debate mapping

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Revision as of 15:54, 18 October 2015 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (Arguman *is* FOSS)
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list source: LessWrong Wiki

Feature key:

  • FOSS = free, open-source (code is available to be integrated with other projects at no cost)
  • Tree = supports display of logical dependencies as a tree structure
  • XLinks = allows cross-linking of logical dependencies
  • LogProp = tracks whether points have been refuted, and logically propagates the consequences up to the root

Status key:

  • UC = under construction

Most of these are still being researched to see which features they support.

Project Features: FOSS Tree XLinks LogProp
Argüman Y(MIT) YES ? no
Argunet cli:Y/srv:?
bCisive Online
InstaGov/Debate Mapper YES YES UC YES
Debategraph no
  • Argunet's client application is released under the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0
  • Argunet also has a server component; it's not clear if that is even available for download.

Not software, but worth noting: Flow (policy debate), Argumentation theory