debate mapping

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Revision as of 23:51, 3 September 2017 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (Agora; intro; improved formatting)
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Debate mapping is an information management technique for keeping track of the structure of evidence and arguments in support of making the best determination about the truth or falsity of one or more statements. Although in theory this could be done using only paper or a manual filing system, it is far more effective when computers can be used to keep track of the current status of each statement, and when networks can be used to facilitate participation by multiple individuals.

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Note that many of these are just "debate software"; "debate mapping software" is a particular kind of debate software which includes, at a minimum, the "Tree" and "LogProp" features.

Blank cells indicate that we have not yet researched the project sufficiently to determine whether a feature is supported.

Feature key:

  • FOSS = free, open-source (code is available to be integrated with other projects at no cost)
  • Tree = supports display of logical dependencies as a tree structure
  • XLinks = allows cross-linking of logical dependencies
  • LogProp = tracks whether points have been refuted, and logically propagates the consequences up to the root

Status key:

  • UC = under construction
Project Features: FOSS Tree XLinks LogProp
Agora YES YES no not yet
Argüman Y(MIT) YES ? no
Argunet cli:Y/srv:?
bCisive Online
InstaGov/Debate Mapper YES YES UC YES
Debategraph no
  • Argunet's client application is released under the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0
  • Argunet also has a server component; it's not clear if that is even available for download.

Not software, but worth noting: Flow (policy debate), Argumentation theory


The list of software projects originally came from LessWrong Wiki, which has been updated since HTYP last examined it closely.