATUS_NOTED;
} else { $this->Status = HTML_STATUS_NEW;
// $lstTitles[$this->ImportKey] = $this->ID; // may eventually want to save an object, not just a string
} } } }
public function UpdateName() { $subject = $this->Name; $pattern = '/ISBN *[0-9\-]*/'; preg_match($pattern, $subject, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
// This operation is unnecessarily complicated, but it is what seems to work:
$this->ISBN = trim(preg_replace('/ISBN/',,$matches[0][0])); if ($this->ISBN) { $this->ISBN_URL = preg_replace('/<<1>>/',$this->ISBN,URL_ISBN_SEARCH); $this->HtmlName = '<a href="'.$this->ISBN_URL.'">'.$this->Name.'</a>'; } else { $this->HtmlName = $this->Name; $this->ISBN_URL = ; } }
public function SaveImport($iCommit) { global $db;
if ($this->isFound) {
// TO DO: write update routine
} else {
// Check for missing manufacturer:
if (!$this->supplier->ID()) { echo 'MISSING SUPPLIER for title "'.$this->Name.'"
'; } if (!$this->category->ID()) { echo 'MISSING CATEGORY for title "'.$this->Name.'"
'; }
// only insert items with a numerically valid price
if (is_numeric(trim($this->price))) {
// Theory: MySQL defaults to using the first index as an auto-increment key. We'll see if this works. // Update main PRODUCTS table:
$sqlAdd = 'INSERT INTO '.TABLE_PRODUCTS.' (products_status,products_price,products_date_added,manufacturers_id,master_categories_id)'
.'VALUES(' .'1,' // products_status (1 = active) .$this->price.',' // products_price .'NOW(),' // products_date_added .$this->supplier->ID().',' // manufacturers_id .$this->category->ID().')'; // master_categories_id
$result .= 'if ($this->isCatg) {$out .= 'category (ignored)';
} else {$out .= '('.$this->supplier->ID().') '.$this->supplier->Name.''.$this->price.''.$this->SuppImp->status.''.$this->Status.''.$this->CatgImp->Status.'';
} return $out; }
class clsProdDescrs {
public function Item($iProd) { global $db;
$idLang = clsLanguages::Current()->id; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION.' WHERE products_id='.(int)$iProd.' AND language_id='.(int)$idLang; $qry = $db->Execute($sql); if ($qry->RecordCount()) { $objItem = new clsProdDescr(); $objItem->LoadFields($qry); return $objItem; } }
class clsProdDescr {
public $id_prod; private $objProd; public $id_lang; public $name; public $descr; public $URL; public function LoadFields($iData) { $this->id_prod = $iData->fields['products_id']; $this->id_lang = $iData->fields['language_id']; $this->name = $iData->fields['products_name']; $this->descr = $iData->fields['products_description']; $this->URL = $iData->fields['products_url']; } public function HTML() { $out = 'Name: '.$this->name.'
'; if ($this->descr) { $out .= 'Description: '.$this->descr.'
'; } else { $out .= 'No description
'; } return $out; }
class clsLanguages {
public function Current() { global $db;
$strLang = $_SESSION['language']; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_LANGUAGES.' WHERE directory="'.$strLang.'"'; $qry = $db->Execute($sql); if ($qry->RecordCount()) { $obj = new clsLanguage; $obj->LoadFields($qry); return $obj; } }
class clsLanguage {
public $id; public $name;
public function LoadFields($iData) { $this->id = $iData->fields['languages_id']; $this->name = $iData->fields['name']; }
class clsSuppliers {
private static $Records;
public function Import($iName) { self::InitRecords(); $objSuppImp = new clsSupplierImport; if (self::$Records->List[$iName]) {
// supplier has already been seen this session
$objSupp = self::$Records->List[$iName]; // retrieve existing supplier record $objSuppImp->ImportOld($objSupp); // attach it to supplier import record for this import } else {
// new supplier for this session
$objSuppImp->ImportNew($iName); self::$Records->AddObject($iName,$objSuppImp->supplier);
// self::$Records->List[$iName] = $objSuppImp->Supplier;
// if (!$objSuppImp->Supplier->isFound) { // $this->Records->qtyNew++; // } } return $objSuppImp; }
// save list of (new) suppliers to database
public function SaveImport($iCommit) { global $db;$result = '
- ';
foreach (self::$Records->List as $obj) {
if (!$obj->isFound) {
if ($strValues) {
$strValues .= ',';
$strValues .= '("'.mysql_real_escape_string($obj->Name).'",NOW())';
if ($strValues) {
$sqlAdd = 'INSERT INTO '.TABLE_MANUFACTURERS.' (manufacturers_name, date_added) VALUES'.$strValues;
$result .= '
- SQL: '.$sqlAdd; if ($iCommit) { $db->Execute($sqlAdd); $result .= '
- status: '.mysql_info(); } } $result .= '
return $result; } public function Count() { self::InitRecords(); return self::$Records->Count(); } public function CountNew() { self::InitRecords(); return self::$Records->CountNew(); } public function DoListNew($iPfx,$iSfx,$iSep) { self::InitRecords(); return self::$Records->DoListNew($iPfx,$iSfx,$iSep); } public function DoListOld($iPfx,$iSfx,$iSep) { self::InitRecords(); return self::$Records->DoListOld($iPfx,$iSfx,$iSep); } protected function InitRecords() { if (!isset(self::$Records)) { self::$Records = new clsRecords; } }
class clsSupplier {
private $intID; public $Name; public $Key; public $isFound;
