Difference between revisions of "osCommerce tables"

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[[computing]]: [[software]]: [[web software]]: [[osCommerce]]: [[osCommerce tables|tables]]
This is a (probably incomplete and almost certainly out of date, but maybe still useful) listing of tables used by osCommerce as of 2005-07-26.
*'''address_book_id'''# -- integer - not null, auto inc
*'''customers_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''entry_gender''' -- char(1) - not null
*'''entry_company''' -- varchar(32)
*'''entry_firstname''' -- varchar(32) - not null
*'''entry_lastname''' -- varchar(32) - not null
*'''entry_street_address''' -- varchar(64) - not null
*'''entry_suburb''' -- varchar(32)
*'''entry_postcode''' -- varchar(10) - not null
*'''entry_city''' -- varchar(32) - not null
*'''entry_state''' -- varchar(32)
*'''entry_country_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''entry_zone_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
As you may know, HTYP has been going slow recently. We are about to fix this, but editing pages must be disabled temporaily to complete this delicate operation.
*'''address_format_id'''# -- integer - not null, auto inc
*'''address_format''' -- varchar(128) - not null
*'''address_summary''' -- varchar(48) - not null
See http://wiki.on.nimp.org/HTYP for more information.
*'''banners_id'''# -- integer - not null, auto inc
*'''banners_title''' -- varchar(64) - not null
*'''banners_url''' -- varchar(255) - not null
*'''banners_image''' -- varchar(64) - not null
*'''banners_group''' -- varchar(10) - not null
*'''banners_html_text''' -- text
*'''expires_impressions''' -- int(7) - default 0
*'''expires_date''' -- datetime
*'''date_scheduled''' -- datetime
*'''date_added''' -- datetime - not null, default 0000-00-00 00:00:00
*'''date_status_change''' -- datetime
*'''status''' -- int(1) - not null, default 1
In the mean time, there are plenty of other tasks that need to be done. There is a huge backlog of cleanup to do on the French HTYP, and there is many controversial topics involving Spanish, German, and Italian-speaking people who want their issues heard on HTYP. Have fun and be patient while we fix things.
*'''banners_history_id'''# -- integer - not null, auto inc
*'''banners_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''banners_shown''' -- int(5) - not null, default 0
*'''banners_clicked''' -- int(5) - not null, default 0
*'''banners_history_date''' -- datetime - not null, default 0000-00-00 00:00:00
''The HTYP Development team''
*'''categories_id'''# -- integer - not null, auto inc
*'''categories_image''' -- varchar(64)
*'''parent_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''sort_order''' -- int(3)
*'''date_added''' -- datetime
*'''date_modified''' -- datetime
*'''categories_id'''# -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''language_id'''# -- integer - not null, default 1
*'''categories_name''' -- varchar(32) - not null
*'''configuration_id'''# -- integer - not null, auto inc
*'''configuration_title''' -- varchar(64) - not null
*'''configuration_key''' -- varchar(64) - not null
*'''configuration_value''' -- varchar(255) - not null
*'''configuration_description''' -- varchar(255) - not null
*'''configuration_group_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''sort_order''' -- int(5)
*'''last_modified''' -- datetime
*'''date_added''' -- datetime - not null, default 0000-00-00 00:00:00
*'''use_function''' -- varchar(255)
*'''set_function''' -- varchar(255)
*'''configuration_group_id'''# -- integer - not null, auto inc
*'''configuration_group_title''' -- varchar(64) - not null
*'''configuration_group_description''' -- varchar(255) - not null
*'''sort_order''' -- int(5)
*'''visible''' -- int(1) - default 1
*'''startdate''' -- char(8)
*'''counter''' -- int(12)
*'''month''' -- char(8)
*'''counter''' -- int(12)
*'''countries_id'''# -- integer - not null, auto inc
*'''countries_name''' -- varchar(64) - not null
*'''countries_iso_code_2''' -- char(2)
*'''countries_iso_code_3''' -- char(3)
*'''address_format_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''currencies_id'''# -- integer - not null, auto inc
*'''title''' -- varchar(32) - not null
*'''code''' -- char(3) - not null
*'''symbol_left''' -- varchar(12)
*'''symbol_right''' -- varchar(12)
*'''decimal_point''' -- char(1)
*'''thousands_point''' -- char(1)
*'''decimal_places''' -- char(1)
*'''value''' -- float(13,8)
*'''last_updated''' -- datetime
*'''customers_id'''# -- integer - not null, auto inc
*'''customers_gender''' -- char(1) - not null
*'''customers_firstname''' -- varchar(32) - not null
*'''customers_lastname''' -- varchar(32) - not null
*'''customers_dob''' -- datetime - not null, default 0000-00-00 00:00:00
*'''customers_email_address''' -- varchar(96) - not null
*'''customers_default_address_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''customers_telephone''' -- varchar(32) - not null
*'''customers_fax''' -- varchar(32)
*'''customers_password''' -- varchar(40) - not null
*'''customers_newsletter''' -- char(1)
*'''customers_basket_id'''# -- integer - not null, auto inc
*'''customers_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''products_id''' -- tinytext - not null
*'''customers_basket_quantity''' -- int(2) - not null, default 0
*'''final_price''' -- decimal(15,4) - not null, default 0.0000
*'''customers_basket_date_added''' -- varchar(8)
*'''customers_basket_attributes_id'''# -- integer - not null, auto inc
