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(Created page with 'kscope is a screensaver I wrote for Windows 3.11 using Visual C 1.5, but the compiled .exe works in Win95, Win98, and WinXP as well (though in WinXP I can't figur…')
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Revision as of 13:00, 22 October 2009

kscope is a screensaver I wrote for Windows 3.11 using Visual C 1.5, but the compiled .exe works in Win95, Win98, and WinXP as well (though in WinXP I can't figure out how to add it to the list of available screensavers).

A screenshot and the compiled .exe are available here.


<c> /*

FILE	: k3.hpp
PURPOSE: header file for k3.cxx

NWS 1994aug21 began adapting from BOUNCER.H NWS 1994aug26 adapting unfinished KALEI code to SCTR NWS 1995feb17 trying to figure out why kscope setup dialog won't load NWS 1995feb18 done; creating line_drawer object to eliminate DC & PEN conflicts

  • /

  1. include <windows.h>
  2. include <scrnsave.h>
  3. include "resource.h"
  4. include "gtypes.h"
  5. include "wgraf.hpp" /* wpix_rgb */
  6. include "k_math.hpp"
  7. define MEM_LARGE
  8. define FAR_PTRS
  9. include "k_model.h" /* fp_void */

void GetIniEntries(void); void MoveImage(HWND hWnd); void GetIniSettings(void); void WriteProfileInt(LPSTR key, LPSTR tag, int i); extern BOOL FAR PASCAL ScreenSaverConfigureDialog(HWND,UINT,WPARAM,LPARAM); </c>


<cpp> /*

FILE		: k3.cxx -- kaleidascope screen saver

ScreenSaverProc() RegisterDialogClasses() ScreenSaverConfigureDialog()


NWS 1994aug21 began adapting from BOUNCER.C NWS 1994aug26 adapting unfinished KALEI code to SCTR NWS 1995feb17 migrating sctr back to kaleidascope (it _was_ working...)

  • /
  1. include <assert.h>
  2. include <memory.h>
  3. include <math.h>
  1. define WIN_GRAFIX
  1. include "k3.hpp"

/* Global used by SCRNSAVE.LIB. Required for all screen savers. */ extern "C" char szAppName[40]; char szAppName[40];

/* Globals specific to this app. */ char szName[] = "Kaleidascope"; /* used by scrnsav library (how?) */ char szSpeed[] = "speed"; /* "kaleidascope" stuff */ char szSegs[] = "#segs"; char szLinks[] = "#links"; char szSoftInc[] = "interval"; char szRandSeed[] = "random seed"; char szClear[] = "clear"; char szPenType[] = "pen type"; char szMoveColors[] = "move colors"; char szColorLinks[] = "color links"; // window classes char szTestWin[] = "SSTestWin";

/* Externals defined in SCRNSAVE.LIB. Required for all screen savers. */ HINSTANCE _cdecl hMainInstance; HWND _cdecl hMainWindow; char _cdecl szIsPassword[22]; char _cdecl szIniFile[MAXFILELEN]; char _cdecl szScreenSaver[22]; char _cdecl szPassword[16]; char _cdecl szDifferentPW[BUFFLEN]; char _cdecl szChangePW[30]; char _cdecl szBadOldPW[BUFFLEN]; char _cdecl szHelpFile[MAXFILELEN]; char _cdecl szNoHelpMemory[BUFFLEN]; UINT _cdecl MyHelpMessage; HOOKPROC _cdecl fpMessageFilter;

WORD wTimer; // timer id

/* enumerated types used in storage */

enum win_pen_type { /* Windows API pen type */ wpen_solid, wpen_dash, wpen_dot, wpen_dashdot, wpen_dashdotdot, wpen_null, wpen_insideframe };

enum ks_pen_type { /* kscope pen type */ kpen_solid, kpen_dash, kpen_dot, kpen_dashdot, kpen_dashdotdot, kpen_dithered, kpen_callback, kpen_software };

const ks_pen_type highest_api_kpen = kpen_dithered;

/* universal SETUP options */ WORD nSpeed = 10; flag bPassword; /* "kaleidascope" options */ WORD nSegs = 1; WORD nLinks = 200; ks_pen_type nPenType = kpen_software; WORD nSoftInc = 24; WORD nRandSeed = 0; flag bClearScrn = Yes; flag bMoveColors = No; flag bColorLinks = No;

