GitHub is a web site which provides free Git repository hosting for open-source projects and a number of other services.
- home page
- Mastering Markdown: guide to the flavor of Markdown that GitHub uses
- Wikipedia
When you create a new repository in GitHub, the site will provide you with the necessary commands to create a new repository on your local machine and update the GitHub repository from it. The commands are generally of the following form:
create a new local repository:
touch git init git add git commit -m "first commit" git remote add origin<username>/<project_name>.git git push -u origin master
update the GitHub repository (i.e. "push" your local repo to GitHub):
git remote add origin<username>/<project_name>.git git push -u origin master
initiate a pull request: When you look at GitHub's page for the repository you were editing, there should be a message saying "Your recently pushed branches:" above the file listing, and each push will have a green button on the right saying "Compare & pull request". Push that button to initiate a pull request. See About pull requests for further explanation.
- 2017-07-15 Antisocial Coding: My Year at GitHub