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Revision as of 19:37, 14 January 2018 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (saving work)
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My current plan is:

  1. create new system user "tootcat"
  2. create a new Postgres db for's Mastodon
  3. migrate the data there
  4. install Mastodon under user "tootcat"
  5. run Mastodon's schema upgrade rake task
  6. test the result as (get it working)
  7. write a script to automate the data migration
  8. in close succession:
    1. run the migration script
    2. reconfigure nginx to point to the new instance


  • Decided it would simplify things if I went ahead and created the "tootcat" system user first.


Inside /root/backups:

su - postgres -c 'pg_dump mastodon' > tootcat.sql

Upgrading Mastodon: official

I'm calling the new db tootcat-masto-r1 ( Mastodon db revision 1) (possibly with '-' replaced by '_').

Probably just need to do this next: CREATE DATABASE tootcat-masto-r1;

...or, rather: createdb --owner=tootcat tootcat-masto-r1 -- except do I need to create "tootcat" as a system user first? Or a db user?

Work Log

step 1

Created user and group "tootcat" with /bin/bash as shell, no login allowed. I checked user "polymerwitch" (user for current Mastodon instance), and it has "sudo" membership -- but I'm not adding that, because it shouldn't be needed.

step 2

root@tootcat:~# createdb --owner=tootcat tootcat-masto-r1
createdb: could not connect to database template1: FATAL: role "root" does not exist
Apparently pg assumes whatever the current system user is as its internal user as well.
root@tootcat:~# su - postgres -c 'createdb --owner=tootcat tootcat-masto-r1'
createdb: database creation failed: ERROR: role "tootcat" does not exist
root@tootcat:~# createuser --createdb tootcat
createuser: could not connect to database postgres: FATAL: role "root" does not exist - can't say I'm surprised
root@tootcat:~# su - postgres -c 'createuser --createdb tootcat'
root@tootcat:~# su - postgres -c 'createdb --owner=tootcat tootcat-masto-r1'

step 3

Importing the data dump into the new db:

root@tootcat:~# cd /root/scratch
root@tootcat:~/scratch# ls
root@tootcat:~/scratch# psql tootcat-masto-r1 < tootcat.sql
psql: FATAL: role "root" does not exist
I actually expected this, but just wanted to make sure.
root@tootcat:~/scratch# su - postgres -c 'psql tootcat-masto-r1 < tootcat.sql
-su: tootcat.sql: No such file or directory
Apparently this operates relative to the postgres user's home folder, or wherever you get put by default when logging in. Okay.
root@tootcat:~/scratch# su - postgres -c 'psql tootcat-masto-r1 < /root/scratch/tootcat.sql'
-su: /root/scratch/tootcat.sql: Permission denied
This is also unsurprising. Other users shouldn't have access to /root files.

It was more or less at this point that I discovered that the tootcat.sql file was zero bytes long, so apparently the export process wasn't happy either.

There's no /home/postgres, so we can't go there.

/root/scratch is already mode 777, so apparently that's insufficient.

Oh, but the actual tootcat.sql file is in /root/backups. Just to be sure, then:

root@tootcat:~/scratch# cd ../backups/
root@tootcat:~/backups# su - postgres -c 'psql tootcat-masto-r1 < /root/backups/tootcat.sql'
-su: /root/backups/tootcat.sql: Permission denied
As expected.

And then it finally occurred to me:

root@tootcat:~/backups# su - postgres -c 'pwd'
Oh! Sneaksy, having a home folder outside of the /home folder. Just because /root does it doesn't make it okay; do as I say, not as I do....
root@tootcat:~/backups# cd /var/lib/postgresql/
root@tootcat:/var/lib/postgresql# mv /root/backups/tootcat.sql ./
root@tootcat:/var/lib/postgresql# chown postgres:postgres tootcat.sql
root@tootcat:/var/lib/postgresql# su - postgres -c 'psql tootcat-masto-r1 < tootcat.sql'
...and then stuff started happening that might have been the output of a successful import.