/* common vars & objects */ /* Windows stuff */ gbox scr_box; int scr_bits; /* screen bits per pixel */ flag scr_pltt; /* screen supports palettes? */ /* other variables */ flag active = No; gpt start_pt;

/* "kaleidascope" vars & objects */ win_pen_type aPenType; /* actual Windows pen type */ byte penWidth; /* pen width to use */ flag softPen; /* not using an hPen */

/* Windows stuff */ HINSTANCE hInst; /* handle to app instance */ HWND hMsg; /* handle to window for timer messages */ HWND hDlg = 0; /* handle to configuration dialog, if active */ HWND hPenList; HWND hSoftInc; HWND hLineDemo; /* handle to line-demo window */

/* other variables */ flag drawing; flag is_saver = Yes; gpt new_pt[3]; WORD link,seg; WORD topSegPoint; /* top point in seg array */ WORD topSegLink; /* top seg for drawing links */ wpix_rgb cur_color; gloc dot_count;

/* major objects */ struct seg_def { wpix_rgb color; gpt point; }; typedef seg_def asegs[]; asegs* axes; // pointer to axis array

struct line_drawer : public gbox { /*====DATA====*/ HDC hDC; /* handle to device context for drawing */ HPEN hPen; /* current drawing pen, if any */ /*====CODE====*/ void PenPrep(flag); void GetColor(COLORREF icolor); void DoLine(); void CALLBACK LineMethod(int X, int Y); }; typedef line_drawer* p_line_drawer;

HWND hWnd; /* handle to window for drawing lines */ //HDC call_hDC; /* FUTURE: thunk the line callback */ /* also make cur_color a member */ line_drawer global_line; /* global line-drawer for actual kaleidascope */

typedef void (CALLBACK line_drawer::* LinMeth)(int,int,LPARAM); /* LinMeth: LineDDAProc() */ //struct kprocs { // union { // uprocs up; // LinMeth lm; // }; //};

//class ckprocs : public kprocs { // ckprocs() : kprocs() {} // ckprocs(LinMeth ilm) { lm = ilm; } //}; /*==============================================================*\

FUNCTION	: LineCallback(int,int,proc)
MODEL		: LineDDAProc()

\*==============================================================*/ void CALLBACK LineCallback(int X, int Y, LPARAM pclass) { ((p_line_drawer)pclass) -> LineMethod(X,Y); }

/*===================================*\ CLASS : line_drawer PURPOSE: drawing of styled lines \*===================================*/ /*==============================================================*\

FUNCTION	: line_drawer::PenPrep(yes/no)

nPenType --> selected pen type from list aPenType <-- actual Win HPEN to use, if any softPen <-- Yes = drawing will be done without an HPEN

	fpCall		<-- pointer to instance of callback function

hPen <-- (cleared) handle to pen, if any \*==============================================================*/ void line_drawer::PenPrep(flag ienter) { if (ienter) { // fpCall = 0; // fpMeth = 0; switch (nPenType) { case kpen_callback: { // FARPROC fpMeth = MakeProcInstance((FARPROC)LineCallback,hInst); // old #1 // fpCall = MakeThunk(this,fpMeth); // fpCall = line_thunk.MakeThunk(this,ckprocs(LineCallback).up); // old #2 // fpCall = line_thunk.MakeThunk(this,ckprocs(LineCallback).up); /*TEST*/ // old #3 // fpMeth = MakeProcInstance(ckprocs(LineCallback).up.fp, hInst); // fpCall = line_thunk.MakeThunk(this,cprocs(fpMeth)); /* no break -- also do kpen_software processing */ } case kpen_software: softPen = Yes; aPenType = wpen_null; /* just for clarity */ break; case kpen_dithered: softPen = No; aPenType = wpen_insideframe; penWidth = 2; break; default: softPen = No; aPenType = (win_pen_type)nPenType; penWidth = 0; } hPen = 0; // hPenOld = 0; } else {

  1. ifdef x1995feb18 /* PROBABLY UNNECESSARY */

if (hPen) { HPEN hPenOld = SelectObject(hDC, GetStockObject(NULL_PEN)); /* deselect last pen */ DeleteObject(hPenOld); /* destroy the last created pen */ }

