HTYP talk:2005-12 Discussion about image uploads

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Revision as of 13:45, 30 December 2005 by Woozle (talk | contribs)
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2005-12-21 16:49 from Woozle

Heya Tim (or is it Pam Winton using Tim's account?) -- let me know if you're having difficulty with the images. Cheers! --Woozle 16:49, 21 December 2005 (EST)

2005-12-22 17:43 from Tdcrone

<was almost an e-mail>


So, after leaving them to sit patiently for what, three months now, I started to upload the Pinecrest scrapbook pictures yesterday... only to watch the server crash terribly and painfully shortly after.

First, I uploaded a .zip of two of the pictures (01 and 02). It didn't appear to be accepted (even into the recent files list) so I uploaded just the first picture as a PNG. Still no joy.

Then the server was dead, with the SQL error that I'm sure you know since it's fixed now.

I haven't tried .tar.gz, and seeing as how it's only a few dozen pictures it's probably not really worth the trouble save to know if it works; I can just use one of the backend tools to iteratively load them, if you think it'll be all right. I'm also on a commercial but low-bandwidth host now, so I could really host them if you'd prefer that.

- On another note, would you notice if I used your talk page? I'm sending this through Yoohoo%!? since my home computer doesn't seem to like sshd running anymore, but the talk page would probably be more appropriate.

<Since you posted to my talk page before I could send this, I'll avoid the old RFCs this way. :)>

- Finally, Outlook doesn't hang up when the connection's gone...

2005-12-22 17:54 Further information

So I dug up a real browser (i.e. not IE, aiee!), and get the ever-stimulating "Connection closed by remote server" dialog after each upload.

Any clues?

Thanks ->Tim

2005-12-23 09:02 from Woozle

Got your message. Not sure what's up; I recently installed an anti-spam extension, which seems to be working, and I don't think that should be affecting the uploading ability... but I'm out of town right now, on a dial-up, and not really equipped to check.

You'll probably need to upload files in their destination format, i.e. jpg or png (gif also should work, but for any given gif, png is usually smaller). I can configure the software to accept additional formats, but I don't think it would be able to show them as anything except a downloadable binary (i.e. you can't upload a bunch of images as a .tar.gz and have them automatically unzip, afaik, though I should remember to ask if this is feature is in the works because it would be quite useful).

I will try to remember to test uploads this weekend, after I get back; feel free to leave another message to remind me.

Cheers! --Woozle 09:07, 23 December 2005 (EST)

2005-12-29 21:55 "Uploading?" from Tdcrone

I don't see any recently uploaded files... any status? :)

Thanks, -Tim

Editor's Note

I seem to remember that my message below was in response to the one above, despite the timestamps, but maybe I'm confusing the above message with a different one. --Woozle 08:45, 30 December 2005 (EST)

2005-12-29 17:09 from Woozle

Got your message -- I just tried uploading a file and had no problems. Do you want to email me the file you're trying to upload and I'll try that? --Woozle 17:09, 29 December 2005 (EST)

2005-12-30 01:14 from Tdcrone

The first one is:


Fortunately I never bothered to set a max size, each file is aroung 10MB.

It occurs to me that perhaps the size is the matter...

Thanks, -Tim

Editor's Note

Ok, the timestamp is definitely wrong here; the next message is in response to this one. --Woozle

2005-12-29 21:38 ok, yes, there's still a problem

I created a much smaller version of the file (200k) and was able to upload it, but this new server we're on now (as of about 2 days ago) is much more strict about security and they've turned off some stuff to which MediaWiki needs access in order to resize images... so the raw image is there, but all the resized versions are broken. I'm waiting for the sysadmin who knows of these things to get back from a funeral so we can work something out; hopefully sometime this weekend. Meantime, remind me to set up an FTP account so you can just upload things without going through the wiki (too close to bed time at the moment). --Woozle 21:38, 29 December 2005 (EST)