*'''customers_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''products_id''' -- tinytext - not null
*'''products_options_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''products_options_value_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''customers_info_id'''# -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''customers_info_date_of_last_logon''' -- datetime
*'''customers_info_number_of_logons''' -- int(5)
*'''customers_info_date_account_created''' -- datetime
*'''customers_info_date_account_last_modified''' -- datetime
*'''global_product_notifications''' -- int(1) - default 0
*'''geo_zone_id'''# -- integer - not null, auto inc
*'''geo_zone_name''' -- varchar(32) - not null
*'''geo_zone_description''' -- varchar(255) - not null
*'''last_modified''' -- datetime
*'''date_added''' -- datetime - not null
*'''languages_id'''# -- integer - not null, auto inc
*'''name''' -- varchar(32) - not null
*'''code''' -- char(2) - not null
*'''image''' -- varchar(64)
*'''directory''' -- varchar(32)
*'''sort_order''' -- int(3)
*'''manufacturers_id'''# -- integer - not null, auto inc
*'''manufacturers_name''' -- varchar(32) - not null
*'''manufacturers_image''' -- varchar(64)
*'''date_added''' -- datetime
*'''last_modified''' -- datetime
*'''manufacturers_id'''# -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''languages_id'''# -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''manufacturers_url''' -- varchar(255) - not null
*'''url_clicked''' -- int(5) - not null, default 0
*'''date_last_click''' -- datetime
*'''newsletters_id'''# -- integer - not null, auto inc
*'''title''' -- varchar(255) - not null
*'''content''' -- text - not null
*'''module''' -- varchar(255) - not null
*'''date_added''' -- datetime - not null, default 0000-00-00 00:00:00
*'''date_sent''' -- datetime
*'''status''' -- int(1)
*'''locked''' -- int(1) - default 0
*'''orders_id'''# -- integer - not null, auto inc
*'''customers_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''customers_name''' -- varchar(64) - not null
*'''customers_company''' -- varchar(32)
*'''customers_street_address''' -- varchar(64) - not null
*'''customers_suburb''' -- varchar(32)
*'''customers_city''' -- varchar(32) - not null
*'''customers_postcode''' -- varchar(10) - not null
*'''customers_state''' -- varchar(32)
*'''customers_country''' -- varchar(32) - not null
*'''customers_telephone''' -- varchar(32) - not null
*'''customers_email_address''' -- varchar(96) - not null
*'''customers_address_format_id''' -- int(5) - not null, default 0
*'''delivery_name''' -- varchar(64) - not null
*'''delivery_company''' -- varchar(32)
*'''delivery_street_address''' -- varchar(64) - not null
*'''delivery_suburb''' -- varchar(32)
*'''delivery_city''' -- varchar(32) - not null
*'''delivery_postcode''' -- varchar(10) - not null
*'''delivery_state''' -- varchar(32)
*'''delivery_country''' -- varchar(32) - not null
*'''delivery_address_format_id''' -- int(5) - not null, default 0
*'''billing_name''' -- varchar(64) - not null
*'''billing_company''' -- varchar(32)
*'''billing_street_address''' -- varchar(64) - not null
*'''billing_suburb''' -- varchar(32)
*'''billing_city''' -- varchar(32) - not null
*'''billing_postcode''' -- varchar(10) - not null
*'''billing_state''' -- varchar(32)
*'''billing_country''' -- varchar(32) - not null
*'''billing_address_format_id''' -- int(5) - not null, default 0
*'''payment_method''' -- varchar(32) - not null
*'''cc_type''' -- varchar(20)
*'''cc_owner''' -- varchar(64)
*'''cc_number''' -- varchar(32)
*'''cc_expires''' -- varchar(4)
*'''last_modified''' -- datetime
*'''date_purchased''' -- datetime
*'''orders_status''' -- int(5) - not null
*'''orders_date_finished''' -- datetime
*'''currency''' -- char(3)
*'''currency_value''' -- decimal(14,6)
*'''orders_products_id'''# -- integer - not null, auto inc
*'''orders_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''products_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''products_model''' -- varchar(12)
*'''products_name''' -- varchar(64) - not null
*'''products_price''' -- decimal(15,4) - not null, default 0.0000
*'''final_price''' -- decimal(15,4) - not null, default 0.0000
*'''products_tax''' -- decimal(7,4) - not null, default 0.0000
*'''products_quantity''' -- int(2) - not null, default 0
*'''orders_products_attributes_id'''# -- integer - not null, auto inc
*'''orders_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''orders_products_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''products_options''' -- varchar(32) - not null
*'''products_options_values''' -- varchar(32) - not null
*'''options_values_price''' -- decimal(15,4) - not null, default 0.0000
*'''price_prefix''' -- char(1) - not null
*'''orders_products_download_id'''# -- integer - not null, auto inc
*'''orders_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''orders_products_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''orders_products_filename''' -- varchar(255) - not null
*'''download_maxdays''' -- int(2) - not null, default 0
*'''download_count''' -- int(2) - not null, default 0
*'''orders_status_id'''# -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''language_id''' -- integer - not null, default 1
*'''orders_status_name''' -- varchar(32) - not null
*'''orders_status_history_id'''# -- integer - not null, auto inc
*'''orders_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''orders_status_id''' -- int(5) - not null, default 0
