VbzCart/tables/stk history legacy
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- Purpose: For accommodating old stock history data (possibly imported from another application) where some rows don't meet the stricter requirements of
- REDIRECT Template:l/vc/table. This table should have all the same fields as that table, but some fields may have looser requirements and additional fields may be added.
- Usage: Feel free to NOT-NULLify any existing fields, or even add additional fields to preserve your old data. If you have no old data to deal with, this table is unnecessary; you can either leave it empty, or modify
- REDIRECT Template:l/vc/query not to require it.
- History:
- 2008-12-29 Created so that old data could be accommodated without compromising integrity of new data added to stk_history.
- 2016-03-02
- Found that there were no NULL values in my data for ID_StkBin, ID_StkLine, CH_OthType, IDS_OthCont, QtyAdded -- so made them NOT NULL
- Actually, QtyAdded was already NOT NULL in my actual table... just making that official, in this table which should be going away shortly.
- Found that there were no NULL values in my data for ID_StkBin, ID_StkLine, CH_OthType, IDS_OthCont, QtyAdded -- so made them NOT NULL
- 2016-03-03 Preparing to merge with stk_history: set NULL ID_Item fields by looking up stk_lines.ID_Item from ID_StkLine. ID_Item can now be NOT NULL, as in stk_history.
<mysql>CREATE TABLE `stk_history_legacy` (
`ID` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `ID_StkBin` INT NOT NULL COMMENT "stock item is being moved to or from this bin", `ID_StkLine` INT NOT NULL COMMENT "stk_items.ID of item in this bin being moved", `CH_OthType` CHAR NOT NULL COMMENT "type for 'other' container & line", `ID_OthCont` INT /*NOT NULL*/ COMMENT "[container type's table].ID of the Other place", `ID_OthLine` INT /*NOT NULL*/ COMMENT "[container type's line table].ID of of the Other place", `IDS_OthCont` VARCHAR(31) NOT NULL COMMENT "container.IDS of the Other place", `ID_Item` INT NOT NULL COMMENT "cat_items.ID of item being moved", `QtyBefore` INT /*NOT NULL*/ COMMENT "quantity found in this stock line before the move", `QtyAdded` INT NOT NULL COMMENT "quantity moved (Qty fields at targ/dest may change value later)", `QtyAfter` INT /*NOT NULL*/ COMMENT "quantity remaining in this stock line after the move", `QtyBinBefore` INT /*NOT NULL*/ COMMENT "quantity of this ID_Item in the current bin before the move", `QtyBinAfter` INT /*NOT NULL*/ COMMENT "quantity of this ID_Item in the current bin after the move", `When` DATETIME /*NOT NULL*/ COMMENT "when the move happened", `What` VARCHAR(63) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "brief automatic description of operation", `Notes` TINYTEXT DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "optional human-added explanatory notes",
/* fields specific to vbz.net data migration -- these may be omitted for normal usage */
`oIDS_ContSrce` VARCHAR(31), `oIDS_LineSrce` VARCHAR(31), `oIDS_ContDest` VARCHAR(31), `oIDS_LineDest` VARCHAR(31), `oID_StkBin` INT, `oID_StkLine` INT, `oQtyFnd` INT, `oQtyDone` INT, `oQtyLeft` INT, `wasSrce` BIT COMMENT "how the data was handled at migration: TRUE = stock is source", PRIMARY KEY(`ID`)
) ENGINE = MYISAM;</mysql>
This was used to copy stk_history_legacy data into stk_history_new, to be renamed stk_history: <mysql>INSERT INTO stk_history_new (
ID_StkBin, ID_StkLine, CH_OthType, ID_OthCont, ID_OthLine, IDS_OthCont, ID_Item, QtyBefore, QtyAdded, QtyAfter, QtyBinBefore, QtyBinAfter, WhenStarted, What, WhoAdmin, WhoSystem, WhoNetwork, Notes )
ID_StkBin, ID_StkLine, CH_OthType, ID_OthCont, ID_OthLine, IDS_OthCont, ID_Item, QtyBefore, QtyAdded, QtyAfter, QtyBinBefore, QtyBinAfter, `When`, What, 'woozle', 'from stk_history_legacy', '', Notes
FROM stk_history_legacy </mysql> Note that there were some NULL values in When, which were translated into "zero date" values in stk_history_new. At the moment, I can't think of any way to recover those timestamps.