  1. endif

// line_thunk.FreeThunk(); // if (fpMeth) // FreeProcInstance(fpMeth); } } /*==============================================================*\

FUNCTION	: line_drawer::GetColor()

\*==============================================================*/ void line_drawer::GetColor(COLORREF icolor) { cur_color.wc = icolor; if (!softPen) { SetBkColor(hDC,RGB(0,0,0));

hPen = CreatePen(aPenType,penWidth,cur_color.wc); HPEN hPenOld = SelectObject(hDC,hPen); DeleteObject(hPenOld); /* kill the old pen */ } } /*==============================================================*\

FUNCTION	: line_drawer::DoLine
ACTION		: draw a single line
	nPenType	--> selected type of drawing to do

(gbox) --> endpoints of line to draw \*==============================================================*/ void line_drawer::DoLine() { switch (nPenType) { case kpen_callback: dot_count = 0; // call_hDC = hDC; /* TO BE ELIMINATED LATER */ // LineDDA(A.X, A.Y, B.X, B.Y, fpCall, this); LineDDA(A.X, A.Y, B.X, B.Y, (FARPROC)LineCallback, (LPARAM)(fp_void)this); break; case kpen_software: { float xdiff = X.Diff(); float ydiff = Y.Diff(); // float xydiff = (float)fabs(xdiff) + (float)fabs(ydiff); /* same as callback */ float xydiff = (float)sqrt((xdiff*xdiff) + (ydiff*ydiff)); if (xydiff) { float xinc = xdiff/xydiff * nSoftInc; float yinc = ydiff/xydiff * nSoftInc; float xloc = X.A; float yloc = Y.A; int idx, count = (int)(xydiff/nSoftInc)+1; for (idx=count; idx--; idx>0) { SetPixel(hDC,(gloc)xloc,(gloc)yloc,cur_color.wc); xloc += xinc; yloc += yinc; }; } break; } default: SetBkMode(hDC,TRANSPARENT); MoveTo(hDC, A.X, A.Y); LineTo(hDC, B.X, B.Y); } } /*==============================================================*\

FUNCTION	: line_drawer::LineMethod(int,int)
USAGE		: called by ::LineCallback(int,int,LPRARM)

\*==============================================================*/ void CALLBACK line_drawer::LineMethod(int X, int Y) { if (!dot_count) { dot_count = nSoftInc;

  1. ifdef _DBG

COLORREF acol = SetPixel(hDC,X,Y,cur_color.wc);

  1. else


  1. endif

} else dot_count--; }

/*===================================*\ SECTION: normal functions \*===================================*/ /*==============================================================*\

FUNCTION	: RegisterDialogClasses
PURPOSE	: Entry point for registering window classes

required by configuration dialog box.

INPUT		: hWnd -- Handle to window
RETURNS	: nothing

\*==============================================================*/ BOOL RegisterDialogClasses(HINSTANCE ihInst) { WNDCLASS wc;

hInst = ihInst;

wc.style = 0x0; // Class style(s) (none) wc.lpfnWndProc = ScreenSaverProc; // Message handler function wc.cbClsExtra = 0; // No per-class extra data. wc.cbWndExtra = 0; // No per-window extra data. wc.hInstance = hInst; // App that owns the class. wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(hInst,"ID_MAINICON"); // icon to use wc.hCursor = 0; wc.hbrBackground = 0; // window must paint background wc.lpszMenuName = 0; // Name of menu resource in .RC file. wc.lpszClassName = szTestWin; // Name used in call to CreateWindow.

if (!RegisterClass(&wc)) // register the class return No; // didn't work return Yes; } /*==============================================================*\

FUNCTIONS	: SetSettings
ACTION		: copy the settings from the dialog box to the

program variables \*==============================================================*/ void SetSettings() { if (hDlg) { nSpeed = GetDlgItemInt(hDlg, IDC_SPEED,NULL, No); nSegs = GetDlgItemInt(hDlg, IDC_NUM_SEGS,NULL, No); nLinks = GetDlgItemInt(hDlg, IDC_NUM_LINKS,NULL, No); nSoftInc = GetDlgItemInt(hDlg, IDC_INTERVAL,NULL, No); nPenType = (ks_pen_type)SendMessage(hPenList,CB_GETCURSEL,0,0); /* nb don't set random seed from dialog */ bClearScrn = IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_CLEAR_SCRN); bColorLinks = IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_COLOR_LINKS); bMoveColors = IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_MOVE_COLORS); bPassword = IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, ID_PASSWORDPROTECTED); }