*'''date_added''' -- datetime - not null, default 0000-00-00 00:00:00
*'''customer_notified''' -- int(1) - default 0
*'''comments''' -- text
*'''orders_total_id'''# -- integer unsigned - not null, auto inc
*'''orders_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''title''' -- varchar(255) - not null
*'''text''' -- varchar(255) - not null
*'''value''' -- decimal(15,4) - not null, default 0.0000
*'''class''' -- varchar(32) - not null
*'''sort_order''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''products_id'''# -- integer - not null, auto inc
*'''products_quantity''' -- int(4) - not null, default 0
*'''products_model''' -- varchar(12)
*'''products_image''' -- varchar(64)
*'''products_price''' -- decimal(15,4) - not null, default 0.0000
*'''products_date_added''' -- datetime - not null, default 0000-00-00 00:00:00
*'''products_last_modified''' -- datetime
*'''products_date_available''' -- datetime
*'''products_weight''' -- decimal(5,2) - not null, default 0.00
*'''products_status''' -- tinyint(1) - not null, default 0
*'''products_tax_class_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''manufacturers_id''' -- integer
*'''products_ordered''' - integer - not null, default 0
*'''products_attributes_id'''# -- integer - not null, auto inc
*'''products_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''options_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''options_values_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''options_values_price''' -- decimal - not null, default 0.0000
*'''price_prefix''' -- char(1) - not null
*'''products_attributes_id'''# -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''products_attributes_filename''' -- varchar(255) - not null
*'''products_attributes_maxdays''' -- int(2) - default 0
*'''products_attributes_maxcount''' -- int(2) - default 0
*'''products_id'''# -- integer - not null, auto inc
*'''language_id'''# -- integer - not null, default 1
*'''products_name''' -- varchar(64) - not null
*'''products_description''' -- text
*'''products_url''' -- varchar(255)
*'''products_viewed''' -- int(5) - default 0
*'''products_id'''# -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''customers_id'''# -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''date_added''' -- datetime - not null, default 0000-00-00 00:00:00
*'''products_options_id'''# -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''language_id'''# -- integer -- not null, default 1
*'''products_options_name''' -- varchar(32) - not null
*'''products_options_values_id'''# -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''language_id'''# -- integer - not null, default 1
*'''products_options_values_name''' -- varchar(64) - not null
*'''products_options_values_to_products_options_id'''# -- integer - not null, auto inc
*'''products_options_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''products_options_values_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''products_id'''# -- integer - not null, defaul 0
*'''categories_id'''# -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''reviews_id'''# -- integer - not null, auto inc
*'''products_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''customers_id''' -- integer
*'''customers_name''' -- varchar(64) - not null
*'''reviews_rating''' -- int(1)
*'''date_added''' -- datetime
*'''last_modified''' -- datetime
*'''reviews_read''' -- int(5) - not null, default 0
*'''reviews_id'''# -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''languages_id'''# -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''reviews_text''' -- text - not null
*'''sesskey'''# -- varchar(32) - not null
*'''expiry''' -- integer unsigned - not null, default 0
*'''value''' -- text - not null
*'''specials_id'''# -- integer - not null, auto inc
*'''products_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''specials_new_products_price''' - decimal(15,4) - not null, default 0.0000
*'''specials_date_added''' -- datetime
*'''specials_last_modified''' -- datetime
*'''expires_date''' -- datetime
*'''date_status_change''' -- datetime
*'''status''' -- int(1) - not null
*'''tax_class_id'''# -- integer - not null, auto inc
*'''tax_class_title''' -- varchar(32) - not null
*'''tax_class_description''' -- varchar(255) - not null
*'''last_modified''' -- datetime
*'''date_added''' -- datetime - not null, default 0000-00-00 00:00:00
*'''tax_rates_id'''# -- integer - not null, auto inc
*'''tax_zone_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''tax_class_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''tax_priority''' -- int(5) - default 1
*'''tax_rate''' -- decimal(7,4) - not null, default 0.0000
*'''tax_description''' -- varchar(255) - not null
*'''last_modified''' -- datetime
*'''date_added''' -- datetime - not null, default 0000-00-00 00:00:00
*'''customer_id''' -- integer
*'''full_name''' -- varchar(34) - not null
*'''session_id''' -- varchar(128) - not null
*'''ip_address''' -- varchar(15) - not null
*'''time_entry''' -- varchar(14) - not null
*'''time_last_click''' -- varchar(14) - not null
*'''last_page_url''' -- varchar(34) - not null
*'''zone_id'''# -- integer - not null, autoinc
*'''zone_country_id''' -- integer - not null, default 0
*'''zone_code''' -- varchar(32) - not null
*'''zone_name''' -- varchar(32) - not null
*'''association_id'''# - integer - not null, autoinc
*'''zone_country_id''' - integer - not null
*'''zone_id''' - integer
*'''geo_zone_id''' - integer
*'''last_modified''' - datetime
*'''date_added''' - datetime - not null

