Lazarus IDE
Lazarus IDE is a free/open source Integrated Development Environment for Free Pascal, a form of Object Pascal.
This page is a seed article. You can help HTYP water it: make a request to expand a given page and/or donate to help give us more writing-hours!
For information about the language, see Free Pascal
How to
- Re-add a lost form to a project:
- create a new form with a temporary name
- save the project
- delete the 2 form-related files it creates
- rename the files for the form you want to load to that temporary name
- (untested) re-save the form under its permanent name
- no FPC sources (solution: install package "fpc-source")
- no valid package file (.lpk) was found
- Wikipedia
- see Free Pascal for language documentation
- Free Pascal wiki (alias)
- Lazarus Documentation: compiling and installation
- source code
- default library packages:
- FCL: Free Component Library
- LCL: Lazarus Component Library
- Reference for package 'lcl' (hierarchical)
- Index of all identifiers in package 'lcl' (alphabetic)
- RTL: Free Pascal Run-Time Library
- (official) Lazarus Tutorial
- (Sheep Dog Guides) Lazarus Programming Tutorials
- (SchoolFreeware) Free Pascal Tutorials - Lazarus Program Example Code