WriteProfileInt(szAppName, szSpeed, nSpeed); WriteProfileInt(szAppName, szSegs, nSegs); WriteProfileInt(szAppName, szLinks, nLinks); WriteProfileInt(szAppName, szSoftInc, nSoftInc); WriteProfileInt(szAppName, szPenType, nPenType); WriteProfileInt(szAppName, szRandSeed, nRandSeed); WriteProfileInt(szAppName, szClear, bClearScrn); WriteProfileInt(szAppName, szColorLinks,bColorLinks); WriteProfileInt(szAppName, szMoveColors,bMoveColors); WriteProfileInt(szAppName, szIsPassword,bPassword); } /*==============================================================*\

FUNCTION	: Prepare(yes/no)
ACTION		: start or finish screen saver (e.g. allocate or

deallocate memory, etc.) \*==============================================================*/ void Prepare(flag ienter) { if (ienter) { p_void mp; size_t ms;

topSegPoint = nSegs + 2; /* top point # in segment array */ topSegLink = nSegs + 0; /* top segment # for drawing links */ ms = (topSegPoint+1) * sizeof(seg_def); /* figure # of bytes to allocate */ mp = malloc(ms); /* allocate them */ axes = (asegs*)mp; /* recast to segment array */ memset(mp,0,ms); /* clear the array */ if (bMoveColors) { /* if colors are persistent...*/ seg = nSegs; while (seg > 0) { seg--; (*axes)[seg].color.SetRand(); }; } wTimer = SetTimer(hMsg, ID_TIMER, 0, NULL); if (!wTimer) { MessageBox(0,"Couldn't create timer","Error",MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return; } GetClientRect(hWnd, &scr_box.wr); /* get window size */ global_line.hDC = GetDC(hWnd); /* get window device context */

link = 0; /* go into loop first time */ seg = topSegLink; /* go into loop first time */

srand(nRandSeed); } else { free(axes); /* Destroy any objects we created */ if (wTimer) KillTimer(hMsg, ID_TIMER); if (global_line.hDC) ReleaseDC(hWnd, global_line.hDC); nRandSeed = rand(); SetSettings(); /* save new random seed */ if (hDlg) SetDlgItemInt(hDlg,IDC_RAND_SEED,nRandSeed,No); } global_line.PenPrep(ienter); active = ienter; drawing = No; } /*==============================================================*\

ACTION		: draw a line with appropriate reflections

\*==============================================================*/ void DoLink(gbox end_pt) { gpt scr_ctr = scr_box.Mid();

global_line.A = end_pt.A; global_line.B = end_pt.B;

global_line.DoLine(); /* X norm, Y norm */ global_line.X.Reflect(scr_ctr.X); global_line.DoLine(); /* X refl, Y norm */ global_line.Y.Reflect(scr_ctr.Y); global_line.DoLine(); /* X refl, Y refl */ global_line.X.Reflect(scr_ctr.X); global_line.DoLine(); /* X norm, Y refl */ } /*==============================================================*\

FUNCTION	: MoveImage
ACTION		: Move image around the screen
INPUT		: hWnd -- Handle to window
RETURNS	: nothing

\*==============================================================*/ static void MoveImage() { wpix_rgb color1, color2; /* for color interpolation if (bColorLinks) */ if (active) { for (word idx = 0; idx < nSpeed; idx++) { loop: if (!bMoveColors && (seg==0)) { seg = topSegLink; } else { seg++; if (seg > topSegLink) { if (link == 0) { link = nLinks;

/* shift points up the array one notch */ if (bMoveColors) { for (seg=topSegPoint; seg>0; seg--) { (*axes)[seg].point = (*axes)[seg-1].point; } } else { for (seg=topSegPoint; seg>0; seg--) { (*axes)[seg] = (*axes)[seg-1]; } (*axes)[0].color.SetRand(); } gpt old_pt = (*axes)[0].point; gpt new_pt; do { new_pt = scr_box.Random(); } while (old_pt.xy == new_pt.xy); (*axes)[0].point = new_pt; } else link--; seg = 0; } }