Latest revision as of 20:09, 21 August 2008


computing: software: web software: osCommerce: tables


This is a (probably incomplete and almost certainly out of date, but maybe still useful) listing of tables used by osCommerce as of 2005-07-26.



  • address_book_id# -- integer - not null, auto inc
  • customers_id -- integer - not null, default 0
  • entry_gender -- char(1) - not null
  • entry_company -- varchar(32)
  • entry_firstname -- varchar(32) - not null
  • entry_lastname -- varchar(32) - not null
  • entry_street_address -- varchar(64) - not null
  • entry_suburb -- varchar(32)
  • entry_postcode -- varchar(10) - not null
  • entry_city -- varchar(32) - not null
  • entry_state -- varchar(32)
  • entry_country_id -- integer - not null, default 0
  • entry_zone_id -- integer - not null, default 0


  • address_format_id# -- integer - not null, auto inc
  • address_format -- varchar(128) - not null
  • address_summary -- varchar(48) - not null


  • banners_id# -- integer - not null, auto inc
  • banners_title -- varchar(64) - not null
  • banners_url -- varchar(255) - not null
  • banners_image -- varchar(64) - not null
  • banners_group -- varchar(10) - not null
  • banners_html_text -- text
  • expires_impressions -- int(7) - default 0
  • expires_date -- datetime
  • date_scheduled -- datetime
  • date_added -- datetime - not null, default 0000-00-00 00:00:00
  • date_status_change -- datetime
  • status -- int(1) - not null, default 1


