VbzCart/tables/ord event
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This documentation is obsolete, and is being kept solely for archival purposes. |
- Purpose: for tracking internally-generated events which (generally) do not affect the order's status
- Status: obsolete, no longer available
- History:
- 2009-10-18 Created
- 2010-09-24 Merged into event_log and renamed so it can't be used; to be deleted
- Fields:
- VbzUser is the user's wiki username, and only applies to events initiated through the wiki user interface
<mysql>CREATE TABLE `ord_event` (
`ID` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `ID_Ord` INT NOT NULL COMMENT "core_orders.ID", `WhenDone` DATETIME NOT NULL COMMENT "when the event happened", `WhatCode` VARCHAR(7) NOT NULL COMMENT "informal event type code", `VbzUser` VARCHAR(127) COMMENT "VbzCart username of whoever initiated the event, if available", `SysUser` VARCHAR(127) COMMENT "who logged into the operating system, if available", `Machine` VARCHAR(63) NOT NULL COMMENT "network name or IP address of client", `Descr` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "human-readable description of what happened", `Notes` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "human-entered notes, if needed", PRIMARY KEY(`ID`)
) ENGINE = MYISAM;</mysql>
Merging Into event_log
Fields to copy when merging this table into event_log:
- event_log ← ord_event
- WhenFinished ← WhenDone
- ModType ← "ord"
- ModIndex ← ID_Ord
- EvWhere ← WhatCode (this is a bit of a kluge)
- Descr ← Descr
- WhoAdmin ← VbzUser
- WhoSystem ← SysUser
- WhoNetwork ← Machine
- Notes ← Notes
<mysql>INSERT INTO `event_log` (
WhenFinished, ModType, ModIndex, EvWhere, Descr, WhoAdmin, WhoSystem, WhoNetwork, Notes)
WhenDone, "ord", ID_Ord, WhatCode, Descr, VbzUser, SysUser, Machine, Notes
FROM `ord_event`;</mysql>