Difference between revisions of "MediaWiki/extension/Special/MakePage"

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(requirement: StringTemplate)
(archived code; description, link to source now on GitHub)
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This is a [[MediaWiki]] SpecialPage for creating new wiki pages based on the contents of a form plus other environmental conditions such as the username of the submitter and when the form was submitted. It can be used for creating a simple blog, for example. Issuepedia uses it for [[issuepedia:Issuepedia:Link Filing|filing links]].
NAME: SpecialMakePage
PURPOSE: Special page for creating a new page from a form
Other extensions can do this, but they don't make it at all easy
to base the title on variables which are substituted from fields on the form.
AUTHOR: Woozle Staddon
2007-11-23 (Wzl) Writing started
2007-11-24 (Wzl) More or less working; doesn't work with _POST data,
and I don't understand why not.
2007-11-29 (Wzl) Adding variable for defining new title name
2008-01-22 (Wzl) Put in some friendly debugging text for when title can't be created
2008-06-25 (Wzl) Added "!TIMESTAMP" internal variable, and framework for adding more internal variables
Future: If it ever turns out that we really want to be able to base these on the contents of a page,
I suggest a syntax like <<@page_name>>. The page would need to be parsed in some cases but possibly
not in others; perhaps <<@@page_name>> to indicate the page should be parsed?
2008-07-24 (Wzl) Minor tweak so it will work with MW v1.12
2008-09-29 (Wzl) - 0.4 - Made keys case-insensitive so it would work again. Don't know why this is suddenly a problem.
2009-02-11 (Wzl) clsStringTemplate is now in a separate php file
2009-02-13 (Wzl) $wgOptCP_SubstFinish "]" -> "$]" so links and other bracketed stuff don't confuse the var parser
2009-02-26 (Wzl) - 0.5 - "$objNewEdit->action = 'submit';" before "->showEditForm()" fixes MW 1.14 problem
2009-03-30 (Wzl) - 0.6 - removed unused value $wgOptCP_SubstSetVal
$wgSpecialPages['MakePage'] = 'SpecialMakePage'; # Let MediaWiki know about your new special page.
* '''source''': [https://github.com/woozalia/Special-MakePage GitHub]
$wgExtensionCredits['other'][] = array(
* '''requires''': {{l/ferreteria}} - specifically StringTemplate.php, I believe
'name' => 'Special:MakePage',
** [[w3tpl]] may be useful for prototyping various views of the created pages (e.g. a listing of blog posts, with synopses)
'url' => 'http://htyp.org/MediaWiki/Special/MakePage',
'description' => 'special page for making new pages using form data plus a template',
* [[/archive]]: old version of code
'author' => 'Woozle (Nick) Staddon',
'version' => '0.6 2009-03-30'
// Options which can be overridden in LocalSettings:
// -- these strings indicate the start and end of a template variable name
/* old defaults
$wgOptCP_SubstStart = '<<';
$wgOptCP_SubstFinish = '>>';
$wgOptCP_SubstStart = '[$';
$wgOptCP_SubstFinish = '$]';
function wfSpecialMakePage() {
// This registers the page's class. I think.
global $wgRequest;
$app = new SpecialMakePage($wgRequest);
require_once( $wgScriptPath.'includes/SpecialPage.php' );
require_once( $wgScriptPath.'includes/EditPage.php' );
class SpecialMakePage extends SpecialPage {
  public function __construct() {
global $wgMessageCache;
SpecialPage::SpecialPage( 'MakePage','edit' );
$this->includable( true );
        $wgMessageCache->addMessage('makepage', 'Make new pages from form data');
  public function doCreate() {
global $wgRequest, $wgOut, $wgTitle;
global $wgOptCP_SubstStart;
global $wgOptCP_SubstFinish;
global $wgErrorText;
global $wxgDebug;
// $in_linkdate = $wgRequest->getText('date'); // link's date string
//$in_newtitle = $wgRequest->getText('!TITLE'); // title for new/modified page
$strNewTitle = $wgRequest->getText('!TITLETPLT'); // template for new page's title
$in_tpltpg = $wgRequest->getText('!TPLTPAGE'); // page to use as a template
$in_tplttxt = $wgRequest->getText('!TPLTTEXT'); // text to use as a template
$strDataStart = $wgRequest->getText('!TPLTSTART'); // optional starting marker
$strDataStop = $wgRequest->getText('!TPLTSTOP'); // optional stopping marker
$referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; // name of page which sent the form data
// $strNewTitle = $in_linkdate.' '.$in_newtitle;
// $strNewTitleTest = '<<date>> <<pagetitle>>'; // debug
// $in_NewTitle = $wgRequest->getText('tplttext'); // text to use as a template
// get the text to be used as a template:
if ($in_tpltpg) {
// if it's a page, load that (overrules direct specification):
$objTplt = Title::newFromText($in_tpltpg);
$objArtcl = new Article($objTplt);
$strNewText = $objArtcl->getContent();
} else {
$strNewText = $in_tplttxt;
// truncate before/after markers, if any:
if ($strDataStop != '') {
$posSt = strpos ( $strNewText, $strDataStop );
if ($posSt !== FALSE) {
$strNewText = substr($strNewText,0,$posSt);
if ($strDataStart != '') {
$posSt = strpos ( $strNewText, $strDataStart );
