VbzCart/queries/qryItTypsDepts grpItems

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Revision as of 01:29, 13 April 2009 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (using sub-query instead of doing the JOIN right here)
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  • Requires:
  1. REDIRECT Template:l/vc/query,
  2. REDIRECT Template:l/vc/table
  • Used by: qryItTypsDepts_ItTyps
  • History:
    • 2009-04-12 No longer caching stock-quantity fields in cat_items, so had to pull in v_stk_items_remaining qryCat_Items_Stock; removing cntStkForSale until I find out what it is needed for


<mysql>CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW qryItTypsDepts_grpItems AS SELECT

 i.ID_ItTyp, t.ID_Dept,

 SUM(IF(i.isForSale,1,0)) AS cntForSale,
 SUM(IF(i.isInPrint,1,0)) AS cntInPrint,
 /* SUM(IF(i.QtyForSale>0,1,0)) AS cntStkForSale, */
 SUM(i.qtyForSale) AS qtyForSale

FROM qryCat_Items_Stock AS i LEFT JOIN cat_titles AS t ON i.ID_Title=t.ID GROUP BY i.ID_ItTyp, t.ID_Dept HAVING cntForSale;</mysql>