public function Init($iName) { global $db;
$this->Name = $iName; $this->UpdateName(); } public function Init_fromID($iID) { global $db;
$this->intID = $iID; $sqlFind = 'SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_MANUFACTURERS.' WHERE manufacturers_id="'.$iID.'";'; $qryFind = $db->Execute($sqlFind); $this->isFound = $qryFind->RecordCount(); if ($this->isFound) { $this->Name = $qryFind->fields['manufacturers_name']; } } private function UpdateName() { global $db;
$sqlFind = 'SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_MANUFACTURERS.' WHERE manufacturers_name="'.$this->Name.'";'; $qryFind = $db->Execute($sqlFind); $this->isFound = $qryFind->RecordCount(); if ($this->isFound) { $this->intID = $qryFind->fields['manufacturers_id']; } else {
// not found in main list, so check aliases
$sqlFind = 'SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_CUSTOM_IMPORT_MFGRS.' WHERE LCASE(import_alias)="'.mysql_real_escape_string(strtolower($this->Name)).'";'; $qryFind = $db->Execute($sqlFind); $this->isFound = $qryFind->RecordCount(); if ($this->isFound) { $this->Init_fromID($qryFind->fields['id_mfgr']); } } } public function ID() { if ($this->intID) { $this->UpdateName(); } return $this->intID; }
class clsSupplierImport {
public $supplier; // points to supplier data public $status; // indicates status of this particular import of that data
// Supplier record has already been created, so use it:
public function ImportOld($iObj) { $this->supplier = $iObj; $this->status = HTML_STATUS_NOTED; }
// Supplier record needs to be created:
public function ImportNew($iName) { global $db;
$this->supplier = new clsSupplier; $this->supplier->Init($iName); if ($this->supplier->isFound) { $this->status = HTML_STATUS_EXISTS; } else { $this->status = HTML_STATUS_NEW; } }
===== CATEGORIES =====
- /
class clsCategories {
private static $Records;
public function Create($iName) {
// This function is only called if category has not been seen before in this run
global $db;
$objNew = new clsCategory; self::InitRecords(); $objNew->Init($iName); self::$Records->AddObject($iName,$objNew);
/* self::$Records->List[$iName] = $objNew;
if (!$objNew->isFound) { self::$Records->qtyNew++; }
- /
return $objNew; }
// add any new categories to database
public function SaveImport($iCommit) { foreach (self::$Records->List as $obj) { if (!$obj->isFound) { $sqlOut .= $obj->SaveImport($iCommit); } } return $sqlOut; } public function GetObject($ID) { self::InitRecords(); return self::$Records->List[$ID]; } public function Count() { self::InitRecords(); return self::$Records->Count(); } public function CountNew() { self::InitRecords(); return self::$Records->CountNew(); } public function Exists($iName) { self::InitRecords(); return self::$Records->Exists($iName); } public function DoListNew($iPfx,$iSfx,$iSep) { self::InitRecords(); return self::$Records->DoListNew($iPfx,$iSfx,$iSep); } public function DoListOld($iPfx,$iSfx,$iSep) { self::InitRecords(); return self::$Records->DoListOld($iPfx,$iSfx,$iSep); } protected function InitRecords() { if (!isset(self::$Records)) { self::$Records = new clsRecords; } }
} class clsCategory {
private $intID; public $Name; public $ImportKey;
// status
public $isFound;
public function Init($iName) { global $db;
//echo 'storing 2:'.$iName.' ';
$this->Name = $iName; $this->ImportKey = MakeKey($iName); $this->UpdateName(); } private function UpdateName() { global $db;
$sqlFind = 'SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION.' WHERE categories_name="'.$this->Name.'"'; $qryFind = $db->Execute($sqlFind); $this->isFound = $qryFind->RecordCount(); $this->intID = $qryFind->fields['categories_id']; } public function ID() { if (!$this->intID) { $this->UpdateName(); } return $this->intID; } public function SaveImport($iCommit) { global $db;$result = '
- ';
$sqlAdd = 'INSERT INTO '.TABLE_CATEGORIES.' (date_added) VALUES(NOW())';
$result .= '
- SQL: '.$sqlAdd; if ($iCommit) { $db->Execute($sqlAdd); $result .= '
- status: '.mysql_info(); $idNew = mysql_insert_id(); $result .= '
- ID: '.$idNew; } else { $idNew = '?'; } $sqlAdd = 'INSERT INTO '.TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION.' (categories_id,categories_name) VALUES(' .$idNew.',"'.mysql_real_escape_string($this->Name).'");'; $result .= '
- SQL: '.$sqlAdd; if ($iCommit) { $db->Execute($sqlAdd); $result .= '
- status: '.mysql_info(); } $result .= '
return $result; }
class clsCategoryImports {
public function Import($iName) { $objImport = new clsCategoryImport; $objImport->Import($iName); return $objImport; }
class clsCategoryImport {
public $category; public $status;
public function Import($iName) {
// echo 'storing 1:'.$iName.' ';
if (clsCategories::Exists($iName)) {
//echo 'EXISTS ';
$this->category = clsCategories::GetObject($iName); $this->status = HTML_STATUS_NOTED; } else {
//echo '*NEW* ';
$this->category = clsCategories::Create($iName); if ($this->category->isFound) { $this->status = HTML_STATUS_EXISTS; } else { $this->status = HTML_STATUS_NEW; } } }