VbzCart/queries/qryStock forOpenOrders
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- Returns: all stock available to fill open orders, along with helpful information about the Bin, Order, and Item
- Requires:
- Note: There's a possibility this query will return wrong information when there are multiple stock lines corresponding to the items needed; further testing would be a good idea.
<mysql>CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW qryStock_forOpenOrders AS SELECT
s.ID_Bin, s.ID_Item, oi.ID_Order, oi.QtyOpen, s.QtyForSale, s.QtyForShip, o.WhenNeeded, o.Descr AS OrdText, o.ID_Pull, CONCAT_WS(' ',s.CatNum,s.Descr) AS ItemText,
/* s.BinCode,
s.BinDescr, are these ever needed? */ CONCAT_WS(' ',s.BinCode,s.BinDescr) AS BinText
FROM (v_stk_byItemAndBin_wInfo AS s LEFT JOIN qryOrderLines_notPkgd AS oi ON s.ID_Item=oi.ID_Item) LEFT JOIN qryCbx_Orders AS o ON oi.ID_Order=o.ID WHERE (NOT s.isPulled) AND (o.ID_Pull IS NULL) AND (QtyOpen) AND (QtyForShip);</mysql>