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Krusader is a graphical file manager for KDE.
A Dialogue
<Dhraakellian> and, yes, there is a treeview <Dhraakellian> there should be arrow buttons near the top that you can click to toggle stuff <TheWoozle> Ok, I figured out the asymmetric thingy... <TheWoozle> Will have to experiment with the treeview when the sync is done. <Dhraakellian> click the up arrow in the pane's statusbar <Dhraakellian> right above the "close tab" button <Dhraakellian> you can also use the popup panel for the embedded filelight view <Dhraakellian> which is ++nifty * TheWoozle likes shiny filelight <Dhraakellian> better than kdirstat from what I've seen <TheWoozle> Now Krusader is giving me the same error, with the same options. No retry. <Dhraakellian> and krusader's filelight is better than regular filelight <TheWoozle> But a much wider dialog box. <Dhraakellian> hmm <TheWoozle> And I can't copy the message.... but do its error messages ordinarily end with "!"?
<TheWoozle> It looks like it's trying to copy index.php from one place to another... but it might be trying to call it "index.php!" at the target, for some unknown reason... but I don't *think* that would cause a problem on FTP/Linux...
<TheWoozle> Guess I'll auto-skip and run the sync again when it's done. <Dhraakellian> ja <TheWoozle> Maybe it's having trouble because it doesn't like FTPing directly from an archive... I should unzip and then upload from that.
<TheWoozle> Another problem with Krusader... it's smart enough to compare timestamps on the files, but it doesn't seem to be smart enough to *set* the timestamp when it updates a file.
<TheWoozle> So it will still report the same timestamp mismatches after a sync that it reported beforehand. * TheWoozle tells it to "ignore date" and runs the compare again. <TheWoozle> "Save settings on exit" crashed it the 2nd time, too. <TheWoozle> And the 3rd time. <TheWoozle> I think we have a reliable bug here. <TheWoozle> However, I'll be kind and suggest that it's probably this version of Ubuntu, as other apps seem crash-prone. <TheWoozle> I still don't see the button to make it a treeview, however.
<TheWoozle> Still has errors going between unzipped files and FTP... I think the server connection just periodically croaks briefly... a retry button would solve the problem. Or automatic retries, even. >.<
<TheWoozle> And, failing those, just a *list* of files it couldn't read.
The synchronize dialog closes when the synchronize operation is done – even if there were errors. This means you have to start all over again with the comparison, which in this case took several hours (over 2 days) of repeatedly acknowledging error popups. Not very practical. --Woozle 10:39, 22 May 2006 (EDT)