VbzCart/tables/cache flow

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Revision as of 14:18, 9 November 2010 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (updating history and SQL before renaming page)
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  • Purpose: Keeps track of data dependencies between tables – which procs update which caches from which sources
  • Refers to: cache_tables, cache_queries
  • History:
    • 2010-11-09 Renamed data_flow -> cache_flow; ID_Proc -> ID_Query


<mysql>CREATE TABLE `cache_flow` (

   ID_Srce INT NOT NULL COMMENT "cache_tables.ID of SOURCE table",
   ID_Dest INT NOT NULL COMMENT "cache_tables.ID of DESTINATION table",
   ID_Query INT NOT NULL COMMENT "cache_queries.ID of stored procedure which calculates Dest data from Srce data",
   Notes   VARCHAR(255) COMMENT "loose explanatory or descriptive notes",
   PRIMARY KEY (`ID_Srce`,`ID_Dest`,`ID_Query`)
) ENGINE = MYISAM;</mysql>