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Nanotechnology is the understanding and control of matter at dimensions between approximately 1 and 100 nanometers, where unique phenomena enable novel applications. Nanotechnology involves imaging, measuring, modeling, and manipulating matter at this length scale, and involves the fields of science, engineering, and technology.
- Reference
- Blogs
- MetaModern by Eric Drexler, arguably the "founder" of nanotechnology
-, author unknown, no substantial as of 2010-05-13, but at least it has a Creative Commons license (so I used some of their text for the "about" section and the definition of "nanometer")
- General Discussion / Planning
- Center for Responsible Nanotechnology
- Foresight Institute
- International Council on Nanotechnology: includes "Environmental, Health and Safety Database"
- industry news website; focus is nanomaterials, tends to be dismissive of nano-scale assembly / nano-factories (according to [1])
- The Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies (PEN)
- Consumer Products: An inventory of nanotechnology-based consumer products currently on the market.
- The Nanotube Site
- Wise-Nano: nanotech wiki
- Materials - Buckminsterfullerene
- 2007-09-25 Researchers Develop Nanoblade: "The materials could be extremely useful for energy storage, particularly hydrogen storage, Wang said. In order to store hydrogen, a large surface area is needed to provide room for the material to expand as more hydrogen atoms are stored. The vast surface area of each nanoblade, coupled with the large spaces between each blade, could make them ideal for this application."
- 2007-01-31 Scientists build nanomachine envisioned 150 yrs ago
- 2006-01-27 From 2-D blueprint, material assembles into novel 3-D nanostructures: making self-assembling nanoscale 3D structures using photolithography
- 2005-12-05 Nanotech Discovery Could Have Radical Implications
- 2013-06-18 A Future of Radical Abundance: Transforming the Material Basis of Civilization: Eric Drexler's talk from TEDx IST Alameda
- Tackling the Central Dogma with an Optical Trap: Stanford lab figures out how to watch protein molecules at work, opening large new area of investigation