VbzCart/tables/cat depts/archive

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Fields (before 2016-11-28)

  • CatKey: the keystring which gets added to the catalog number for Titles in this Department.
    • Each Title's catalog number is: [Supplier CatKey]-[Department CatKey]-[Title CatKey], unless Department.CatKey is NULL.
    • May be NULL, in which case Department is just being used as a way of grouping Titles, and Title catalog number is [Supplier CatKey]-[Title CatKey].
  • PageKey: the keystring which is used to build the folder for exhibiting this Department. Does not affect catalog number.
    • If NULL, use CatKey.
    • CatKey and PageKey should only both be NULL if there is only one Department for the Supplier. (In that case the Supplier should be able to have zero Departments, but I'm not sure if the code has been tested for this.)