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fibercraft is any type of homecraft which primarily uses fiber (yarn, thread, etc.). Types of fibercraft include knitting, crochet, macramé, and needlework. It is related to fiber art, but more practically-oriented.
- Crochet
- Online Magazines
- Patterns Online
- Crochet Musings (real content is on "treasure box" page; prepare to kill popups)
- Shona's Place (crochet area; crochet patterns)
- General
- Arts Crafts Outlet: "Free Classified Ads for the Arts & Crafts Community"
- Yarn Lover's Room
- Patterns
- Online
- Barbara Breiter's Knitting On The Net by the author of The Complete Idiot's Guide To Knitting & Crocheting Illustrated
- Knitty
- For Sale
- KnotJustKnitting: downloadable patterns and booklets for sale
- Online
- Supplies
- Manufacturers
- Lion Brand Yarn: also has a lot of free patterns
- Retail
- "knitting yarn, books, patterns, needles and accessories"
- Patternworks
- Manufacturers
- Tutorials