  • banners_history_id# -- integer - not null, auto inc
  • banners_id -- integer - not null, default 0
  • banners_shown -- int(5) - not null, default 0
  • banners_clicked -- int(5) - not null, default 0
  • banners_history_date -- datetime - not null, default 0000-00-00 00:00:00


  • categories_id# -- integer - not null, auto inc
  • categories_image -- varchar(64)
  • parent_id -- integer - not null, default 0
  • sort_order -- int(3)
  • date_added -- datetime
  • date_modified -- datetime


  • categories_id# -- integer - not null, default 0
  • language_id# -- integer - not null, default 1
  • categories_name -- varchar(32) - not null


  • configuration_id# -- integer - not null, auto inc
  • configuration_title -- varchar(64) - not null
  • configuration_key -- varchar(64) - not null
  • configuration_value -- varchar(255) - not null
  • configuration_description -- varchar(255) - not null
  • configuration_group_id -- integer - not null, default 0
  • sort_order -- int(5)
  • last_modified -- datetime
  • date_added -- datetime - not null, default 0000-00-00 00:00:00
  • use_function -- varchar(255)
  • set_function -- varchar(255)


  • configuration_group_id# -- integer - not null, auto inc
  • configuration_group_title -- varchar(64) - not null
  • configuration_group_description -- varchar(255) - not null
  • sort_order -- int(5)
  • visible -- int(1) - default 1


  • startdate -- char(8)
  • counter -- int(12)


  • month -- char(8)
  • counter -- int(12)


  • countries_id# -- integer - not null, auto inc
  • countries_name -- varchar(64) - not null
  • countries_iso_code_2 -- char(2)
  • countries_iso_code_3 -- char(3)
  • address_format_id -- integer - not null, default 0


  • currencies_id# -- integer - not null, auto inc
  • title -- varchar(32) - not null
  • code -- char(3) - not null
  • symbol_left -- varchar(12)
  • symbol_right -- varchar(12)
  • decimal_point -- char(1)
  • thousands_point -- char(1)
  • decimal_places -- char(1)
  • value -- float(13,8)
  • last_updated -- datetime


  • customers_id# -- integer - not null, auto inc
  • customers_gender -- char(1) - not null
  • customers_firstname -- varchar(32) - not null
  • customers_lastname -- varchar(32) - not null
  • customers_dob -- datetime - not null, default 0000-00-00 00:00:00
  • customers_email_address -- varchar(96) - not null
  • customers_default_address_id -- integer - not null, default 0
  • customers_telephone -- varchar(32) - not null
  • customers_fax -- varchar(32)
  • customers_password -- varchar(40) - not null
  • customers_newsletter -- char(1)


  • customers_basket_id# -- integer - not null, auto inc
  • customers_id -- integer - not null, default 0
  • products_id -- tinytext - not null
  • customers_basket_quantity -- int(2) - not null, default 0
  • final_price -- decimal(15,4) - not null, default 0.0000
  • customers_basket_date_added -- varchar(8)


  • customers_basket_attributes_id# -- integer - not null, auto inc
  • customers_id -- integer - not null, default 0
  • products_id -- tinytext - not null
  • products_options_id -- integer - not null, default 0
  • products_options_value_id -- integer - not null, default 0


  • customers_info_id# -- integer - not null, default 0
  • customers_info_date_of_last_logon -- datetime
  • customers_info_number_of_logons -- int(5)
  • customers_info_date_account_created -- datetime
  • customers_info_date_account_last_modified -- datetime
  • global_product_notifications -- int(1) - default 0


  • geo_zone_id# -- integer - not null, auto inc
  • geo_zone_name -- varchar(32) - not null
  • geo_zone_description -- varchar(255) - not null
  • last_modified -- datetime
  • date_added -- datetime - not null


  • languages_id# -- integer - not null, auto inc
  • name -- varchar(32) - not null
  • code -- char(2) - not null
  • image -- varchar(64)
  • directory -- varchar(32)
  • sort_order -- int(3)


  • manufacturers_id# -- integer - not null, auto inc
  • manufacturers_name -- varchar(32) - not null
  • manufacturers_image -- varchar(64)
  • date_added -- datetime
  • last_modified -- datetime


  • manufacturers_id# -- integer - not null, default 0
  • languages_id# -- integer - not null, default 0
  • manufacturers_url -- varchar(255) - not null
  • url_clicked -- int(5) - not null, default 0
  • date_last_click -- datetime