/* figure current point triplet */ for (int jdx = 2; jdx >= 0; jdx--) { new_pt[jdx] = (*axes)[seg+jdx].point; }

if (seg == topSegLink) { color1.wc = 0; color2.wc = 0; } else { color1 = (*axes)[seg].color; color2 = (*axes)[seg+1].color;


if (!bColorLinks) { global_line.GetColor(color1.wc); }

gbox link_line; gbox interbox; if (new_pt[0].xy && (new_pt[1].xy || !link)) { if (new_pt[1].xy && (new_pt[2].xy || !link)) {

float portion = (float)link / (nLinks+1);

interbox.A = new_pt[0]; interbox.B = new_pt[1]; link_line.A = interbox.Interp(portion);

interbox.A = new_pt[1]; interbox.B = new_pt[2]; link_line.B = interbox.Interp(portion);

if (bColorLinks) { if (seg == topSegLink) { global_line.GetColor(0); } else { global_line.GetColor(color1.Interp(portion,color2.wc)); drawing = Yes; } } else if (cur_color.wc) drawing = Yes; if (drawing)


} } if (!drawing) /* do all non-visible processing immediately */ goto loop; } } } /*==============================================================*\

FUNCTION	: AboutBoxProc()
ACTION		: handles About box

\*==============================================================*/ LONG FAR PASCAL AboutBoxProc(HWND ihWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wd, LPARAM ld) { switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: hWnd = GetDlgItem(ihWnd,IDC_TESTWIN); hMsg = ihWnd; Prepare(Yes); return Yes; case WM_TIMER: MoveImage();

           return 0;

case WM_COMMAND: switch (wd) { case IDOK: EndDialog(ihWnd,0); return Yes; } case WM_DESTROY: Prepare(No); return 0; } return 0; } /*==============================================================*\

FUNCTION	: GetScreenParams
ACTION		: get information about the screen device

\*==============================================================*/ void GetScreenParams(HWND ihWnd) { HDC scrn_hDC = GetDC(ihWnd); scr_pltt = (GetDeviceCaps(scrn_hDC,RASTERCAPS) & RC_PALETTE) != 0; scr_bits = GetDeviceCaps(scrn_hDC,BITSPIXEL); ReleaseDC(ihWnd,scrn_hDC); } /*==============================================================*\

FUNCTION	: DoLineTest()
ACTION		: demonstrate the selected pen type at various angles

\*==============================================================*/ void DoLineTest() { PAINTSTRUCT far ps; HDC hDemoDC = BeginPaint(hLineDemo,&ps); assert(hDemoDC);

gbox demo_box; line_drawer local_line;

local_line.hDC = hDemoDC; /* set line's DC to line demo area */ local_line.PenPrep(Yes); local_line.GetColor(RGB(0x0ff, 0x0ff, 0x0ff));

GetClientRect(hLineDemo, &demo_box.wr); /* get window size */ FillRect(hDemoDC,&demo_box.wr,(HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));

gloc line_siz; if (demo_box.X.Size() < demo_box.Y.Size()) line_siz = demo_box.X.Size(); else line_siz = demo_box.Y.Size();

line_siz /= 2; local_line.A = demo_box.Mid();

float idx_dec = ((float)_PI) * 0.05f; for (float idx = (float)_PI * 2.0f; idx > 0.0; idx-=idx_dec) { local_line.Y.FitB((gloc)(sin(idx) * (float)line_siz)); local_line.X.FitB((gloc)(cos(idx) * (float)line_siz)); local_line.DoLine(); }

// ValidateRect(hLineDemo,0); /* don't repaint over line demo */

local_line.PenPrep(No); EndPaint(hDlg,&ps); // finished with painting } /*==============================================================*\

FUNCTION	: ScreenSaverConfigureDialog
MODEL		: DialogProc()
PURPOSE	: Dialog box function for configuration dialog.
INPUT		: hWnd -- Handle to window
RETURNS	: nothing

\*==============================================================*/ BOOL FAR PASCAL __export ScreenSaverConfigureDialog(HWND ihDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wd, LPARAM ld) { static HWND hIDOK; static HWND hSetPassword; HWND hTest;

switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: hDlg = ihDlg;

hPenList = GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_PEN_TYPE); /* get handle for pen-type list */ hSoftInc = GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_INTERVAL); hLineDemo = GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_LINE_TEST); /* get line-demo control */

