This code works best when run interactively. There's probably a way to do this through a web browser, but for now I just run it from a command line.
- 2010-11-15 New items do get created by the script, but status fields (notably isInPrint and isForSale) only get set when you run the process a second time. It's as if Step 3.2 isn't setting those fields, so they only get set by 3.1 after the item records are created. Need to try running this using a dummy target table instead of the real cat_items.
- Fields which specifically do not need to be (or should not be) always updated:
- ID_Title is a join key (used in
- REDIRECT Template:l/vc/query)
- CatSfx is a join key (used in qryCtg_Items_forUpdJoin)
- QtyMin_Stk is a permanent field; it was formerly copied over to the temp table and then copied back
- Supp_CatNum is also a permanent field
- PriceList may be set for individual items, and should not be reset to NULL
Queries |
Tables |
- 2010-11-10 "data_tables" has been renamed "cache_tables"
<php><?php /*
NAME: build-cat PURPOSE: maintenance script for building catalog from scources AUTHOR: Woozle (Nick) Staddon REQUIRES: data.php, site.php, store.php VERSION: 2010-06-27 Excerpting relevant code from SpecialVbzAdmin 2010-11-10 "data_tables" has been renamed "cache_tables"
- /
//require_once('../../libmgr.php'); require_once('../site.php'); require_once('../../data.php'); //require_once('../store.php'); //require_once('../../datamgr.php');
$arSQL_CtgBuild = array( /* STAGE 1: Clear/refill the two temporary tables from which cat_items is updated. */
'1.1 clear update table 1 of 2' => 'DELETE FROM ctg_upd1;', '1.2 clear update table 2 of 2' => 'DELETE FROM ctg_upd2;', /* == Fill temp tables == */ /* -- generated source data: */ '1.3 fill update table 1/2 with source data' => 'INSERT INTO ctg_upd1 SELECT
CatSfx, isCloseOut, ID_CTG_Title, ID_CTG_Item, ID_Title, ID_ItTyp, ID_ItOpt, ID_ShipCost, PriceBuy, PriceSell, PriceList, ItOpt_Descr_part, NameSng, GrpItmDescr, TitleGroupDescr, OptionDescr, ItOpt_Sort, GrpCode, GrpDescr, GrpSort, IDS_Item, CatNum, ItOpt_Descr
FROM qryCtg_src;', /* -- existing catalog data indexed for JOINing: */ '1.4 fill update table 2/2 with pre-join data' => 'INSERT INTO ctg_upd2 SELECT *, 0 AS cntDups FROM qryCtg_Items_forUpdJoin ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE cntDups=cntDups+1;',
/* STAGE 2: Calculate stock numbers and set isForSale flag */
/* -- calculate stock quantities; set for-sale flag if in stock */ '2.1 calculate stock quantities and status' => 'UPDATE ctg_upd2 AS i LEFT JOIN qryStk_items_remaining AS s ON i.ID_Item=s.ID_Item SET
i.qtyInStock=s.QtyForSale, i.isForSale=(s.QtyForSale > 0);',
/* -- also set for-sale flag if available from source */ '2.2 also update status from catalog source' => 'UPDATE ctg_upd2 AS i LEFT JOIN ctg_upd1 AS u ON i.IDS_Item=u.IDS_Item SET i.isForSale=i.isForSale OR (u.IDS_Item IS NOT NULL);',
/* STAGE 3: Update cat_items */
/* -- replace sourced items in cat_items from CTG data (except for fields saved in ctg_upd2) */ '3.1 update existing item status with calculated items' => 'UPDATE cat_items AS i LEFT JOIN qryCtg_Upd_join AS iu ON i.ID=iu.ID SET i.cntCtgDup = i.cntCtgDup+1, i.CatNum = iu.CatNum, i.isForSale = iu.isForSale, i.isMaster = iu.isMaster, i.isInPrint = iu.isInPrint, i.isCloseOut = iu.isCloseOut, i.isCurrent = NULL, /* TO DO */ i.isPulled = FALSE, /* would this ever get set to anything else? */ i.isDumped = FALSE, /* same ^ */ i.ID_ItTyp = iu.ID_ItTyp, i.ID_ItOpt = iu.ID_ItOpt, i.ItOpt_Descr = iu.ItOpt_Descr, i.ItOpt_Sort = iu.ItOpt_Sort, i.GrpCode = iu.GrpCode,
i.GrpDescr = iu.GrpDescr, i.GrpSort = iu.GrpSort, i.ID_ShipCost = iu.ID_ShipCost, i.PriceBuy = iu.PriceBuy, i.PriceSell = iu.PriceSell, i.PriceList = IFNULL(iu.PriceList,i.PriceList), i.QtyIn_Stk = iu.QtyIn_Stk
WHERE iu.ID IS NOT NULL', '3.2 add any new calculated items' => 'REPLACE INTO cat_items SELECT *,NULL AS cntCtgDup FROM qryCtg_Upd_join;', /* -- clear availability flags in any unused items */ '3.3 clear availability flags in unused items' => 'UPDATE cat_items AS i LEFT JOIN qryCtg_Upd_join AS u
ON i.ID=u.ID SET i.isInPrint=NULL, i.isForSale=NULL WHERE u.ID IS NULL;',
/* -- set stock and for-sale fields for *all* joinable cat_items from calculations done in ctg_upd2 */ '3.4 set stock status fields' => 'UPDATE cat_items AS i LEFT JOIN ctg_upd2 AS u ON i.ID=u.ID_Item SET
/* -- update inactive catalog numbers where title's catnum has changed */ '3.5 update changed inactive catalog numbers' => 'UPDATE cat_items AS i LEFT JOIN qryCat_Titles AS t ON i.ID_Title=t.ID SET
WHERE (LEFT(i.CatNum,LENGTH(t.CatNum)) != t.CatNum) AND NOT isPulled;',
/* STAGE 4: Housekeeping - update timestamp of cat_items so dependent tables will be recalculated */
'4. update cache timestamp' => 'UPDATE cache_tables SET WhenUpdated=NOW() WHERE Name="cat_items";' );
function VbzDb() {
static $objDb;
if (!isset($objDb)) {
$objDb = new clsDatabase(KS_DB_VBZCART); $objDb->Open();
} return $objDb;
function Write($iText) {
echo $iText;
} function WriteLn($iText) {
echo $iText."\n";
function doCatBuild() {
global $wgOut; global $arSQL_CtgBuild;
$objDB = VbzDb();
$intLine = 0; foreach($arSQL_CtgBuild as $descr => $sql) {
$intLine++; WriteLn($intLine.') '.$descr); $ok = $objDB->Exec($sql); if ($ok) { $intRows = $objDB->RowsAffected(); $strStat = $intRows.' row'.Pluralize($intRows).' affected'; WriteLn(' - OK - '.$strStat); } else { WriteLn(' - ERROR: '.$objDB->getError()); $objDB->ClearError(); }
WriteLn('Building catalog...'); doCatBuild(); WriteLn('End of build.');</php>