VbzCart/tables/ctg upd1

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Revision as of 00:48, 3 January 2011 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (TitleName)
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  • Purpose: intermediate calculations for updating cat_items from catalog-source tables
    • Replaces ctg_updates which never worked entirely properly.
  • Source:
  1. REDIRECT Template:l/vc/query (essential fields only)
  • History:
    • 2010-12-29 Added ID_Supp field because cat_items now has that field too
    • 2011-01-02 Added TitleName to fill in new Descr field in cat_items


<mysql>CREATE TABLE `ctg_upd1` (

 CatSfx            VARCHAR(31),
 isCloseOut        BOOL,
 ID_CTG_Title      INT,
 ID_CTG_Item       INT,
 ID_Supp           INT,
 ID_Title          INT,
 ID_ItTyp          INT,
 ID_ItOpt          INT,
 ID_ShipCost       INT,
 PriceBuy          DECIMAL(9,2),
 PriceSell         DECIMAL(9,2),
 PriceList         DECIMAL(9,2),
 ItOpt_Descr_part  VARCHAR(63),
 NameSng           VARCHAR(63),
 TitleName         VARCHAR(127),
 GrpItmDescr       VARCHAR(63),
 TitleGroupDescr   VARCHAR(63),
 OptionDescr       VARCHAR(63),
 ItOpt_Sort        VARCHAR(31),
 GrpCode           VARCHAR(15),
 GrpDescr          VARCHAR(31),
 GrpSort           VARCHAR(31),
 IDS_Item          VARCHAR(31),
 CatNum            VARCHAR(31),
 ItOpt_Descr       VARCHAR(63),

) ENGINE = MYISAM;</mysql>