GetIniEntries(); GetIniSettings(); SetDlgItemInt (hDlg,IDC_SPEED,nSpeed,No); SetDlgItemInt (hDlg,IDC_NUM_SEGS,nSegs,No); SetDlgItemInt (hDlg,IDC_NUM_LINKS,nLinks,No); SetDlgItemInt (hDlg,IDC_RAND_SEED,nRandSeed,No); SetDlgItemInt (hDlg,IDC_INTERVAL,nSoftInc,No);

SendMessage(hPenList,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)(char far*)"Solid"); SendMessage(hPenList,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)(char far*)"Dash"); SendMessage(hPenList,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)(char far*)"Dot"); SendMessage(hPenList,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)(char far*)"Dash-dot"); SendMessage(hPenList,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)(char far*)"Dash-dot-dot"); SendMessage(hPenList,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)(char far*)"Dithered"); SendMessage(hPenList,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)(char far*)"Callback"); SendMessage(hPenList,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)(char far*)"Software"); SendMessage(hPenList,CB_SETCURSEL,nPenType,0);

CheckDlgButton (hDlg,IDC_CLEAR_SCRN,bClearScrn); CheckDlgButton (hDlg,IDC_COLOR_LINKS,bColorLinks); CheckDlgButton (hDlg,IDC_MOVE_COLORS,bMoveColors);

SendDlgItemMessage (hDlg,ID_PASSWORDPROTECTED, BM_SETCHECK, bPassword, NULL); hSetPassword = GetDlgItem(hDlg, ID_SETPASSWORD); EnableWindow(hSetPassword, bPassword);

hIDOK = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDOK);

return TRUE; case WM_DESTROY: hDlg = 0; return FALSE; case WM_PAINT: { if (nPenType > highest_api_kpen) { ShowWindow(hSoftInc,SW_SHOW); } else { ShowWindow(hSoftInc,SW_HIDE); } DoLineTest(); return No; } case WM_COMMAND: switch (wd) { case IDOK: SetSettings(); EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); return TRUE;

case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); return TRUE;

case ID_TEST: is_saver = No; SetSettings(); /* save current settings to ini file */ hTest = CreateWindow( szTestWin, "Kaleidascope", WS_CAPTION | WS_MAXIMIZEBOX | WS_MINIMIZEBOX | WS_SYSMENU | WS_THICKFRAME | WS_OVERLAPPED, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, hDlg,0,hInst,0); ShowWindow(hTest,SW_SHOWNA); return TRUE;

case ID_ABOUT: { FARPROC fpDialog; fpDialog = MakeProcInstance((FARPROC)AboutBoxProc,hInst); SetSettings(); DialogBox(hInst,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ABOUTBOX),hDlg,fpDialog); FreeProcInstance(fpDialog); break; } case ID_SETPASSWORD: { FARPROC fpDialog; fpDialog = MakeProcInstance((FARPROC)DlgChangePassword,hMainInstance); if(!fpDialog) return FALSE; DialogBox(hMainInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_CHANGEPASSWORD), hDlg, fpDialog); FreeProcInstance(fpDialog); SendMessage(hDlg, WM_NEXTDLGCTL, hIDOK, 1l); break; } case ID_PASSWORDPROTECTED: bPassword ^= 1; CheckDlgButton(hDlg, wd, bPassword); EnableWindow(hSetPassword, bPassword); break; case IDC_PEN_TYPE: { if ((ld & 0x00080000) && !(ld & 0x00010000)) { ks_pen_type oldPenType = nPenType; nPenType = (ks_pen_type)SendMessage(hPenList,CB_GETCURSEL,0,0); // if (nPenType != oldPenType) { if (nPenType > highest_api_kpen) ShowWindow(hSoftInc,SW_SHOW); else ShowWindow(hSoftInc,SW_HIDE); InvalidateRect(hLineDemo,0,No); DoLineTest(); // } } } break; case IDC_RAND_SEED: nRandSeed = GetDlgItemInt(hDlg, IDC_RAND_SEED,NULL, No); break; } break; } return FALSE; } /*==============================================================*\

FUNCTION	: GetIniSettings
ACTION		: Get initial settings from WIN.INI
INPUT		: hWnd -- Handle to window
RETURNS	: nothing

