
from HTYP, the free directory anyone can edit if they can prove to me that they're not a spambot
< AudioFerret‎ | v2
Revision as of 15:21, 24 December 2012 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (using plural)
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  • Notes: My thinking is that any additional details can go on a wiki page whose name will be built from NameTree.
  • History:


<mysql>CREATE TABLE `topics` (

 `ID`        INT              NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
 `ID_Parent` INT          DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "topic.ID of parent topic",
 `Name`      VARCHAR(128)     NOT NULL COMMENT "generic name (context-free, but as short as possible)",
 `NameTree`  VARCHAR(64)  DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "name within context of parent; defaults to Name",
 `NameFull`  VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "descriptive standalone name (context free, can be long)",
 `NameMeta`  VARCHAR(144) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "plain text for HTML META description tag",
 `Usage`     VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "usage instructions for this topic - show when editing topic",
 `Sort`      VARCHAR(15)  DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "optional sorting key",
 `Variants`  VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "synonyms and other keywords which should find this topic",
 `Mispeled`  VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "same as Variants, but these are WRONG spellings; avoid displaying",

) ENGINE = MYISAM;</mysql>