VbzCart/tables/shop cart line

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Revision as of 23:54, 16 June 2009 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (changing table names to singular)
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  • Purpose: individual items in a shopping cart
  • Parent: shop_cart
  • History:
    • 2009-06-16 Changing table name to singular


<mysql>DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `shop_cart_line`; CREATE TABLE `shop_cart_line` (

 `ID_Cart`    INT NOT NULL COMMENT "shop_cart.ID",
 `ID_Item`    INT NOT NULL COMMENT "cat_items.ID",
 `Qty`        INT NOT NULL COMMENT "quantity ordered; 0 = removed from order",
 `WhenAdded`  DATETIME NOT NULL COMMENT "when this item was first added to the order",
 `WhenEdited` DATETIME NOT NULL COMMENT "when the quantity for this item was last changed",
 `PriceItem`  DECIMAL(9,2) NOT NULL COMMENT "price of item quoted at order time",
 `PriceShItm` DECIMAL(9,2) NOT NULL COMMENT "per-item shipping quoted for this item at order time",
 `PriceShPkg` DECIMAL(9,2) NOT NULL COMMENT "per-package shipping quoted for this item at order time",

/* These fields are redundant, and are used mainly to speed up cart display. They also preserve a record of

 how the item was presented to the customer. */
 `CatNum`    VARCHAR(63) COMMENT "cat_items.CatNum of item as sold",
 `ID_Title`  INT NOT NULL COMMENT "cat_titles.ID",
 `DescText`  VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COMMENT "plain-text description of item being ordered (e.g. for emails)",
 `DescHtml`  VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COMMENT "HTML description of item being ordered, for web-page display",
) ENGINE = MYISAM;</mysql>