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< Postfix
Revision as of 15:00, 29 October 2020 by Woozle (talk | contribs)
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How to

  • Find where the config files are:
    • postconf <setting_name>, where <setting_name> is one of the following:
      • alias_database filespec for the main alias database ("hash:" just means a text file)
      • alias_maps seems to be the same thing?
      • config_directory: main folder where config files are stored (typically /etc/postfix)
      • mydomain: not sure what this specifically does, but it seems significant
      • myhostname: internet domain name for the server
      • myorigin: I think this sets the "from" address in outgoing mail (typically /etc/mailname)
      • virtual_alias_domains: list of virtual domains we're handling (see Postfix Virtual Domain Hosting Howto)
      • virtual_alias_maps: alias maps for virtual domains, same format as alias_maps (typically hash:/etc/postfix/virtual)
    • postconf -n will show any settings which have been changed from their defaults
    • postconf will show a (long) list of all settings, which can either be dumped to a file for searching or viewed in a scrollable way with postconf | less
  • Find out how email is handled by emailing a report to the mailbox for your current user:
    • sendmail -bv <address>: create a what-if report: tell what would happen, but do not actually deliver mail[1]
    • sendmail -v <address>: create a what-happened report: deliver mail and report successes and/or failures, including replies from remote SMTP servers[1]
