VbzCart/tables/ord trxact
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- Purpose: Money transactions for orders
- Refers to: core_orders (parent), ord_pkgs, ord_trx_type
- History:
- 2008-12-27 Adapted from MS Access version ("Trxacts" table)
- 2009-01-05 Added WhenVoid field - deleting records leaves mysterious holes in the sequence; let's just void them
- 2009-07-07 Added to L48 version of database
- Fields:
- ID_Package should be used to facilitate printing only package-relevant transactions on a packing slip, but I don't know if this is currently workable.
<mysql>CREATE TABLE `ord_trxact` (
`ID` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `ID_Order` INT NOT NULL COMMENT "core_orders.ID", `ID_Package` INT DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "ord_pkgs.ID", `ID_Type` INT NOT NULL COMMENT "ord_trx_type.ID", `WhenDone` DATETIME DEFAULT NULL, `WhenVoid` DATETIME DEFAULT NULL, `Descr` VARCHAR(255), `Amount` DECIMAL(9,2) COMMENT "amount of transaction: +owed by customer -credit to customer", PRIMARY KEY(`ID`)
) ENGINE = MYISAM;</mysql>