VbzCart/queries/qryCache Flow Procs
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- Purpose: gives a list of procs for a given table, making sure that any proc with a set "doesClear" flag comes before the rest.
- Requires: cache_flow, cache_queries
- Used by: cache manager
- History:
- 2010-11-09 Renamed tables, so had to fix this query; renamed from v_data_flow to qryCache_Flow_Queries
- 2010-11-13 Renamed from qryCache_Flow_Queries to qryCache_Flow_Procs; modified to use new cache_flow structure
<mysql>CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW qryCache_Flow_Procs AS
SELECT cf.ID_Proc, cf.ID_Table, cf.doWrite, cp.doesClear FROM cache_flow AS cf LEFT JOIN cache_queries AS cp ON cf.ID_Proc=cp.ID ORDER BY cp.doesClear;</mysql>