MoreBoxes is a quick extension to allow adding additional dynamic content to a MediaWiki skin. I originally created it so I could add Flattr and Kachingle buttons to Issuepedia, but discontinued that after a few months; I am not currently using the extension, so I don't know if it works with more recent MediaWiki versions. (It's simple enough, though, so it should.)
Example Usage
...where $txtHdr is already defined (see MediaWiki/Flattr for an example): <php>$wxgMoreBoxes = array (
'head' => array ( array (
'html' => $txtHdr
) ), 'foot' => array ( // "foot" to put it in the footer, "side" to put it in the control sidebar array (
'title' => 'support free sites', 'html' =>
."<script type=\"text/javascript\">if (!window.kachingle_loaded) {var _protocol = 'http'+(window.location.protocol == 'https:' ? 's' : );document.writeln(unescape(\"%3Cscript type='text/javascript' src='\"+_protocol+\"://'>%3C/script>\"));}</script> <iframe site='1376' stylename='wide' style='display:none;' allowtransparency='true' scrolling='no' frameborder='0'>Upgrade your browser to support the sites you love with <a href=".'"">Kachingle</a>!</iframe> '
.' | '
.'<a class="FlattrButton" style="display:none;" href=""></a>' .' |
) ), );</php>
<php><?php /*
FILE: MoreBoxes.php PURPOSE: Allows admin-configurable arbitrary HTML to be displayed below toolboxes HISTORY: 2010-08-13 0.1 First generally-usable version: supports multiple boxes in sidebar; supports footer and header HTML. Need a tag for inserting boxes within wikitext.
- /
- Confirm MW environment (huge wrapper)
if (defined('MEDIAWIKI')) {
- Credits
$wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array(
'name'=>'MoreBoxes', 'author'=>'Woozle Staddon', //'url'=>'', 'description'=>'Allows admin-configurable arbitrary HTML to be displayed below toolboxes', 'version'=>'0.1'
- Add Extension Functions
$wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'wfMoreBoxesExtensionSetup';
- Sets up the parser hook and global messages
function wfMoreBoxesExtensionSetup() {
global $wgMessageCache; //, $wgParser, $wxgMoreBoxesTitle;
// start a sequence of one or more toolboxes:
// start an individual toolbox:
". "\n\t\t);
// close an individual toolbox:
$wgMessageCache->addMessage('more-boxes-toolbox-shut-html',"\n\t// finish a sequence of one or more toolboxes - open empty tags for skin code to close, so everything is balanced:
$wgMessageCache->addMessage('more-boxes-toolbox-return-html',"\n\t- ");
} /**
* Parser hook for the <moreboxes /> tag extension. */
/* function wfMoreBoxesParserHook($text, $params, &$parser) {
global $wgMoreBoxesHTML, $wgTitle, $wgStylePath; $output = $wgMoreBoxesHTML; return $output;
- /
- Add hook for Monobook sidebar integration
$wgHooks['MonoBookTemplateToolboxEnd'][] = 'wxfInsertMoreBoxesSidebar'; $wgHooks['SkinAfterBottomScripts'][] = 'wxfInsertMoreBoxesFooter'; $wgHooks['BeforePageDisplay'][] = 'wxfInsertMoreBoxesHeader';
* Injects MoreBoxes code into the sidebar (hooks MonoBookTemplateToolboxEnd). * Note: This must be activiated by setting $wgShowMoreBoxesSidebar = true in Localsettings */
function wxfInsertMoreBoxesSidebar($template) {
global $wxgMoreBoxes;
if (is_array($wxgMoreBoxes)) {
if (is_array($wxgMoreBoxes['side'])) { $arHere = $wxgMoreBoxes['side']; $out = NULL; # Close out the MonoBook toolbox and create a new "moreboxes" portlet $out .= wfMsgForContent('more-boxes-toolbox-escape-html',nz($box['title'])); $idx = 0; foreach ($arHere as $id => $box) { $idx++; $strTitle = nz($box['title']); $out .= wfMsgForContent('more-boxes-toolbox-open-html',$strTitle,$idx); $out .= nz($box['html']); $out .= wfMsgForContent('more-boxes-toolbox-shut-html'); } $out .= wfMsgForContent('more-boxes-toolbox-return-html'); # Output the code and close the final box: echo($out); }
} return true;
} function wxfInsertMoreBoxesFooter( $skin, &$text ) {
global $wxgMoreBoxes;
if (is_array($wxgMoreBoxes)) {
if (is_array($wxgMoreBoxes['foot'])) { $arHere = $wxgMoreBoxes['foot']; $out = NULL; foreach ($arHere as $id => $box) { $out .= nz($box['html']); } $text .= $out; }
} return TRUE;
} function wxfInsertMoreBoxesHeader( &$objOut, &$objSkin ) {
global $wxgMoreBoxes;
if (is_array($wxgMoreBoxes)) {
if (is_array(nz($wxgMoreBoxes['head']))) { $out = NULL; $arHere = $wxgMoreBoxes['head']; foreach ($arHere as $id => $box) { $out .= nz($box['html']); } $objOut->addScript($out); }
} return TRUE;
} # Closing MW Environment wrapper </php>