CPSC Middle School Interest Survey
Central Park School for Children (CPSC) Middle School Interest Survey
- This was transcribed from a printout sent home with CPSC students on 2005-11-15
- Email addresses are scrambled so 'bots will not add them to spam databases. Please type in the address as it appears on the screen; copying and pasting may give incorrect results.
- A scan of the original printout is here
We are pursuing the idea of starting a middle school that would continue the CPSC educational philosophy. If you would be interested in possibly having a child/children attend such a middle school, please fill out the information below. This survey is NOT an application or guarantee with regard to a future middle school opening. We are in the initial planning stages and are trying to gather information. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Please return this form to your child's teacher or the front office by Friday, December 1 (2005) or email the information to bangsezmax @ yahoo . com
Also — if you have friends and neighbors who may be interested in a middle school program for their children in the near future, please pick up a form or two from the front office and have them return it to you or to the school with their information, or they can email the information to the following address: bangsezmaxspam@spamyahoospam.spamcom
Contact Information
Please print clearly!
If your child does not currently attend CPSC, please indicate his/her/their current school(s):
I would consider a middle school based on the CPSC educational ideas for my child(ren). For the 2006-2007 academic calendar year (fill out all that apply with a number), I would have:
- _____ child(ren) in 6th grade
- _____ child(ren) in 7th grade
- _____ child(ren) in 8th grade
If you would not have any children in middle school during the 2006-2007 academic year, at what point would you have a child entering 6th grade? _____ 2007-2008 ... _____ 2008-2009 ... _____ 2009-2010
If you have any questions regarding this survey, or if you would like to help us explore the possibility of having a middle school program in association with CPSC, please contact us.
- Adele Hite bangsezmax @ yahoo . com
- Kathy Kirschmann klkirschmann @ verizon . net
- Paula Edelson pedelson @ mindspring . com