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see arithmetic operations

  • calculation:
    • Number + Number: addition
    • - Number: returns the opposite sign of a number
    • Number - Number: subtraction
    • Number * Number: multiplcation
    • Number / Number: floating-point division
    • Number ^ Power: raises Number to the power Power
    • Number \ Number: (DIV) - integer division; A \ B = Int(A / B)
    • Number MOD Number: modulo
  • comparison:
    • Number = Number: TRUE if two numbers are equal
    • Number <> Number: TRUE if two numbers are different
    • Number1 < Number2: TRUE if Number1 is strictly lower than Number2
    • Number1 > Number2: TRUE if Number1 is strictly greater than Number2
    • Number1 <= Number2: TRUE if Number1 is lower or equal than Number2
    • Number1 >= Number2: TRUE if Number1 is greater or equal than Number2
    • When a comparison result is assigned to an integer variable, TRUE = -1 and FALSE = 0.


see assignment operators

  • Variable = Expression: Direct assignment
  • Variable += Expression: Assignment with addition (not available in Gambas 1.0.18)
  • Variable -= Expression: Assignment with subtraction (not available in Gambas 1.0.18)
  • Variable *= Expression: Assignment with multiplication (the rest of these are probably also not available in v1.0.18)
  • Variable /= Expression: Assignment with division
  • Variable \= Expression: Assignment with integer division (V = V \ E)
  • Variable &= Expression: Assignment with string concatenation (V = V & E)
  • Variable &/= Expression: Assignment with path concatenation (V = V &/ E)


see logical operators


see string operators

  • String & String: concatenation of two strings
  • String &/ String: concatenation of two strings containing file path parts; add a path separator if neither is empty
  • String = String: strings are equal?
  • String == String: strings are equal? (case-insensitive)
  • String LIKE String: string matches a pattern?
  • String <> String: strings are different?
  • String1 < String2: String1 is "strictly lower" than String2?
  • String1 > String2: String1 is "strictly greater" than String2?
  • String1 <= String2: String1 is "lower than" or equal to String2?
  • String1 >= String2: String1 is "greater than" or equal to String2?