if ($posSt !== FALSE) {
$strNewText = substr($strNewText,$posSt+strlen($strDataStart));
// do variable swapout:
$objTplt = new clsStringTemplate_MWRequest($wgOptCP_SubstStart,$wgOptCP_SubstFinish);
// calculate contents for new page
$objTplt->Value = $strNewText;
$strNewText = $objTplt->Replace();
$wgOut->AddWikiText('<br>TEXT REPLACEMENT:');
$wxgDebug = '';
// calculate title for new page
$strOldTitle = $strNewTitle;
$objTplt->Value = $strOldTitle;
$strNewTitle = $objTplt->Replace();
$wgOut->AddWikiText("\n* START: [$wgOptCP_SubstStart] : STOP: [$wgOptCP_SubstFinish]");
$wgOut->AddWikiText("\n* TITLE REPLACEMENT [$strOldTitle]->[$strNewTitle]:");
$wxgDebug = '';
$wgOut->setPageTitle( $strNewTitle );
2008-01-22 For future reference: we might want to just remove any characters not found in $wgLegalTitleChars (=Title::legalChars())
Sometimes CRs or TABs get pasted invisibly into the title, causing mysterious inability to create the page.
$objNewTitle = Title::newFromText( $strNewTitle );
// Debugging:
$wgOut->AddWikiText("GET DATA:");
foreach ($_GET AS $key => $value) {
$wgOut->AddWikiText("'''$key''': $value<br>");
$wgOut->AddWikiText("POST DATA:");
foreach ($_POST AS $key => $value) {
$wgOut->AddWikiText("'''$key''': $value<br>");
$doPreview = true; // always preview, for now
if ($doPreview) {
if (is_object($objNewTitle)) {
$objNewArticle = new Article($objNewTitle);
$objNewArticle->mContent = $strNewText;
$objNewEdit = new EditOtherPage($objNewArticle);
$strNewTitle_check = $objNewEdit->mTitle->getPrefixedText();
// $strNewTitle_check = $objNewTitle->getPrefixedText();
// $strNewTitle_check = $objNewArticle->mTitle->getPrefixedText();
$wgOut->AddWikiText("'''New Title''': [[$strNewTitle_check]]<br>'''Template''': [[$in_tpltpg]]<br>");
$wgOut->AddWikiText("'''Preview''': <hr>\n$strNewText<hr>");
// $wgOut->AddHTML($objNewEdit->getPreviewText());
$objNewEdit->textbox1 = $strNewText;
$objNewEdit->preview = true;
// $objNewEdit->edit();
$wgOut->AddWikiText("'''Make final changes to the text here, and save to create the page:'''");
$wgTitle = $objNewTitle; // make the form post to the page we want to create
$objNewEdit->action = 'submit';
$objNewEdit->showEditForm('new page from form at '.$referer);
} else {
$txtOut = 'There seems to be a problem with the title: [['.$strNewTitle.']]';
if ($wgErrorText) {
$txtOut .= ': ' . $wgErrorText;
$txtOut .= "\n\n".$wxgDebug;
} else {
$objNewArticle->doEdit( $strNewText, 'new page from form at '.$referer, EDIT_NEW );
$wgOut->returnToMain( false );
class EditOtherPage extends EditPage {
function EditOtherPage( $article ) {
$this->mArticle =& $article;
$this->mTitle =& $article->mTitle;
# Placeholders for text injection by hooks (empty per default)
$this->editFormPageTop =
$this->editFormTextTop =
$this->editFormTextAfterWarn =
$this->editFormTextAfterTools =
$this->editFormTextBottom = "";
/* private function getContent() {
// content already loaded by SetParams, so do nothing
function initialiseForm() {
// overrides parent
$this->edittime = $this->mArticle->getTimestamp();
$this->textbox1 = $this->getContent();
if ( !$this->mArticle->exists() && $this->mArticle->mTitle->getNamespace() == NS_MEDIAWIKI )
$this->textbox1 = wfMsgWeirdKey( $this->mArticle->mTitle->getText() ) ;
function showEditForm($iSummary='') {
if ($iSummary) {
$this->summary = $iSummary;
class clsStringTemplate_array extends clsStringTemplate {
// This version can be used if the values are in an associative array
public $List;
protected function GetValue($iName) {
return $this->List[$iName];
class clsStringTemplate_MWRequest extends clsStringTemplate {
// This version is for $wgRequest in MediaWiki code
private $Keys;
function __construct($iStartMark, $iFinishMark) {
parent::__construct($iStartMark, $iFinishMark);
foreach ($_POST AS $key => $value) {
$strKey = strtolower($key);
$this->Keys[$strKey] = $key;
protected function GetValue($iName) {
global $wgRequest, $wxgDebug;
$wxgDebug .= '* ['.$iName.'] = ';
switch ($iName) {
  case '!TIMESTAMP':
$strFmt = $this->GetValue('!TIMEFMT');
//$strFmt = $wgRequest->getText('!TIMEFMT');
if ($strFmt == '') {
$strNow = 'must specify !TIMEFMT';
} else {
$strNow = date($strFmt);
$strOut = $strNow;
// $strVal = $wgRequest->getText($iName);
// if ($strVal == '') {
$strName = strtolower($iName);
$strKey = $this->Keys[$strName];
$strVal = $_POST[$strKey];
// }
$strOut = $strVal;
$wxgDebug .= '['.$strOut.']';
return $strOut;

Revision as of 18:25, 11 September 2015

This is a MediaWiki SpecialPage for creating new wiki pages based on the contents of a form plus other environmental conditions such as the username of the submitter and when the form was submitted. It can be used for creating a simple blog, for example. Issuepedia uses it for filing links.

  • source: GitHub
  • requires: Ferreteria - specifically StringTemplate.php, I believe
    • w3tpl may be useful for prototyping various views of the created pages (e.g. a listing of blog posts, with synopses)