  • newsletters_id# -- integer - not null, auto inc
  • title -- varchar(255) - not null
  • content -- text - not null
  • module -- varchar(255) - not null
  • date_added -- datetime - not null, default 0000-00-00 00:00:00
  • date_sent -- datetime
  • status -- int(1)
  • locked -- int(1) - default 0


  • orders_id# -- integer - not null, auto inc
  • customers_id -- integer - not null, default 0
  • customers_name -- varchar(64) - not null
  • customers_company -- varchar(32)
  • customers_street_address -- varchar(64) - not null
  • customers_suburb -- varchar(32)
  • customers_city -- varchar(32) - not null
  • customers_postcode -- varchar(10) - not null
  • customers_state -- varchar(32)
  • customers_country -- varchar(32) - not null
  • customers_telephone -- varchar(32) - not null
  • customers_email_address -- varchar(96) - not null
  • customers_address_format_id -- int(5) - not null, default 0
  • delivery_name -- varchar(64) - not null
  • delivery_company -- varchar(32)
  • delivery_street_address -- varchar(64) - not null
  • delivery_suburb -- varchar(32)
  • delivery_city -- varchar(32) - not null
  • delivery_postcode -- varchar(10) - not null
  • delivery_state -- varchar(32)
  • delivery_country -- varchar(32) - not null
  • delivery_address_format_id -- int(5) - not null, default 0
  • billing_name -- varchar(64) - not null
  • billing_company -- varchar(32)
  • billing_street_address -- varchar(64) - not null
  • billing_suburb -- varchar(32)
  • billing_city -- varchar(32) - not null
  • billing_postcode -- varchar(10) - not null
  • billing_state -- varchar(32)
  • billing_country -- varchar(32) - not null
  • billing_address_format_id -- int(5) - not null, default 0
  • payment_method -- varchar(32) - not null
  • cc_type -- varchar(20)
  • cc_owner -- varchar(64)
  • cc_number -- varchar(32)
  • cc_expires -- varchar(4)
  • last_modified -- datetime
  • date_purchased -- datetime
  • orders_status -- int(5) - not null
  • orders_date_finished -- datetime
  • currency -- char(3)
  • currency_value -- decimal(14,6)


  • orders_products_id# -- integer - not null, auto inc
  • orders_id -- integer - not null, default 0
  • products_id -- integer - not null, default 0
  • products_model -- varchar(12)
  • products_name -- varchar(64) - not null
  • products_price -- decimal(15,4) - not null, default 0.0000
  • final_price -- decimal(15,4) - not null, default 0.0000
  • products_tax -- decimal(7,4) - not null, default 0.0000
  • products_quantity -- int(2) - not null, default 0


  • orders_products_attributes_id# -- integer - not null, auto inc
  • orders_id -- integer - not null, default 0
  • orders_products_id -- integer - not null, default 0
  • products_options -- varchar(32) - not null
  • products_options_values -- varchar(32) - not null
  • options_values_price -- decimal(15,4) - not null, default 0.0000
  • price_prefix -- char(1) - not null


  • orders_products_download_id# -- integer - not null, auto inc
  • orders_id -- integer - not null, default 0
  • orders_products_id -- integer - not null, default 0
  • orders_products_filename -- varchar(255) - not null
  • download_maxdays -- int(2) - not null, default 0
  • download_count -- int(2) - not null, default 0


  • orders_status_id# -- integer - not null, default 0
  • language_id -- integer - not null, default 1
  • orders_status_name -- varchar(32) - not null


  • orders_status_history_id# -- integer - not null, auto inc
  • orders_id -- integer - not null, default 0
  • orders_status_id -- int(5) - not null, default 0
  • date_added -- datetime - not null, default 0000-00-00 00:00:00
  • customer_notified -- int(1) - default 0
  • comments -- text


  • orders_total_id# -- integer unsigned - not null, auto inc
  • orders_id -- integer - not null, default 0
  • title -- varchar(255) - not null
  • text -- varchar(255) - not null
  • value -- decimal(15,4) - not null, default 0.0000
  • class -- varchar(32) - not null
  • sort_order -- integer - not null, default 0


