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Gmail is a free email-hosting service operated by Google.
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- 2022-08-19 User:Woozle/copypasta/2022/08/19/Roundcube message headers
- 2016-11-13 User:Woozle/2016/11/13/GMail silently dropping messages from cloud2
- 2022-08-31 Today in "Google broke email". «This has been mostly working fine for a decade or so, but lately there have been more bounces due to "strict SPF".»
- 2022-08 Pegasus Mail and OAUTH2 authorization with Gmail: an odyssey of obstacles
- 2021-08-12 Gmail reject emails sent from my domain: due to the very low reputation
- 2021-06-30 Why is gmail rejecting my SMTP connection?
- 2020-09-21 Google SMTP servers reject my own SMTP server
- 2020-01-15 Google Mail SMTP changes in 2021
- 2019-07-03 gmail rejecting mail from my domain
- 2016-11-22 Forwarded emails being rejected by gmail as unauthenticated
- 2016-10-14 Google is rejecting SMTP access outside of my state
- 2013-08-21 Why does Google reject my outgoing emails?
- 2012-02-01 Google rejecting mail