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< Drupal
Revision as of 23:50, 17 June 2014 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (a bit more; still don't know what "content type" is)
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The basic unit of content in Drupal is the node, which is represented by the nodes table. Key data concepts are:

  • content type - not sure where this fits in
  • node
  • node type
  • taxonomy
    • taxonomy term - can be hierarchical - home table is taxonomy_term_data
    • taxonomy vocabulary - groups of taxonomy terms - home table is taxonomy_vocabulary

Things you may encounter that aren't actually data concepts:

  • Some common types of taxonomy_vocabulary (i.e. 'name' field of records that might be found in a typical Drupal database):
    • "Categories"
    • "Tags"


  • Any node can be assigned to zero or more taxonomy terms. (taxonomy_index)
  • Any taxonomy term can be assigned to zero or more nodes. (taxonomy_index)
  • Each taxonomy term is assigned to exactly one taxonomy vocabulary. (taxonomy_term_data)
  • Each taxonomy term has zero or one parent and zero or more children. (taxonomy_term_hierarchy)
  • The assigned taxonomy vocabulary determines what type of hierarchy the assigned taxonomy term belongs to:
    • multiple root nodes
    • single root node
    • flat list - no hierarchy