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I have reported this bug (which may be two separate bugs) on SourceForge. --Woozle 01:29, 28 July 2010 (UTC)

2010-07-27 Group-Office email sorting issue 1.web.png

One email sorting bug in Group-Office: first we see July 3, then July 5... okay so far... but then we get July 26, followed by July 25 and July 23. That might make sense if they were different years, but they're all 2010.

2010-07-27 Group-Office email sorting issue 2.web.png

Another email sorting bug in Group-Office: some emails show only a time -- no date -- even though the message clearly shows that they do have the proper date. This wouldn't be a problem if they sorted correctly, but they're sorting as before all the other messages, when they're actually from today.