  • products_id# -- integer - not null, auto inc
  • products_quantity -- int(4) - not null, default 0
  • products_model -- varchar(12)
  • products_image -- varchar(64)
  • products_price -- decimal(15,4) - not null, default 0.0000
  • products_date_added -- datetime - not null, default 0000-00-00 00:00:00
  • products_last_modified -- datetime
  • products_date_available -- datetime
  • products_weight -- decimal(5,2) - not null, default 0.00
  • products_status -- tinyint(1) - not null, default 0
  • products_tax_class_id -- integer - not null, default 0
  • manufacturers_id -- integer
  • products_ordered - integer - not null, default 0


  • products_attributes_id# -- integer - not null, auto inc
  • products_id -- integer - not null, default 0
  • options_id -- integer - not null, default 0
  • options_values_id -- integer - not null, default 0
  • options_values_price -- decimal - not null, default 0.0000
  • price_prefix -- char(1) - not null


  • products_attributes_id# -- integer - not null, default 0
  • products_attributes_filename -- varchar(255) - not null
  • products_attributes_maxdays -- int(2) - default 0
  • products_attributes_maxcount -- int(2) - default 0


  • products_id# -- integer - not null, auto inc
  • language_id# -- integer - not null, default 1
  • products_name -- varchar(64) - not null
  • products_description -- text
  • products_url -- varchar(255)
  • products_viewed -- int(5) - default 0


  • products_id# -- integer - not null, default 0
  • customers_id# -- integer - not null, default 0
  • date_added -- datetime - not null, default 0000-00-00 00:00:00


  • products_options_id# -- integer - not null, default 0
  • language_id# -- integer -- not null, default 1
  • products_options_name -- varchar(32) - not null


  • products_options_values_id# -- integer - not null, default 0
  • language_id# -- integer - not null, default 1
  • products_options_values_name -- varchar(64) - not null


  • products_options_values_to_products_options_id# -- integer - not null, auto inc
  • products_options_id -- integer - not null, default 0
  • products_options_values_id -- integer - not null, default 0


  • products_id# -- integer - not null, defaul 0
  • categories_id# -- integer - not null, default 0


  • reviews_id# -- integer - not null, auto inc
  • products_id -- integer - not null, default 0
  • customers_id -- integer
  • customers_name -- varchar(64) - not null
  • reviews_rating -- int(1)
  • date_added -- datetime
  • last_modified -- datetime
  • reviews_read -- int(5) - not null, default 0


  • reviews_id# -- integer - not null, default 0
  • languages_id# -- integer - not null, default 0
  • reviews_text -- text - not null


  • sesskey# -- varchar(32) - not null
  • expiry -- integer unsigned - not null, default 0
  • value -- text - not null


  • specials_id# -- integer - not null, auto inc
  • products_id -- integer - not null, default 0
  • specials_new_products_price - decimal(15,4) - not null, default 0.0000
  • specials_date_added -- datetime
  • specials_last_modified -- datetime
  • expires_date -- datetime
  • date_status_change -- datetime
  • status -- int(1) - not null


  • tax_class_id# -- integer - not null, auto inc
  • tax_class_title -- varchar(32) - not null
  • tax_class_description -- varchar(255) - not null
  • last_modified -- datetime
  • date_added -- datetime - not null, default 0000-00-00 00:00:00


  • tax_rates_id# -- integer - not null, auto inc
  • tax_zone_id -- integer - not null, default 0
  • tax_class_id -- integer - not null, default 0
  • tax_priority -- int(5) - default 1
  • tax_rate -- decimal(7,4) - not null, default 0.0000
  • tax_description -- varchar(255) - not null
  • last_modified -- datetime
  • date_added -- datetime - not null, default 0000-00-00 00:00:00


  • customer_id -- integer
  • full_name -- varchar(34) - not null
  • session_id -- varchar(128) - not null
  • ip_address -- varchar(15) - not null
  • time_entry -- varchar(14) - not null
  • time_last_click -- varchar(14) - not null
  • last_page_url -- varchar(34) - not null


  • zone_id# -- integer - not null, autoinc
  • zone_country_id -- integer - not null, default 0
  • zone_code -- varchar(32) - not null
  • zone_name -- varchar(32) - not null


  • association_id# - integer - not null, autoinc
  • zone_country_id - integer - not null
  • zone_id - integer
  • geo_zone_id - integer
  • last_modified - datetime
  • date_added - datetime - not null