VbzCart/tables/rstk ord line

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Revision as of 16:03, 9 November 2008 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (+ID_Order, ID_RstkLine -> ID_RstkReq, +ID_Item)
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  • Created: 2008-11-07
  • Distribution of restock items to customer orders (planned). This is more of a historical-log-and-search kind of record than something which is actually part of the process. (Should we get rid of it at some point?)
    • Search for every time a particular item was restock-requested, and which orders we were trying to fill
    • Search for every time we tried to restock-request items for a particular order
    • Shows which items in a restock request are for customers; remainder are for stock


<mysql>CREATE TABLE `rstk_ord_line` (

  `ID_RstkReq`      INT NOT NULL COMMENT "restock request (rstk_req.ID) which is being used to fulfill the customer's order",
  `ID_Order`        INT NOT NULL COMMENT "customer order (core_orders.ID) which is being fulfilled by this restock request line",
  `ID_OrdLine`      INT NOT NULL COMMENT "specific order line (ord_lines.ID) being fulfilled",
  `ID_Item`         INT NOT NULL COMMENT "item which is being requested to fill the customer's order",
  `QtyOrd`          INT NOT NULL COMMENT "Quantity allocated to this customer",
  `Notes`           VARCHAR(255) COMMENT "human-entered notes on this allocation item",
  PRIMARY KEY(`ID_RstkReq`,`ID_OrdLine`)
ENGINE = MYISAM;</mysql>