\*==============================================================*/ static void GetIniSettings() { nSpeed = GetPrivateProfileInt(szAppName, szSpeed, nSpeed, szIniFile); nSegs = GetPrivateProfileInt(szAppName, szSegs, nSegs, szIniFile); nLinks = GetPrivateProfileInt(szAppName, szLinks, nLinks, szIniFile); nSoftInc = GetPrivateProfileInt(szAppName, szSoftInc, nSoftInc, szIniFile); nRandSeed = GetPrivateProfileInt(szAppName, szRandSeed, nRandSeed, szIniFile); nPenType = (ks_pen_type)GetPrivateProfileInt(szAppName, szPenType, nPenType, szIniFile); bClearScrn = GetPrivateProfileInt(szAppName, szClear, bClearScrn, szIniFile); bColorLinks = GetPrivateProfileInt(szAppName, szColorLinks, bColorLinks,szIniFile); bMoveColors = GetPrivateProfileInt(szAppName, szMoveColors, bMoveColors,szIniFile); bPassword = GetPrivateProfileInt(szAppName, szIsPassword, FALSE, szIniFile); } /*==============================================================*\

FUNCTION	: ScreenSaverProc
PURPOSE	: Main entry point for screen saver messages.
USAGE		: This function is required for all screen savers.
RETURNS	: depends on input message

\*==============================================================*/ LONG FAR PASCAL __export ScreenSaverProc(HWND ihWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wd, LPARAM ld) { hWnd = ihWnd; hMsg = ihWnd; switch (msg) { case WM_CREATE: GetScreenParams(ihWnd); if (scr_bits > 8) /* if hiColor display...*/ bColorLinks = Yes; /* default is "move colors" = on */ GetIniEntries(); /* Load the strings from the STRINGTABLE */ GetIniSettings(); /* Load the initial bounce settings. */ Prepare(Yes); GetScreenParams(hWnd); break; case WM_DESTROY: active = No; Prepare(No); break; case WM_ERASEBKGND: if (bClearScrn) { FillRect((HDC)wd,&scr_box.wr,(HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH)); } active = Yes; return 0L; case WM_TIMER: MoveImage();


case WM_SIZE: GetClientRect(ihWnd, &scr_box.wr); /* get window size */ ReleaseDC(ihWnd,global_line.hDC); /* release old device context */ global_line.hDC = GetDC(ihWnd); /* get new device context */ if (bClearScrn) { FillRect(global_line.hDC,&scr_box.wr,(HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH)); } break; case WM_SYSCOMMAND: if (wd == SC_SCREENSAVE) is_saver = Yes; break; } if (is_saver) return DefScreenSaverProc(ihWnd,msg,wd,ld); else return DefWindowProc(ihWnd,msg,wd,ld); } /*==============================================================*\

FUNCTION	: WriteProfileInt
ACTION		: Write an unsigned integer value to CONTROL.INI.
	name	- szSection - [section] name in .INI file

szKey - key= in .INI file i - value for key above

RETURNS	: nothing

\*==============================================================*/ static void WriteProfileInt(LPSTR szSection, LPSTR szKey, int i) { char achBuf[40];

   /* write out as unsigned because GetPrivateProfileInt() can't
    * cope with signed values!

wsprintf(achBuf, "%u", i); WritePrivateProfileString(szSection, szKey, achBuf, szIniFile); } /*==============================================================*\

FUNCTION	: GetIniEntries()

\*==============================================================*/ void GetIniEntries(void) {

 //Load Common Strings from stringtable...

LoadString(hMainInstance, idsIsPassword, szIsPassword, 22); LoadString(hMainInstance, idsIniFile, szIniFile, MAXFILELEN); LoadString(hMainInstance, idsScreenSaver, szScreenSaver, 22); LoadString(hMainInstance, idsPassword, szPassword, 16); LoadString(hMainInstance, idsDifferentPW, szDifferentPW, BUFFLEN); LoadString(hMainInstance, idsChangePW, szChangePW, 30); LoadString(hMainInstance, idsBadOldPW, szBadOldPW, 255); LoadString(hMainInstance, idsHelpFile, szHelpFile, MAXFILELEN); LoadString(hMainInstance, idsNoHelpMemory, szNoHelpMemory, BUFFLEN); } </cpp>