co-operative business
Revision as of 01:15, 25 August 2013 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==About== A co-operative business is a particular type of co-operative organization that is intended to function as a business. {{seed}} ==Links== ===Reference=== * {...")
A co-operative business is a particular type of co-operative organization that is intended to function as a business.
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- Wikipedia: includes information about voluntary co-ops
United States
- Vermont Employee Ownership Center
- Why are Worker Cooperatives So Rare? "This paper argues that worker cooperatives are prone to redistribution among members, and that this redistribution distorts incentives."
- US Federation of Worker Cooperatives
- How To Start A Worker Co-op: not sure where the actual information is
- Cooperative Businesses In the United States... A 2005 Snapshot (PDF)