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Computing: Programming: Perl

Perl is a programming language widely used for web sites and Linux servers. It can be somewhat baffling to the eye – largely due to the frequent use of regular expressions – but due to its popularity it has been greatly refined and there is a large base of existing code available for reuse.


Other Documentation

  • CPAN: documentation links at the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network

Libraries and Modules

  • CPAN: search the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network


  • Is it possible to intercept errors in Perl? This is especially critical when developing web applications, as a crashed Perl program will return a failure code to the web server (usually Apache), causing either a "500 Internal Server" error due to "premature end of script headers" or else a truncation of the output (with no apparent cause). Tracing these errors is especially difficult since Perl has no block-comment syntax (that I know of). Follow-up: this would seem to be a guide to exception-handling in Perl. Also this.