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< FerretMyMoney
Revision as of 20:14, 16 March 2012 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (new fields for fingerprinting KMM's transactions)
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  • Purpose: stores extended data about KMyMoney transactions
  • Fields:
    • UseBank: if TRUE, set BalCalc to BalBank rather than using any prior calculations
    • UseDate: if TRUE, the bank's balance should apply after the last transaction of the day, and is not tied to a specific transaction.
      • The actual implementation of this could either be to always move the bank's balance to the last transaction of the day, or it could be to store the balance in a separate table such as fmmBankBals. This table doesn't care how it's done.
  • History:
    • 2012-02-19 designed
    • 2012-02-21 added SortBank field
    • 2012-03-03 changed Balance to BalCalc and BalBank; added UseBank.
      • Changed ID to ID_Trx and added 2nd key, ID_Acct.
      • Balances apply to a particular transaction within a particular account.
    • 2012-03-15 added auto-numbered primary key ID and KMM_* fingerprinting fields


<mysql>CREATE TABLE `fmmTrxacts` (

 ID_Trx   VARCHAR(32)      NOT NULL COMMENT "ID of KMM Transaction",
 ID_Acct  VARCHAR(32)      NOT NULL COMMENT "ID of KMM Account",
 WhenBank DATETIME     DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "posting date as shown by the bank record",
 SortBank DECIMAL(3,2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "additional sorting to match bank order, if needed",
 BalCalc  DECIMAL(9,2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "balance calculated after this transaction",
 BalBank  DECIMAL(9,2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "balance according to bank after this transaction",
 UseBank  BOOL         DEFAULT 0    COMMENT "TRUE = use the bank's balance; ignore previous calculations",
 UseDate  BOOL         DEFAULT 0    COMMENT "TRUE = bank's balance is end-of-day, not specific transaction",
 KMM_memo MEDIUMTEXT   DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "kmmTransactions.memo", 
 KMM_post  DATETIME    DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "kmmTransactions.postDate",
 KMM_entry DATETIME    DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "kmmTransactions.entryDate",
ENGINE = MYISAM;</mysql>