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Computing: Software: Gambas: Format
String = Format$ ( Expression [ , Format ] )
String = Format ( Expression [ , Format ] )
- See also:
- String = CStr(expression) - converts expression to a string in the default format
Converts an expression to a string based on the given format. The format may be either user-defined or one of several pre-defined formats. If format is not specified, gb.Standard is used (see #general).
- Localization settings may affect the output of this function.
User-Defined Formats
+ |
Prints the sign of the number.
- |
Prints the sign of the number only if it is negative.
# |
Prints a digit only if necessary.
0 |
Always prints a digit, padding with a zero if necessary.
. |
Prints the decimal separator.
, |
Prints the thousand separators.
% |
Multiplies the number by 100 and prints a per-cent sign.
E |
Introduces the exponential part of a Float number. The sign of the exponent is always printed.
PRINT Format$(Pi, "-#.###") |
PRINT Format$(Pi, "+0#.###0") |
PRINT Format$(Pi / 10, "###.# %") |
31.4 %
PRINT Format$(-11 ^ 11, "#.##E##") |
$ |
Prints the national currency symbol.
$$ |
When the $ is doubled, the international currency symbol is printed instead.
( f ) |
Designates the representation of negative currencies, where f is the format specifier
PRINT Format$(1972.06, "$#.###") |
PRINT Format$(-1972.06, "$,#.###") |
PRINT Format$(-1972.06, "($,#.###)") |
yy |
Prints the year on two digits.
yyyy |
Prints the year on four digits.
m |
Prints the month.
mm |
Prints the month on two digits.
mmm |
Prints the month in an abbreviatted string form.
mmmm |
Prints the month in its full string form.
d |
Prints the day.
dd |
Prints the day on two digits.
ddd |
Prints the week day in an abbreviated form.
dddd |
Prints the week day in its full form.
/ |
Prints the date separator.
h |
Prints the hour.
hh |
Prints the hour on two digits.
n |
Prints the minutes.
nn |
Prints the minutes on two digits.
s |
Prints the seconds.
ss |
Prints the seconds on two digits.
: |
Prints the time separator.
PRINT Format$(Now, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:nn:ss") |
04/15/2002 09:05:36
PRINT Format$(Now, "m/d/yy h:n:s") |
4/15/02 9:5:36
PRINT Format$(Now, "ddd dd mmm yyyy") |
Mon Apr 15 2002
PRINT Format$(Now, "dddd dd mmmm yyyy") |
Monday April 15 2002
Pre-Defined Formats
gb.GeneralNumber |
Use twelve decimal digits, or scientific format if the absolute value is lower than 10Template:exp or greater than 10Template:exp.
gb.Fixed |
Equivalent to "0.00"
gb.Percent |
Equivalent to "###%"
gb.Scientific |
Use an exponent and eighteen decimal digits.
date and time
gb.GeneralDate |
Write a date only if the date and time value has a date part, and write a time only if it has a date part.
gb.LongDate |
Long date format.
gb.MediumDate |
Medium date format.
gb.ShortDate |
Short date format.
gb.LongTime |
Long time format.
gb.MediumTime |
Medium time format.
gb.ShortTime |
Short time format.
gb.Currency |
Format a currency by using the national currency symbol.
gb.International |
Format a currency by using the international currency symbol.
Use gb.GeneralNumber for formatting numbers and gb.GeneralDate for formatting dates and times.
- Much of this text has been copied from here, which is presumed to be available under a GNU-compatible license.