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Note: This page is about the proprietary Windows version of Eudora, not the open-source application of the same name that isn't really the same program at all. (Eventually, there should be separate pages for each of these.)

Eudora is an email client whose copyright is owned by Qualcomm. It was originally proprietary, but switched to using Mozilla's open-source Thunderbird as a codebase in 2006. A beta of (open-source) Eudora 8.0 was released in 2008, but it had discarded the look-and-feel which made the original popular. Eudora OSE (Open-Source Edition) was released in 2010, but did not fix this problem.

This page is a seed article. You can help HTYP water it: make a request to expand a given page and/or donate to help give us more writing-hours!


How To

  • Importing from Eudora to Thunderbird
  • Eudora Rescue
  • Importing e-mail from Eudora into Thunderbird on Ubuntu Linux
  • Accept a certificate when Eudora keeps rejecting it:
    • Right-click on the account, select Properties
    • Select the "incoming mail" tab
    • Click the "Last SSL info" button
    • Click the "Certificate Information Manager" button
    • Look through the list of certificates for the one that isn't being accepted. It should have a skull icon. You may have to open multiple tree-levels to find it.
    • Click on the certificate, and press the "add to trusted" button.


open-source release